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[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1422665095' post='2675532']
What would you think if it was on a photography forum and no-one was interested?

That would be odd, same as if this was a recording forum & nobody was interested in a recording competition.
But it's not a recording forum & I guess that's why very few people are interested.


Maybe a 40 second video clip would be better ?

Compose and record it, send it to whoever is in charge of organising it, they can stick it up on a basschat YouTube page so they're all together in 1 place.


For what it's worth, seeing as the conversation is heading that way, for all my non-participation I don't feel like there's any badgering going on. I don't feel like I've been harassed, badgered or inconvenienced in any way by threads relating to the Composition Challenge. I just don't read them, or more likely spy them, think to myself "I should look at that some time" then never do. Sounds to me like some people have way too many ways to feel offended or put out. It's just another thread in a forum, if you're not interested, move on and look at something else.


[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1422664545' post='2675526']
You know what mate, I'm really not surprised. Not these days.

Unless it's got at least 500,000 hits on youtube it's not worth the bother. And even then most peeps will only watch it hoping it's something they can take the piss out of or criticise.

I'd be happy for any proof of life out there. Piss taking and criticism is heaven compared to the silence and apathy which is what really makes me wonder why I bother doing .. anything to be honest.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1422666032' post='2675540']
...stick it up on a basschat YouTube page so they're all together in 1 place.

You mean remove the whole thing from BassChat entirely and transfer it to YouTube..?
Makes sense... no-one would have to be irritated by it then, would they? No-one's irritated by anything they see on YouTube. :D

Edited by discreet
Posted (edited)

Very interesting poll, though. Some unexpected results!
Not least an apparent outbreak of nihilistic depression among BassChat members... :mellow:

Edited by discreet

Okay. I must be missing something major here. I've been on the forum for several months now. I've not been badgered to vote for songs.....am I not on the badgering list or something?
I open BC and click 'new content'. I flick through the first few pages only clinking on things I think might be interesting. Such as this thread. I wanted to know that the POLL was for.
I never click on the monthly song threads (sorry guys) as I'm not interested in it. surely you guys can use the technique when opening threads. Read the title...think for a second or two and either click or not click the thread to open it.

PS. I've thought about it...please don,t put me on the badgering list


[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1422666293' post='2675543'] For what it's worth, seeing as the conversation is heading that way, for all my non-participation I don't feel like there's any badgering going on. I don't feel like I've been harassed, badgered or inconvenienced in any way by threads relating to the Composition Challenge. I just don't read them, or more likely spy them, think to myself "I should look at that some time" then never do. Sounds to me like some people have way too many ways to feel offended or put out. It's just another thread in a forum, if you're not interested, move on and look at something else. [/quote]

Weil said min!


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422671269' post='2675570']
You mean remove the whole thing from BassChat entirely and transfer it to YouTube..?
Makes sense... no-one would have to be irritated by it then, would they? No-one's irritated by anything they see on YouTube. :D

Use youtube if you opt for a very short video, or use Soundcloud, but have a Basschat page, so all the entries are in a single place. Email your entry to someone on Basschat, they stick em up on Soundcloud, or Youtube.


[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1422664545' post='2675526']
You know what mate, I'm really not surprised. Not these days.

Unless it's got at least 500,000 hits on youtube it's not worth the bother. And even then most peeps will only watch it hoping it's something they can take the piss out of or criticise.
[/quote] Youtube shows how shallow people are. I like watching videos of people playing along to my favourite tracks. If you watch some videos with pretty girls, they get 1 million plus hits, and people going on about them being virtuos`s playing along to RHCP. Then you watch the same song played superbly by some plain Jane or male, and hits of 2000

Posted (edited)

[quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1422673093' post='2675577']
I've thought about it... please don't put me on the badgering list...

Too late! :D

[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1422685531' post='2675602']
Youtube shows how shallow people are. I like watching videos of people playing along to my favourite tracks. If you watch some videos with pretty girls, they get 1 million plus hits, and people going on about them being virtuos`s playing along to RHCP. Then you watch the same song played superbly by some plain Jane or male, and hits of 2000...

True... but few of those million are listening to what she's playing. :mellow:

Edited by discreet

I vote in the competition every month, and leave Soundcloud comments etc.

I never enter because I have very limited composition skills, don't play any other instruments and have never recorded anything myself before. I believe I could learn and improve on all of the above, but there are other things into which I'd rather invest my time.

Each to their own I suppose, but I don't understand why a member of a community of musicians wouldn't be interested in listening to a set of new songs every month. Are there really people here who are not interested in other people's music?? How do you discover new stuff?

I don't feel badgered by the promotion of the competition. Well, I did get a bit bugged by some BIG signatures promoting the composition and mixing comps, so just opted to hide the signatures of the offenders (sorry Skol and Milty).
A thread on the subject is not annoying to me in the slightest.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1422693292' post='2675648']
...I don't understand why a member of a community of musicians wouldn't be interested in listening to a set of new songs every month. Are there really people here who are not interested in other people's music??

I thought the same until I read some of the replies here. It's obvious that BassChat is not only a community of musicians but also a community of collectors who don't actually do much playing or listen to music [i]of any sort[/i], but buy bass guitars as an investment and/or because they like the look of them and/or trade in them for profit. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. Is there? :)

Edited by discreet
Posted (edited)

This is proving to be a really useful thread! Thanks everyone.

Some talk about…

…but several more comments from people not feeling quite so irked. I think Brian May can sleep easy tonight.

The idea of scooping up all the monthly ‘spam’ about the Challenge and dumping it into a single, pinned thread in General Discussion is a good one. Nice and neat. More visible. I like it. I’ll have a chat with my fellow Mods about arranging this in future.

[quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1422639513' post='2675081']It get pushed every month, people obviously aren't interested.[/quote]
[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1422652902' post='2675354']You'd imagine that people would have got the ..."we are simply not interested"...message, and leave it at that.[/quote]
[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422664653' post='2675528’]…it should be very obvious by now that nobody apart from a small group of people give a sh*t about it.[/quote]

These are interesting perspectives… because the people who take part and vote in the Composition Challenge are certainly a minority - but perhaps not quite as small a minority as you chaps might believe.

We have thousands of registered members in this community. But only a very small number are what we you might call ‘committed regulars’ - people who visit and post comments on Basschat every day (Hour? Minute!?). They’re the ones posting comments in this thread and they number around 150 people in total. The vast majority of members - over 95% - just like to swing by here every so often and very few of them post comments. Which is perfectly fine and very typical of [i]all[/i] forums.

When you compare the number of people who vote in the Composition Challenge (and the Photo Challenge) against the total membership of thousands, the % of those who vote is indeed tiny. Probably less than 1%. However, when you compare the number of people who vote against the number of ‘regulars’ - the people who frequently contribute to the forum - then the results look a bit different. In fact, this month we’ve had:[list]
[*]83% of regulars voting in the General Election poll
[*]27% voting in the Composition Challenge
[*]20% voting in the Photo Competition
That still leaves a minority of people voting in the Composition Challenge (and that’s why I’d like more people to get involved in it). But it’s a minority of around 25%, or 1 in 4. Which is pretty darn good in my experience of music forums! And I’d wager it’s a larger % of our regular members than some of you might think.

But anyway. Please keep the comments coming, as this is shaping up to be a very productive discussion :)

Edited by Skol303
Posted (edited)

[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422651439' post='2675321']
Maybe one of the rules should have been the winner does not take part in the following months competition to give others a chance?
This is a good idea, and similar to many magazine competitions.
[quote]it's a bass players forum, not a recording forum.
And there I was thinking it was a forum for [i]musicians who happened to be bassists[/i].

Edited by UglyDog

If anyone has a problem with a moderator, either tackle the mod in question directly via PM or take it up with an Admin. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO DO IT.


Blimey, that was a miserable 3 pages to read :o

I tend to be able to scan over, skip over anything on Basschat that doesn't interest me and in no way feel badgered to participate in anything.

I don't vote and very rarely listen to the Comp competition because the genres don't really do it for me...that's just a matter of personal taste...I'm also very narrow minded musically :D


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422699962' post='2675717']
I thought the same until I read some of the replies here. It's obvious that BassChat is not only a community of musicians but also a community of collectors who don't actually do much playing or listen to music [i]of any sort[/i], but buy bass guitars as an investment and/or because they like the look of them and/or trade in them for profit. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. Is there? :)

I dont think it is fair to assume that just because someone chooses not to take part in the BC competition that they have no interest in music.

I have a varied interest in music and listen to it on a regular basis. Long before the internet existed I enjoyed long visits to record stores to seek out new music. With the help of today's technology, I still do so. Rightly or wrongly, I choose a different outlet other than the the BC competition in my quest for new music.

Why is this frowned upon here on BC ? :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1422707181' post='2675835']
I choose a different outlet other than the the BC competition in my quest for new music.

Why is this frowned upon here on BC ? :)

To be clear, not wanting to listen to the monthly compositions really ISN'T frowned upon. Not by me anyway.

People are just reacting to the view that the challenges are a 'tiresome minority interest' (I'm paraphrasing), when in fact we know that around 25% of our regular members are interested in them and the majority of people here don't feel pestered by their promotion. But as noted, some people feel otherwise - and they're perfectly entitled to do so.

This thread is simply about discussing how we could improve the monthly Challenge for people who vote and those who take part. If you've got no interest in it, that's absolutely fine. In which case, take a cue from Why Don't You and go "do something less boring instead" :D

Edited by Skol303
Posted (edited)


I like the composition challenges. It gets me to think about what I'd do if I had the ability to write something from scratch (which I don't). At the moment my living and work situation does not give me the freedom to start composing stuff. I'm not a multi-instrumentalist and bass guitar does not easily lend itself to being a lead instrument. That being said, I think the challenges are a valuable tool for musicians who want constructive feedback on their musical abilities. I am also a firm believer in expanding musical horizons and challenging yourself to be better on your chosen instrument etc. I think it takes a lot of courage for someone to put up an original composition on a topic that they may not have chosen and to produce something worthy of discourse and discussion, and to be willing to have it honestly critiqued. For those who are about to compose, I salute you!

Obviously, I'm somewhat in the minority here, but that's fine. I'm just happy that there's other people out there who share my views.

Anyway, keep up the good work and I'm already looking forward to February's Challenge!

EDIT: And another thing. I don't feel excessively pestered about the Challenges/Voting - if you're that bothered, don't click on it and move on to something else. There are sub-forums on here I don't frequent because they don't have anything I'm particularly interested in, but that doesn't mean that they don't have value for other members. Each to their own. If something interest me I'll scroll through and maybe post something if I feel I can contribute positively to the thread. If on balance I feel my contribution is not going to help the OP or the discussion I'd rather not post. Discernment is a wonderful quality to posess.

Edited by Bottle

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422699962' post='2675717']
I thought the same until I read some of the replies here. It's obvious that BassChat is not only a community of musicians but also a community of collectors who don't actually do much playing or listen to music [i]of any sort[/i], but buy bass guitars as an investment and/or because they like the look of them and/or trade in them for profit. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. Is there? :)
[/quote][quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1422707181' post='2675835']
I dont think it is fair to assume that just because someone chooses not to take part in the BC competition that they have no interest in music.

I didn't mention the BC competition in that post. I said the forum consists of musicians and people who collect or trade basses. Though having said that, there's nothing to stop anyone being in both camps, of course... *cough*

[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1422707181' post='2675835']
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Rightly or wrongly, I choose a different outlet other than the the BC competition in my quest for new music.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Why is this frowned upon here on BC ? [/font][/color] :)

I choose different outlets in my quest for new music too, in addition to the BC competition. All are valid, particularly as the mainstream media is geared toward shoving the latest over-hyped 'product' in everyone's faces. It's certainly not frowned upon by me.

Any quest for new music by whatever means is positive, given that the average age of members on this forum represents people who, in other walks of life, probably haven't listened to anything new in thirty years. And why would they? When music is cynically packaged and promoted like it is, you really have to go out of your way to find any that isn't produced entirely as a commodity. :)


[quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1422719632' post='2676024']
The first rule of the basschat composition challenge is that you don't mention the basschat composition challenge lol

Or the Badgering List! ;)


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1422718514' post='2676008']
Any quest for new music by whatever means is positive, given that the average age of members on this forum represents people who, in other walks of life, probably haven't listened to anything new in thirty years. And why would they? When music is cynically packaged and promoted like it is, you really have to go out of your way to find any that isn't produced entirely as a commodity. :)

Music has always been cynically packaged and promoted. It's no different today to how it was in the 1950s.

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