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jazz bass pick up's


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Some help and advice would be much appreciated , I have recently acquired a 2003 squire jazz bass to tinker with really and maybe upgrade as and when I've got some spare cash, the thing is trying it out tonight I noticed quite a lot of humming coming from the bass but became a lot less when I grounded it by touching the strings or bridge. Also the pick up's are really useless now I was thinking I could up grade with some Wilkinson, price seems about right and maybe it might also help with the earthing issues, what do you guys think ?

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The bad earth on many basses is often from the wire either being pushed into the wood or what looks like sinking into the finish as if it was bolted together before the paint was dry! Slacken the strings and unscrew the bridge, pick the earth wire out from the body, clean it up and the rear of the bridge plate then move it to a new place and screw the bridge back on.

Check the other end at the jack socket and the general condition of the soldering etc, if its all good welcome to the hissy single coil pickup club, putting both pickups on full normally stops it, or buy a Stingray with a humbucker :D

I like bartolini pickups but they work best with active basses ime, I cant help with the wilkinsons, sorry.

Edited by stingrayPete1977
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This comes up a lot and I think there is even a sticky thread for it somewhere. I pulled the Earth wire through under the bridge and stuck it in place with conductive copper tape
Buy a multimeter and test the resistance at all points, it should be as low as possible from most places to the earth ting of the jack socket

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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1421442350' post='2661413']
......welcome to the hissy single coil pickup club, putting both pickups on full normally stops it, or buy a Stingray with a humbucker :D

All good advice about the ground wire. You can of course keep the bass and get some humbucking or noiseless J bass pickups. I am more than happy with the DiMarzios on my Warwick. There is plenty of choice in the humbucking and/or noiseless varieties. EMGs come up on BC frequently at very good prices. I have a set of these in my 'el cheapo' how low rent can you go bass.

Edited by 3below
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[quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1421445646' post='2661476']
Entwistles, im starting to sound like a broken record but for the money the Neo pups are the business.

+1 to that. Recently fitted to my Geddy.

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I'll rate the Entwistle Neo pups as well,
Fitted a pair to an Aria jazz and wired a mini toggle in so I can run them in series like Fenders S1, in series they sound immense.
Don't let the low price tag fool you, they could double the price and they'd still hold their own in the PU world.

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DiMarzios are a very good cheaper option - the older Model J's come up at good prices. Humbuckers, so a bit darker than true single could designs, but they have plenty of wallop. My personal experience has been that cheaper J pickups (Kent Armstrong/WD or Squier etc) tend to sound a bit clanky when compared to more expensive versions. The Seymour Duncan passive/vintage style are probably the best I've used for vintage sound and affordability.

A bit late, but let us know how it works out...

Edited by BassBod
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OK waiting for these entwistle to arrive, just doing some testing /comparison. Stingraypete1977 was bang on the money indeed after removing the bridge i found the earth wire sunk into the paint . I have removed cleaned and repositioned the wire and clean the bridge but the thing is there is still a very loud hum when the bass is not being grounded by me, the thing is it's a lot louder than vm70 5 string which is basically the same guitar so I was thinking could this be down to the pick up's, what do you guys think ?

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[quote name='handman' timestamp='1421612722' post='2663317']
there is still a very loud hum when the bass is not being grounded by me,

You will always get that to a certain extent with single-coil pickups - but the extent will depend on the quality of the pickups themselves, your settings (reducing treble will reduce hum), the wiring, the shielding within the control cavity and so on. All are fixable to a certain degree, but there comes a point where simply buying a better quality bass becomes a more sensible option (unless you are far handier with a soldering iron than I am!) :)

Squier pickups are notorious for hum and a generally weak sound, so pretty much anything you replace them with should be an improvement. Even a set from a Fender MIM J! (which I did with my fretless).

Entwistles have a good rep on here at the moment, and are priced [b][i]very[/i][/b] competitively. I've not used them myself so I would be interested to hear your thoughts when they are installed... Watch out for the sizes though, as a number of people have reported that they are very tall...

Edited by Conan
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They are taller than most so be aware of that when fitting them.
I had to leave the springs out and just use the old foam for keeping them under tension, with the springs in the springs would fully compress and act like spacers before the pups were low enough.
I did wonder afterwards if this was their intention as the new pups don't come with springs.

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