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Posted (edited)

[quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1418295996' post='2628852']

I think 'someone' has been playing a great big joke, that most here have missed.

I thought that was obvious from the start. BeardyBob joined in 2010 and only has 24posts, all in the last two weeks...

Edited by TimR

[quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1418295996' post='2628852']
I think 'someone' has been playing a great big joke, that most here have missed.

Not missed it...just playing along...no harm done is there? :rolleyes:

Guest BeardyBob

[size=1][font=courier new,courier,monospace]I hate you all [/font][/size]
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Guest BeardyBob

well that didn't work as planned. free plot of random google image graphs for anyone that can decipher that.


[quote name='BeardyBob' timestamp='1418303622' post='2628950']
[size=1][font=courier new,courier,monospace]I hate you all [/font][/size]
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[/quote] That, has just wasted approximately 2ft of internet!! Don't do it again. You'll be the first to moan if we run out altogether :huh:


[quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1418312691' post='2629074']
That, has just wasted approximately 2ft of internet!! Don't do it again. You'll be the first to moan if we run out altogether :huh:

Please say that it wasn't 2ft of the good, expensive internet!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='BeardyBob' timestamp='1418303675' post='2628951']
well that didn't work as planned. free plot of random google image graphs for anyone that can decipher that.


[size=3]Close..? (Click on the pic to see it a bit better...)[/size]

[size=3]Ho..! Ho..! Ho..![/size]

Edited by Dad3353
Guest BeardyBob

the same colour as the inside of a kitten. wait a minute, I'll prove it...


[quote name='BeardyBob' timestamp='1418314686' post='2629111']
the same colour as the inside of a kitten. wait a minute, I'll prove it...
IBTL :happy:


As the direct result of this thread, I've just ordered a 6m pink Klotz cable.

See what you've done, BeardyBob???

I bet you're proud, now! :angry:


White coloured cables give a cleaner signal as no photons are absorbed as they are all reflected. Of course the inverse is true for black cables which are affected by the absorption of the entire spectrum.

Best lead for metal? Come on guys, lead is a metal.


I'm going to get one of [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lava-Retro-Coil-Guitar-Cable-20ft-6-1m-Curly-Lead-Various-Colours-Plugs-/200833870191?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item2ec2a1a96f"]these[/url] on the grounds that if the signal has to go round and round it must be improved, somehow.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418322686' post='2629205']
I'm going to get one of [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lava-Retro-Coil-Guitar-Cable-20ft-6-1m-Curly-Lead-Various-Colours-Plugs-/200833870191?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item2ec2a1a96f"]these[/url] on the grounds that if the signal has to go round and round it must be improved, somehow.
How are you at thrusting? See earlier posts :)


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418299823' post='2628899']
Yes, how you wind up your cables has a lot more bearing on their performance than their colour. IMHO.

I just bought this new cable for playing on big stages. Bit of a bugger to wind in but hey, it`s black!



[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1418312802' post='2629077']
Please say that it wasn't 2ft of the good, expensive internet!

You see. This is why we can't have [i]nice[/i] things.

And please don't drop jam on the floor. That's how you get ants.


[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1418331606' post='2629335']
You see. This is why we can't have [i]nice[/i] things.

And please don't drop jam on the floor. That's how you get ants.

And put your bike in the garage or it'll get stolen! NOW!


[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1418331606' post='2629335']
You see. This is why we can't have [i]nice[/i] things.
And please don't drop jam on the floor. That's how you get ants.

And take off your hat and coat indoors, or you won't feel the benefit. It's too cold to snow. And so on.

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