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[quote name='ubit' timestamp='1422781972' post='2676611']
Maybe different amps give different characteristics.

They do - some of them anyway... Not sure about Ampeg (although an SVT200T I used to own had a nice rich, but slightly scooped sound). Getting any mids out of my Hartke LH500 is bloody hard work mind... :(


[quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1423072938' post='2680375']
.... After a lively email conversation with Alex at Barefaced I have ordered a Big Baby 2....

Alex knows his stuff and importantly understands how to match you as a player to the right cab.

I did it the wrong way around. I bought a BB2 from the classifieds, then spoke to Alex. He said he thought I should be using a Super Compact. After hearing Merton's 2 SC's, I find that Alex is exactly right.


[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1422729474' post='2676233']
Not trying to derail the thread at all.

I was talking to someone the other day, and he said something very sensible. All this talk about lightweight cabs, you only maybe carry the cab a very short distance, probably only for a few seconds even, and you can get great collapsable trolleys very cheaply.

Most of the time it's the bass that causes back problems, it's the bass that is after all strapped to you for possibly 2 or 3 hours of a gig.

just a thought.


I've played a number of venues where you've needed to get kit up and down tight stairs, no doubt others have too. I have bad memories involving SVT 8x10s in those situations!


[quote name='hairychris' timestamp='1423227893' post='2682468']
I've played a number of venues where you've needed to get kit up and down tight stairs, no doubt others have too. I have bad memories involving SVT 8x10s in those situations!

Yep, I have, flightcased SVT 810 up 3 flights of angled stairs at The 100 Club just before Xmas last year. Not pleasant at the end of the night.

  • 2 months later...

[quote name='RoyPolloy' timestamp='1430688305' post='2763792']
You can only truly appreciate a Barefaced cab when you're over 52!!

No way! I've taken the fat fighters approach to cabs - they weigh half as much, so you can have twice as many! :D


Do you guys (& girls) play in bands? I'm all for lightweight but if something's too heavy get someone to help, easy. If someone else from the band won't help, then you're in the wrong band!


[quote name='largo' timestamp='1430731345' post='2764005']
Do you guys (& girls) play in bands? I'm all for lightweight but if something's too heavy get someone to help, easy. If someone else from the band won't help, then you're in the wrong band!

:lol: :lol: true, we do a kit run and you pick up what needs to go out and in.
These guys all belong to the same club and have secret meetings, I'm sure. :lol:
Top of the agenda, lets get as many BF threads as we can.
If there aren't enough threads here , there are more in the For sale forum..


My band don't like coming home with me to schelp it up two flights of stairs from 30 yards down the road..... I like having big cabs that I can carry around myself (excluding any tonal considerations i find as a plus with them) the weight is a bonus but not my sole consideration.


[quote name='largo' timestamp='1430731345' post='2764005']
If someone else from the band won't help, then you're in the wrong band!

No, you're in a band with older guys. IME, the older your band mates get the less they are inclined to lift your heavy stuff.

I'll help with the PA and some of the drums, but I refuse to lift either of the Fender combos. They weigh a ton and have the usual 1 handle.


[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1430732017' post='2764019']

:lol: :lol: true, we do a kit run and you pick up what needs to go out and in.
These guys all belong to the same club and have secret meetings, I'm sure. :lol:
Top of the agenda, lets get as many BF threads as we can.
If there aren't enough threads here , there are more in the For sale forum..
True dat. And don't forget the Wanted forum too...


[quote name='largo' timestamp='1430731345' post='2764005']
if something's too heavy get someone to help, easy. If someone else from the band won't help, then you're in the wrong band!

Sadly things aren't quite that straightforward. Ignoring all the issues about being lop-sided when you get help to carry something heavy there are all the times when you are on your own. Get your cab into the boot/back of the car when you load up, getting it out again when you unload back home. Getting it in and out of the house, getting it to wherever you store it.

Until or unless you have a back problem, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, you cannot possibly understand how totally liberating lightweight cabs are.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1430732043' post='2764020']
My band don't like coming home with me to schelp it up two flights of stairs from 30 yards down the road..... I like having big cabs that I can carry around myself (excluding any tonal considerations i find as a plus with them) the weight is a bonus but not my sole consideration.

That sums up my point of view too.

From time to time I've said "ah, whatever, just use a trolley, go big". But the balance "pain in the arse" (or back!) vs "sonic enjoyment" has generally been tilted away from enjoyment.
I used to use a 4x10 + 2x10 for a while and it was pretty nice. I was really happy with the sound. If felt hefty without having to be loud. It was "present". The 410 alone was about 45Kg. Between two people is not a big deal, but I used to load my car at home by myself as I didn't want to have someone come over to help. My girlfriend helped at times, but I could manage by myself... However, it was awkward. Now add bad weather, rain, wet streets...moving a bulky item through a crowd of people was never fun, even with help.

So in the end, small/lighter wins for me. And it's not like you need to compromise a lot, I don't think. My BF Compact (Gen2) remains a fave for me. I heard nicer cabs, but this one can sound pretty damn good, and can deal with an amp pushing it, so you can get loud enough with it alone. It doesn't feel as hefty as the 610 solution I used before, but it's not a joy-killer at all... and it's just so easy to move and set up. This also means that if I play a festival or any other situation where backline is provided in order to make changes smooth and save hassle, I can still use mine and be happy rather than using an often substandard battered old combo (why guitarists get good gear and bass seems to be almost an afterthought?).
IN most situations, I go through the PA, so the amp is mostly a stage monitor. With the Compact + BigBaby2 I never felt I didn't have enough power or presence (I'm not playing stadia ;)). I have used that, without PA, in a few village hall type of venues without PA support. I use my wireless to go around and see if the levels are balanced etc while we sound check... Those two cabs move a lot of air. They don't sound half bad either!
I think that's a pretty good compromise for size/weight/power/sound quality. The only places I didn't like its sound in, were places where I'd never be happy anyway because teh acoustics are poor and there's little you can do, except not being too loud).

Now I have an even smaller set of cabs, a pair of TKS 1126. They have a markedly different sound, and they're smaller. I can fit both in the boot of my car, which was a deciding factor in my buying them: I don't like to leave gear in plain view in my car, so that way the only thing not in the boot is my bass, which stays with me. I have not used that as extensively as the BF, but they can also move quite a bit of air. I feel maybe not as much, but I have never tested them side by side. They also have authority and sound pretty good. Soundwise I can't decide, I think I prefer the TKS, at gig volume, but there are too many factors involved and never used the two rigs in the same situation/venue. They are smaller, but they're a bit heavier, therefore more awkward to move around staircases, with people etc, if you have one in each hand.

In short, each solution has definite pros and cons, but those pros and cons are weighted differently for different people. I find that the notion that one of the solutions is inherently and substantially worse, from a sonic point of view, ridiculous. There are differences, and there are combinations that make me smile and others not... but not a single one makes me go "ugh, that sounds disgusting" after I've had a chance to tweak the amp/bass controls. You know what makes me go "ugh!"? Having an underpowered combo, which you need to push too hard, and you end up having to choose between a decent sound or being heard. I've played my share of gigs with provided backline that meant I could have just mimed. Smaller lighter gear allows me to never go through that again. Barefaced may not be my absolute favourite when it comes to pure sound... but I do like it, however, where they gained my appreciation, was in working hard at making small/light solutions that REALLY worked, where I did not feel I was compromising too much in terms of sound (quality & 'heft').

Yeah, I can get help. But I prefer not to *depend* on other people. Especially when we play places where they provide backline... asking band mates to help bring my own feels a bit extravagant. They would help, no question! But I'd feel a bit bad asking. I just bring my own "little" solution, and I can manage by myself even if I always get asked if I need a hand when they see me. It's nice to say "nah, I'm ok, thanks!" and still be set up and ready to go before the guitarists are :lol:

Edited by mcnach

Agree with the sentiments from mcnach, it`s not a problem at venues for your bandmates to help out, it`s when you get home and have to cart your gear around at the end of a long night, possibly in rotten weather. Having lighter gear - and gear that fits into the boot unseen - a whole lot easier. I can do both basses and leads-bag/case in one trip, leaving the BF S12T in the boot. Return trip for the S12T. If I`m using both S12Ts then one is on the back seat. I`ll only be away from the car for a couple of mins and even though they`re light, it`s unlikely someone is gonna be able to run off with one - and they`d still have to break into the car anyway, at which point the alarm would alert me and Mr Hammer.

Sound-wise, well yes I`ve heard rigs that I prefer to my Aguilar Tonehammer/Barefaced Super 12T rig, but all of them have been Ampeg SVT2/SVT810 set-ups. I`ve not heard another set-up that I`ve preferred. Now I can`t carry that kind of gear, so it`s not a point that`s worth taking into consideration.

I`d say to anyone considering a Barefaced cab, get one, but make sure your bass and amp are what you really want. Adding the BF cab is a lightweight way of hearing the bass and amp uncoloured - so if you like your bass and amp, a BF cab should make your gigging life easier, and make your ears happy.


Point taken about the @home stuff. We do tend to arrive as a band and all help each other get gear into a venue so weight, while a factor isn't really the deciding factor. My rig is still relatively lightweight though.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='largo' timestamp='1430731345' post='2764005']
Do you guys (& girls) play in bands? I'm all for lightweight but if something's too heavy get someone to help, easy. If someone else from the band won't help, then you're in the wrong band!

Not all bands are the same (and nor should they be!). <_<

Just because [b][i]your[/i][/b] band enjoy lifting heavy things that belong to someone else, don't assume that all bandmates do! I would hate to be hanging around at the end of a gig waiting for someone to give me a hand carrying my gear - I've always seen it as my responsibility. Also, unless you all get home in a shared van, they won't be there when you unload at home. What do you do then - wake the neighbours? :blink: :D

Different when you have roadies, of course... but those days are long passed for me :(

If using lightweight gear involved a big sacrifice in terms of tone or volume, I would go straight back (see what I did there?) to heavy lumps. But it doesn't (IMO) so I see no reason to struggle just for the hell of it. :)

Edited by Conan

Totally agree Conan and each to their own. If at the end of the night I didn't feel I could ask a band mate to help with my gear, I wouldn't really want to be part of that band. But that's just my feelings. I didn't say my band enjoyed lifting heavy things, but we do it because (in all our opinions) that's part of what being in the band is all about. We all carry in & out the PA, drums, keys, amps etc.

By the way, we're by no means a "young" band anymore.

I'm sure I'll be told otherwise, but I do wonder about the thin-ness of the ply being used on some of these cabs now. Standing up to the rigours of the road.


Been gigging BF cabs for a good while now (maybe 50-75 gigs?) along with other cabs, and no issues with construction or durability. Perhaps because they're very easy to move and place they don't get bashed about like heavier stuff...

On the schlepping front, yeah, we all pitch in from van to venue and vice versa, but I don't get picked up by the van, or get dropped off, so I load meself from home to car and vice versa, and that's where the weight is priceless, especially, as Lozz says, at 2am in the rain.

We changed PA from huuuuge Mackies to some RCF tops and subs, and that was a relief, too. The easier the load-in and out, the more time for soundchecking and the important stuff.

We had the teenage son of a friend offer to roadie for us recently...he lasted one gig... :/ :)


Just a quick post to say that I'll be doing a video review of both a Retro10 and Big Twin 2 for Guitar Interactive Magazine soon.


Looking forward to it Dood.

Just for the record, I'm not a BF basher. I used to own a BF Compact and it sounded great but the sound passed my ankles and the cab got well beaten up travelling with a load of flight cases in the trailer. It seems like Alex has sorted the sound problem out and the finish on the Gen 3 cabs. Really interested in trying a couple of BB2 cabs stacked but nothing to do with the weight. Cab size, finish & tone are my deciding factors.

I'll probably wait for the Gen 4 options, you know the Tolex finish ones... You heard it here first :D

One other question, in my naïve little mind a component that "moves" a lot will wear out more quickly. And my interpretation is that the latest BF speaker shift more air by moving a lot more on the z-axis than other equivalent speakers. I'm sure some engineer will come along and tell me I'm wrong.

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