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I reckon that lower horn digs in something fierce...



That's a shonky, wonky knockoff of a Vester Argus:

Wild Rose Music was an ultra-cheapo Ebay outlet from about 10 years back, other highlights included a green wooden ripoff of a Tokai Talbo. That retailed at about £100 new, as would this thing - someone's having a proper giraffe with the price of this!



This would also be uncomfortable to play sitting down,



Love the name 'Vester the Argus' for a bass, sounds like a Viking warrior.
There's one on Preloved, it's been there ages, surprised it hasn't sold:


Bit pricey even for a real one!

I've always liked these & still have residual GAS - I still kick myself for not grabbing one that was on BC about 5 years back - £100 including hard case... :rolleyes:


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