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Posted (edited)

How can a nation so rich in pop music history even begin to think this is a suitable representation of ourselves in a competition?


Who is it who makes these decisions? Can't one of our current pop "big guns" have a go? - Florence, Sam, Ed, Emili, Ed, Paloma etc

Why do we send in the non-league team?

Edited by Jenny_Innie

If there is one thing I would love to do musically it would be have a song in the Eurovision Song Contest.
I bet it would be a great laugh.

Posted (edited)

The fact is that there has only been one decent Eurovision song in the last forty-odd years and everything else from every nation has been utter sh*te. And participation in the event is usually a career-killer on the scale of pneumonic plague; the prudent artist veers away at speed when approached by the dribbling dotards who organise this demeaning clown car of an event

I knew all this for a fact even as a mere child back in 1967 as I watched poor Miss Sandie Shaw 'Warbling Her Best for England' and nothing since has shifted my opinion one iota.

The whole ghastly farrago might have made some sense when song-smithery was Our Great Nation's last line of defence against the Soviet Bear but ever since the appalling Frogs let the Ivans in along with their cheating, grinning chums Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and - er - Denmark the voting's been a hideous cycle of betrayal and treachery that would make the likes of Philby, Burgess and Snowden blanch with shame.

That anyone today might profess knowledge of or interest in this tawdry event simply beggars belief. This is what 13 years of socialism has done for us.

Edited by skankdelvar

[quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1425825394' post='2711081']
How can a nation so rich in pop music history even begin to think this is a suitable representation of ourselves in a competition?

We don't. I thought it was accepted as a big joke that we can't win, therefore not worth taking seriously.

Posted (edited)

It's not about 'representing our music' it's about entertainment, per Se.
Many years ago I was driving a cab and one passenger was a musical director for the Beeb
he told me he wrote Boom Bang a Bang expressly for Lulu to win Eurovision - which it did.
I don't dislike this one, it's very retro, a la Mitford/Cliveden (look it up)
...might yet be in with a chance........


Edited by taunton-hobbit

[quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1425839139' post='2711323']
it's very retro, a la Mitford/Cliveden (look it up)

What, a crew of 'Germanophile' 1930's English toffs? Which one's Vita Sackville-West?

[size=3][b]Lady Astor, Electorate[/b]: Sit on it and spin[/size]


I think it's a rubbish entry and deserving of "nil points", that said, we could put in the greatest composition the world had ever heard and we still wouldn't win as the rest if Europe hate us!

I suppose you can't blame them really, and we do pay a large sum every year to keep Eurovision going, hence our "buy" straight to the finals.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1425838378' post='2711308']
We don't. I thought it was accepted as a big joke that we can't win, therefore not worth taking seriously.
Correct. The main things you have to keep in mind with the Eurovision song contest these days is a)It's not really about music and b)it's not really much of a contest. Accept it for the irrelevant nonsensical camp TV event it is and ignore the 'result' and all's fine.

Edited by KevB

I made it through 40 seconds. Queen did this sort of thing 100 times better on [i]Day at the Races[/i] and [i]Night at the Opera[/i].

Any UK act participating in Eurovision is guaranteed a career of appearances at holiday parks for the next year or two.


Father Ted Series 2 Episode 5 'A Song for Europe' does an excellent job of satirizing the Eurovision contest.

The whole competition is lowest common denominator dribble, but I'd reckon that the economics work out favourably when you compare the cost of airing Eurovision to the collective cost of producing a nights proper TV programming on one channel in each country across the whole of Europe. (Whatever proper TV is, I don't watch it very often so I'm not the best informed on this subject.)

Posted (edited)

The thing is though it's not a real music contest is it... it's a popularity contest so we might as well enter something silly and have a bit of a laugh with it as we're never going to compete.

We are enormously unpopular as a nation on the world stage, so regardless of what we put in we'll never do well... the only nation that is less popular than us is the US and they can't enter...

Edited by CamdenRob

We will never win, because the rest of Europe doesn't like us, because we openly laugh at them and their best efforts.

It isn't cheesy and naff to the other countries and it shouldn't be to us. The UK's superior, snotty and condescending attitude to the competition would piss me off if I was an entrant.

The BBC in allowing the idiot Wogan to drunkenly take the piss out of the other songs and the competition in general for so many years has guaranteed us nil point, and rightly so.

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