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Alright, not really of great importance in the scheme of things but has anybody who is foolish enough to waste most of their life on Facebook noticed these posts that Scott puts up on his page where he has a picture of some bass or amp, the name of which will be in bold letters, then a quote along the lines of "hey, anybody tried one of these, love to hear what you think..." then when loads of people reply he doesn't post a single response? Am I being cynical here or is this purely a way of generating some extra revenue through some sneaky Facebook advertising ploy?


[quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1417351993' post='2619386']
Is that the guy with the gloves?
He plays with a single glove on the left hand. He has a skin problem caused by contact with the strings, I believe.


[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1417352143' post='2619388']

He plays with a single glove on the left hand. He has a skin problem caused by contact with the strings, I believe.
Focal dystonia, it's a nerve condition.
Skin problem guy with gloves is Etienne M'bappe (John Mac's bassist) - his sweat corrodes the strings (!)


[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1417352143' post='2619388']
He plays with a single glove on the left hand. He has a skin problem caused by contact with the strings, I believe.

Here's what he has to say on the subject:


Posted (edited)

Definitely done by the team, SBL has a few people working on it.
Be interested to know some of the numbers around the site, how many subscribers, and how engaged people are.
I was snared by a Facebook ad initially :)

Edited by Drax
Posted (edited)

Hey guys,

@SisterAbdullahX... No, there's not a strange Facebook ad thing going on - if the letters are bolded it means it just links back to whoever's Facebook page builds the amp/bass etc. Essentially so if I post a link to a super sexy looking bass, and peeps wanna check out who made it, they can just click the text and it will take them over to the makers page.

I don't get rewarded for this financially at all - i.e. companies don't pay me to do it... I do it as I'm a a total bass nerd, as are many of us, and love posting pics so peeps can check out new stuff.

I try and respond on Facebook whenever I can, but with over half a million YouTube views per month, over 100,000 guys and gals on my mailing list... and on top of that the S.B.L Academy has just taken off in a HUGE way (again, thousands of members)...things are tight - every day we get in excess of 100 emails - and that's not taking into account youtube messages, blog comments, Facebook etc... I expect if I took those into account it'd be around 250+ messages... per day.

I work over 70 hours a week right now... plus I have a family... so unfortunately, as you'd probably guess Facebook responses get pushed down the bottom of the cue, lol... although I do read a heap of them.

The Gloves - Yeah, I wear those as I have a neurological condition that effects my hand movements.

@Grangur - Yeah, the SBL Academy is getting insanely popular! I can't believe how big it's getting... and from last week I've also got guys such as Ed Friedland, Anthony Wellington. Todd Johnson, Danny Mo Morris and Steve Lawson - i.e. some of the best bass educators in the world all doing weekly live Q&A seminars in the Academy - so my guess this is going to be a big turning point... who know's how big it's gonna get, lol!

Is my FB page done by a team... Right now, no... it's just little old me... but I think it might be something i'll be looking at getting assistance with from January onwards otherwise my wife might chops my balls off, lol... family life and enormous work loads are hard to handle sometimes ;)

@Drax... here's some numbers for ya...

[b]Email subscribers:[/b] 110,000+ - the whole community is super engaged - when I release a lesson it generally get's around 10,000 views in the first day.
[b]Facebook Page:[/b] 160,000+
[b]Youtube subscribers:[/b] 170,000+
[b]Overall YouTube views:[/b] Nearly 13 million
[b]Monthly YouTube views:[/b] 500,000+
[b]S.B.L Academy Members:[/b] 10,000+ all time.

Face melting, lol!

And if anyone's interested, yeah - I have a small team helping me out... it would be impossible otherwise. Most of the team are part time, but I also have two great guys (that are bloody AWESOME... and keep me sane) that do it full-time.

Piece out bass brothers :)

S x

Edited by devinebass
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Drax' timestamp='1417354840' post='2619430']
Ah - fair play for replying ! I take it all back. :).

No worries man! I think peeps sometime's don't understand who big it is, and think it's just little old me doing it as a hobby on the side. :)

Edited by devinebass

Thanks for all the info. I was wondering as well.
I'm a subscriber and always learn something new from your lessons, even if I'm too lazy to go at it note for note .

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