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Hi all and Merry Christmas! Vail Johnson here, came across this site surfing the web and it looks cool so what the heck, let's join up! I got banned from [i]TalkBass [/i]in the states for having too much conviction in views contrary to the general populace there. Here's hoping Brits are a little 'thicker skinned'. :-)


Hi Vail, and welcome to Basschat! :)
On Basschat we don't ban people for having an opinion, we only ban them, after a series of warnings, if they breach the Terms & Conditions and the Behaviour Guide, so feel free to join in, become part of the community and discuss anything music-related or even non-music-related, as long as you stay within the rules :)


Hello Vail :)

Welcome to the forums. All very friendly folk here, so short of out & out insults, things tend to get discussed to death!
Hope you fit right in and enjoy your stay.



[quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1419350514' post='2639032']On Basschat we don't ban people for having an opinion, we only ban them, after a series of warnings, if they breach the Terms & Conditions and the Behaviour Guide, so feel free to join in, become part of the community and discuss anything music-related or even non-music-related, as long as you stay within the rules :)

Unless you use a music stand? :lol:

Welcome - I like nashville - I bought some boots there once :)


[quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1419350514' post='2639032']
the Behaviour Guide

Requests to see the Behaviour Guide should be addressed in the first instance to Mr A J C Taylor (RN, Ret'd) at BassChat Towers, PO Box 174, Northampton.

[size=3]BC's most venerable lady member scrutinising rule 518(iv): Thou shalt not diss tribute bands[/size]

Posted (edited)

Tell us all about it! :)

well, one crazy topic was about power amps; some guy named Bob who claims to work at QSC stated that all power amps sound the same until they clip. He seems to have many followers on Talkbass and they just believe whatever he says; he puts forth 'technical evidence' to support his statement and I say that the only thing that matters with regard to sound is what it actually sounds like, not the tech specs as the be- all, end- all. I was met with a ferocious attack from him and many others there, with them saying; 'just because you work with this guy and that and even though you've 40 years of professional touring and recording experience doesn't mean you know anything about sound'. I said I can hear huge differences between power amps at moderate volume and that Brystons, for exmple, cost a lot for a good reason.blah, blah, blah, people got real personal with attacks and I came back at them...BANNED.....:-) oh well....

Edited by vailbass

another fun one was about the personal, ugly attacks on one of the artists I have worked with for nearly 30 years. When I stepped up to defend my friend and boss, whooo- boy did it get stupid fast.....:-)


There's not many threads about ugly players on BC as most members here are tarred with that brush. Except me of course, I'm beautiful!.

What you need to do is get out of introductions and post a thread about power amps in 'Amps and Cabs'. Then we'll listen to what you have to say.... and then ban you ;-)


[quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1419412841' post='2639620']
There's not many threads about ugly players on BC as most members here are tarred with that brush. Except me of course, I'm beautiful!.

What you need to do is get out of introductions and post a thread about power amps in 'Amps and Cabs'. Then we'll listen to what you have to say.... and then ban you ;-)
will do ! :-)


Well, I loved his playing as well... and now I doubt he'll be back after the 'compression' thread
If you have his CV he will know a few things and will have worked with the best of the best who will
also know a few things.


and I believe that is Richard Tee in the clip... that is very rarified company there.

Another TOP pro chased away...


[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420041234' post='2645099']
Well, I loved his playing as well... and now I doubt he'll be back after the 'compression' thread

Another TOP pro chased away...

I hope not... would be nice if he stayed around.

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