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Play of the Day : ‘Duel 2’, from Leonard Smalls...

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[size=4]Good evening, all...[/size]
[size=4]Here is my own, personal, view of the compositions presented in the monthly BC Composition Challenge, in randomly chosen order. I hope that at least some of you may be inspired to give the pieces a listen, and perhaps vote for your favourite. All of them can be heard here...[/size]

[size=4][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/256313-february-composition-challenge-voting/"]BC February Composition Challenge voting...[/url][/size]

[size=4]... and the 'Play of the Day' here ...[/size]

[size=4][url="http://soundcloud.com/dredd-and-the-badass-weed/duel"]‘Duel 2’, from Leonard Smalls...[/url][/size]

[size=4]Concept of a walking bass, but drunken, reeling from one end of the fretboard to the other; it's a double bass which opens, 'joined' immediately by the percussion and an armless pianist, desperately trying to play less than six notes at once on the keyboard, and an incongruous scratching. 'Joined'..? Hardly; there is little except the rather frantic tempo to maintain much in the way of adherence between the players (one should, in reality, call them 'executants'...). A second, equally enebriated bass adds to the 'fun' with some well-placed stabs, but many more not so well placed. It's a bit of a free-for-all. The piano comes to the fore, the percussion comes to the rescue, with a few almost comprehensive strokes as a certain crescendo is built up (inasmuch as construction is possible in this vacarme...). A hiatus is reached, as the pianist at last manages to isolate a few individual notes, presumably with his toes; this is quickly abandoned as he continues his frustrated banging on the ivories. The bass continues to bark throatily over the constant pounding, the revelerie is maintained right to the end and fade-out, a lone series of kicks in the rear see us off.[/size]
[size=4]One must give credit where it's due, and thank Lenny warmly for his keeness to open us to a new and different set of rules in music. It is, indeed, a wide field, from Gregorian chant, through romantic classical to modern rock and contempory jazz (other genres are available...). I am tempted to suggest that, in this piece, he succeeds in this objective; most other schools of composition become much more attractive in comparison. Having listened attentively, several times, it is with more acute pleasure still that I turn to more sedate offerings, in much the same way as it's such solace to, at last, cast off a pair of too tight-fitting shoes. Ah..! The blessed relief..! Bliss, Lenny; sheer bliss. Thank you for that moment.[/size]

[size=4]The previous review was...[/size]

[size=4][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/256457-play-of-the-day-ivor-revisited-from-xgsjx/"]Play of the Day : ‘Ivor, Revisited’, from xgsjx...[/url][/size]

[size=4]The next will feature [url="http://soundcloud.com/dad3353/i-think-i-can"]‘I Think I Can …’, from Dad3353...[/url][/size]

[size=4]Until then...[/size]

[size=4]Have a nice day[/size]



Cheers Douglas!
Admirably demolished...
I call my particular brand of music "Dulcolax Jazz", after the relief one can obtain from said medicine.
The NHS are interested, but a bit worried about anxiety after-effects.


[quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1424702898' post='2699333']
Cheers Douglas!
Admirably demolished...
I call my particular brand of music "Dulcolax Jazz", after the relief one can obtain from said medicine.
The NHS are interested, but a bit worried about anxiety after-effects.

Rest assured, when auditioning your work, the anxiety after-effects are the least of my worries.


[quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1424702914' post='2699334']
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I must admit, Douglas crash landing onto an offering from Leonard,
is a Basschat moment I Iook forward to each month.

Congrats to both of you for the entertainment.

I might even produce something with a tune next month, perhaps with a sweet female voice singing about pretty flowers and nuts in May over a beautifully strummed acoustic guitar.
Or mebbe it'll be something that makes John Zorn's Japanese noisecore bands sound like easy listening.

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