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I decided to get my Stingray neck lacquered


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I've always liked lacquered maple necks. I like the feel, and the look.

I recently bought a 75RI Jazz, and a previous owner sanded off the back of the neck (nooooo! it's one of its nicest features! :facepalm: :lol:). Not a huge deal, but... I like it lacquered.

Now, to my favourite bass: the Stingray.
Mine is a 2002, EBMM - made, so it has the oiled neck only. It looked nice when I bought it in 2010, but by now it is pretty grey in parts, even if I try to maintain it and I wash my hands before I play etc.

So, having had another 75RI Jazz [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/251507-kind-of-nbd-refinished-jazz-bass/"]refinished in red[/url] by David Wilson last month, I enquired about lacquering the neck on my Stingray... and it is now in his hands.

I am looking forward to it, but... it was difficult to see the first pictures of the neck being sanded... "my baaabyyyyyyy!!!!" I cried! :P

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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420402133' post='2649005']
Good work Jose, I bet it will come out nice, I'm not sure what the Classic neck finish is but it's not sticky like some, that said I dont notice my Jazz being too bad either. My normal Rays are filthy!

My Stingray was a mess to look at :(

I'm not sure what the lacquer is that Dave uses, but he seems to have done quite a few Stingrays already and I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He has some pictures on his facebook of another Ray he did, and it looked great, with a slight tint, and shiny...

Funny, I used the Stingray (instead of the Precision I've been using for the past couple of months) at the NYE gig, as I wanted to have one last go before giving it to Dave... and every 5 minutes I was "wow, I love this bass!!!" I do that from time to time, spend some time with another bass, and one day I take the Stingray and that's it... Stingray for another 9 months uninterrupted :lol: I don't think the Precision will see quite as much action after I get the Ray back ;)

Oh, what am I doing talking to you? I forgot you were a traitor! :P

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Well actually NYE I started with the Jazz and some DB for the first set then used the Stingray Classic5 for the second set with a few on the Jazz and DB

Saturday night was 50/50 Jazz and my 2010 Blue SR5 with another band that has no DB stuff, I am just packing the van for tonights wedding gig and put the DB, the Jazz and the Black 2007 ceramic equipped SR5 in there so the Rays and making a come back ;)

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I think you've made a wise choice, Mr Shuker has mine currently for a high gloss vintage tint.
As much as the unfinished necks feel nice they just look, well, unfinished & not to mention a pig to keep clean.
Post up a picture when you get it back, I'd be interested in seeing.
Mines due anytime now, its been painted & refretted but the nut needed replacing so we're waiting for that.

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Hi all I was looking at my creamy white stingray with brown torti plate today and thinking after this post that a vintage tint would be a good idea, especially when I put it on a stand next to my stingray classic in the same colours/finish. If its not too cheeky a question what is the approx cost? Cheers Paul

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[quote name='paul j h' timestamp='1420482243' post='2649852']
Hi all I was looking at my creamy white stingray with brown torti plate today and thinking after this post that a vintage tint would be a good idea, especially when I put it on a stand next to my stingray classic in the same colours/finish. If its not too cheeky a question what is the approx cost? Cheers Paul

You've got a PM.

I'd contact David directly to ask him further details, he's always been great at replying to emails/facebook. :)



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[quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1420479096' post='2649797']
I think you've made a wise choice, Mr Shuker has mine currently for a high gloss vintage tint.
As much as the unfinished necks feel nice they just look, well, unfinished & not to mention a pig to keep clean.
Post up a picture when you get it back, I'd be interested in seeing.
Mines due anytime now, its been painted & refretted but the nut needed replacing so we're waiting for that.

will do, shouldn't be too long.
David tends to post pictures on his facebook page, and he has some of other Stingrays/Sadowsky basses he's done in the past:


Post yours when you get it back! :)

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[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1420489988' post='2650010']

will do, shouldn't be too long.
David tends to post pictures on his facebook page, and he has some of other Stingrays/Sadowsky basses he's done in the past:


Post yours when you get it back! :)

Will do mate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422887000' post='2677879']
I dislike bare necks.... and I think it is a cut corner idea that has caught on
but I'll always want mine finished.

Those gruby necks look awful to me....disgusting even :lol: :lol:

My thoughts exactly, mines pearl blue and catches the light but the neck was dull & didn't suit the bass at all. It had started to look like weathered garden furniture so I took the plunge & now everything sparkles :-)
Mr Shuker removed the frets to paint the neck & he's refretted it with stainless & I have to say the fret work is amazing. Not a rattle anywhere.

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Each to his own I guess but you guys must be Bonkers IMHO!!!!

I got my 2003 SR5 out the other day - that bass has such a fast neck and it's simply aged in colour beautifully - even has a nice flame starting to show through - I would never varnish it - the only thing better is my Classic Sabre with oil and wax finish roasted flamed maple - that is also ridiculously fast to play.

I did a gig on Saturday night and used my coral red Classic Ray - it was v nice and had a perfect Bernard Edwards sound with TI flats and Mark Bass - EBMM make a great bass and the necks are especially good, especially the classic Ray lacquered ones - they're certainly the least sticky to play laquered necks I've come across - totally different from say a Fender AV but even so they are still not as quick as the oil/wax ones.

Edited by drTStingray
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Mine is done too, I picked it up two weekends ago (it was ready the weekend before that!). I should post pictures, it looks and feels great!

drT, I guess you'll call me Bonkers, but I don't like fast necks. I want one that goes as the same speed that I am at, otherwise I'd have to run after it and that doesn't sound like fun :P
I never got that "fast" neck thing much. There are comfortable necks, and less so. To me it's more about the profile. My lacquered necks don't feel sticky to me (various brands). There's just something about their touch that I like a lot. And I think they look better too... and stay that way longer. To me bonkers is sanding lacquered necks! ;)

I'm not sure what it is that David Wilson used on mine... it felt very very smooth, the hand just glides on it. He said that the lacquer he uses has something or another (I was tired, I don't recall, I should ask him again :lol:) that gives it that feel. My neck is only slightly tinted. Nothing like the yellow on my Classic 50 Precision and the like. So as it is, it's slightly paler than the body, but only just. It's supposed to darken/yellow slightly over time. He said that sunlight will clearly change it over the next six months or so, and more slowly afterwards. It looks really good. I really need some new strings, 'though...
I'll take some pictures to show here.

Horizontalste, yours looks fantastic too! Nice yellow tinge as well.

The Stingray was great before, but it was looking decidedly "weathered". So much better now. Pictures coming soon.

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[quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1422949589' post='2678633']
I don't find lacquered necks sticky at all, but I understand some do.
Different strokes for different folks & all that.

I used to think I did not like a finished neck but then I bought my first pre EB Stingray and it was nice, I now have my Classic5 and that is nice, a US Jazz V and that is nice too so I think it depends on what the finish is rather than finished or not, if its too grippy I just take the edge off with 1200 wet and dry as it can just be polished back to a gloss if you sell it on. My Bass Collection SB320 had a painted neck and that was a bit sticky IMO and possibly what made me try an oiled neck, I have never cleaned or re oiled one yet, the funk is in the gunk etc :yarr:

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