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I'm currently putting together an interactive resource addressing the question:

[size=5]"[b]How Can Extended Bass Techniques Be Taught Usefully?"[/b][/size]
[i][color=#000000]The question is a double meaning. The two questions being asked specifically are firstly whether extended bass playing techniques can be taught in a way that is useful practically and musically in a real life setting, and secondly whether the teaching of extended bass techniques can be useful from a business perspective.[/color][/i]

In the process of creating quite a comprehensive body of work (which I'm going to make available publicly online and in hard copy) I want to exhaustively address the current body of work existing.

It's something I've been interested in and followed for a long time, and there are some obvious ones such as Jean Baudin's Mechanics of Tapping, various tutorials by Victor Wooten, a DVD by Michael Manring, related things like Super Bass Slapping by Larry Graham etc. but I'm sure there's a lot more out there.

A marginally higher percentage of this boards community is probably interested in these things than in the general population, so I thought that I would extend the question to you:

[i][size=5]Can you direct me to any existing resources, works of value, or share thoughts (personal or otherwise) relevant to this discussion?[/size][/i]

Thanks and I hope there is enough interest out there for a process of engagement and discussion to develop throughout the work!
Feel free to follow me on Twitter for the most up to date news.

All the best,

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