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Hi Guys

I need some help here, I recently purchased this lovely Bass made By GMR but thou I am happy with the body and neck the pickups are not doing to for me. I have also a Warwick Streamer LX but this has the 3 pickup configuration which gives it more warmth.

This is fitted with Warwick hardware and MEC pickups[attachment=178667:DSC_9754.JPG][attachment=178668:DSC_9759.JPG][attachment=178669:DSC_9755.JPG]

The bass sounds a wee bit too trebly and I would like more bass oomph. Have a look at the bass and tell me what suggestions you might have. By the way this has a push pull knob for active but it does not have real active circuitry so it misses that big punch. Passive does not bother me anyway so this may give more scope.

Many thanks for your replies in advance.



If you're using steel roundwounds then nickels might lose the harsher treble element for you (plus they usually feel nicer for fingerstyle - I wouldn't go back to steels now). When you say "this has a push pull knob for active but it does not have real active circuitry" are you saying it's been gutted of its active circuitry completely or do you really mean the pickups are passive and there's still an active EQ module in there? The value of the pots need to be matched to the pickups and the tone circuitry they control and the pots you use with an active EQ might well differ from those you need for a totally passive instrument (so are the pots right for the pickups)?


Hi HowieBass

Got myself some nickels today and the difference is much better thou they are a big bright now they will dull down after a few weeks which suits me fine. many thanks for your help guys, great forum.....

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