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[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Goedendag. :)[/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive]I have found some interesting Peavey content on basgitaarforumnl and have tried to [/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive]register but I can only get so far (right to the end, to agree) and then it posts you[/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive]to some script, which I have google translated but then I can't get any further.[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Any advice??[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Dank U. :)[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Proost. :)[/font]


[left]Goeden Middag,

Van de help-pagina[/left]
"Waarom kan ik niet registreren?
Mogelijk heeft de beheerder je IP-adres verbannen, of de gebruikersnaam die je opgeeft verboden. Tevens is het mogelijk dat de beheerder de registratie mogelijkheid heeft uitgeschakeld om zo de registratie van nieuwe gebruikers te voorkomen. Contacteer de beheerder voor verdere hulp"


"Why can't I register?
The administrator has banned your IP address, or the username you specify prohibited. It is also possible that the administrator has disabled the registration possibility in order to prevent the registration of new users. [b]Contact the administrator for further assistance[/b]"[/left]

Most younger Dutch folk are far better at English than we are at Dutch, so they should be able to sort you out.

Posted (edited)

Go to: [url="http://www.basgitaarforum.nl/"]http://www.basgitaarforum.nl/[/url]

right top choose 'registreren'
click button on the left 'ik ga akkoord met deze voorwaarden'

gebruikersnaam = username
confirm email
confirm password
taal: you can choose English
time zone: choose your time zone
anti bot code: you have to type this: basgitaarforum
bevestigingscode: type the word or letters you see.

That's it.
Good luck.

Edited by RoRi

[quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1417565215' post='2621919']
Did that work or do you need more assistance?

Hi. :)

Not sure yet - will have another go at lunch.

Thanks for your input guys, much appreciated.

Cheers. :)

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