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Play of the Day : ‘Trains’, from Mornats...


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[size=4]Good evening, all...[/size]
[size=4]Here is my own, personal, view of the compositions presented in the monthly BC Composition Challenge, in randomly chosen order. I hope that at least some of you may be inspired to give the pieces a listen, and perhaps vote for your favourite. All of them can be heard here...[/size]

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/256313-february-composition-challenge-voting/"]BC February Composition Challenge voting...[/url]

[size=4]... and the 'Play of the Day' here ...[/size]

[size=4][url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/trains"]‘Trains’, from Mornats...[/url][/size]

[size=4]Tappy-tappy, Tappy-tappy, Tappy-tappy, Tappy, tappy... The rhythm is declared from the outset with a tasteful hi-hat beating out the pulse. A disembodied voice 'off' announces the intention, as if it wasn't already clear: 'You are going on a ride...', upon which the bass labours a count-in, aided by the drums. A 'short 'jungle' drum break, a mounting bass and we're away, into the main riff. A solid beat is laid down, puncuated by key stabs, very close to a steam whistle. Various vocal interjections break up the flow, and breaks are integrated into the pulse for the drums to 'let off steam' somewhat. Back on track, the bass line being cheekily followed by the keys. A suspension is created to allow the hand percussion to shine for a brief spell; the interlude is helped along by the bass and keys. The drums re-establish their role with another short break, and the riff returns. Another relaxation for the percu to herald a build-up, firstly from the brass, then the bass, leading into an insistance from the 'train whistle' stabs and bass 'hits' before a final climax and out, ending on a laconic solo voice.[/size]
[size=4]A good sense of structure, intelligent use of the sonic space; rather sparce and uncluttered for the most part, and quite tidy. The drums are clear and precise, marking out the beat as they should, but willing to adventure out into short 'solo' spots if the moment is propice. Nice hand percussion, too, to vary the effects and refrsh our ears. Altogether tastefully constructed, well-played, and a creditable arrangement. No regrets; we are not 'taken for a ride'.[/size]

[size=4]The previous review was...[/size]

[size=4][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/256351-play-of-the-day-clangour-from-alittlebitrobot/"]Play of the Day : ‘Clangour’, from alittlebitrobot...[/url][/size]

[size=4]The next will feature [url="http://soundcloud.com/b-rye-and-the-child/the-train"]‘The Train’, from The Badderer[/url][/size]

[size=4]Until then...[/size]

[size=4]Have a nice day[/size]

[size=4]Douglas[/size] Edited by Dad3353
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