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Skankdelvar....you mentioned in your last but one sentence something about 'members being pulled off by other members' ...Wow....sounds great. How naughty do you have to be to get pulled off. I can be very bad...... Hope this counts as gaiety, which is also something you mentioned in your last post.


[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1427168036' post='2726691']
don't worry about pecking orders; they don't exist. :)

What!!! You mean all these years I've been...?


That's It!

I'm off!

And don't try to tempt me back!

If anybody wants me I'll be in my trailer not taking any calls!

*Flouncity flouncity flounce* ([i]noises of stomping, harrumphing, tutting, etc. followed by brief pause[/i])...

I'm going out for a short walk now. I may be some time... ([i]sound of failed attempt to slam a non-slam door followed by continued but rapidly receding sounds of stomping feet and further harrumphing, tutting, etc.[/i])


[quote name='Musky' timestamp='1427156963' post='2726654']
... Waynepunkdude. His banning was something of a watershed for many of the recently 'disappeared' on here who find it difficult to believe that someone who had helped out dozens -literally dozens and dozens - of people on here has suddenly become [i]persona non grata[/i]. He'd spent a lot of time and money helping people he'd never met and occasionally got his fingers burnt, and yet still offered to help others. That his presence was somehow detrimental to the community is difficult to understand - impossible in fact...

Yeh, totally agree

I respect the mod's desire to keep private conversations private, and I really respect the way this forum is moderated, so I think I just have to accept that the mods were right, however impossible that is to understand.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Musky' timestamp='1427156963' post='2726654']
Reading through this thread I really can't believe that so many people are tip toeing around the elephant in the room - Waynepunkdude.

I didn't know Wayne, or really have anything to do with him. He seems to be very popular with people I do know so I'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt... but to be honest from what I saw of his posting on BC most of it seemed flippant, rude and aggressive... with a slight air of self importance. I suspect there is more to the banning than meets the eye...

Edited by CamdenRob

I didn't know WPD was banned...I thought he just left :(

There are at least a couple of people I can think of who I would have banned years ago :D Just because of their habit of turning everything into a [s]debate[/s] stupid and pointless argument.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1427186509' post='2726749']
Hey - I bought two of your sweatshirts, OK?


I love you.

(Which ones?)

Edited by paul h

I think here is reflective of the rest of the UK at the moment. There seems to be a great malaise over everything, particularly in the music industry, a lot of people have just given up or have had to go further afield to make ends meet. At the moment it is hard to make a decent living from it. At every level, things are very wrong. I know particularly in London, venues are struggling to find bands and punters. But all this nonsense about bands having to bring people to the venue is nonsense, they need to be full in the first place. It all needs looking at I guess the lack of interest in it all of it is reflected on here.

We need a strong counter-culture to come along before we all turn into pipe and slippers nay sayers....

And don't criticise any of the sponsored gear on here however valid professional and articulate that comment was.... :)


[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427159954' post='2726668']
You're obviously totally entitled to your opinion, but we never make public the ins and outs of conversations we've had with a member.

The situation you're asking about simply isn't something that the Mods are going to discuss, regardless of who it is.

Nobody has asked for disclosure of the ins and outs of private conversations. However, if the mods had acted reasonably in banning a member, there would be no need to be so secretive about it. Some people might conclude that they have something to hide.


[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1427186330' post='2726745']
I didn't know Wayne, or really have anything to do with him. He seems to be very popular with people I do know so I'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt... but to be honest from what I saw of his posting on BC most of it seemed flippant, rude and aggressive... with a slight air of self importance. I suspect there is more to the banning than meets the eye...

That is my impression too. He pissed me off a few times with badly timed posts that were in bad taste, usually in threads of a "sensitive" nature... But hey - not everyone takes life seriously! :happy:


[quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1427190651' post='2726818']
... especially reading what WPD has to say about it himself.

Where does he elaborate on the matter?


[quote name='Maude' timestamp='1427137143' post='2726308']
I like to cut the scone in half, then spread jam before cream on one half and cream before jam on the other, people just can't cope with that.

Ah. You actually live in the Tamar, don't you?


Why am I thinking ' Kangaroo Courts....' I have no other reason for this, other than this current thread is making me think there are unmarked police cars patrolling Basschat, ready to pull over folks who have overstepped whatever marks should not be overstepped, and very quicky dispense the justice or punishment the offender deserves...in there opinion..... or is there a vote of some sort....Is this the way it works ? I genuinely don't know, but would like to. Can I be pounced on for thinking like this. I was wonderfully oblivious to it all until this thread appeared, and now I am wondering, probably like many others, about how much control is being exerted behind the scenes,( if any.) Its the ole can of worms big style eh....


[quote name='stevie' timestamp='1427190424' post='2726817']
Nobody has asked for disclosure of the ins and outs of private conversations. However, if the mods had acted reasonably in banning a member, there would be no need to be so secretive about it. Some people might conclude that they have something to hide.

I can assure you we have nothing to hide. The simple case is that we don't disclose reasons for warning and the like. That's just the policy we have :)


There have been a few discussions on Facebook involving members, both those still here and those who have left, that have raised Wayne being banned.

The mods, 3 or 4 of them, who have commented have eluded to there being a more involved back story to the banning than maybe has been let on by Wayne himself. And the mods who have spoken, albeit wisely in a limited way, are decent guys.

I got on with Wayne. I did a couple of good deals with him. However, in recent months I think his posts become unnecessarily antagonistic, not that it bothered me, I just ignored them. I did notice on a couple of occasions mods pick him up publicly. He broke the rules, he got banned.


[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1427190761' post='2726820']

That is my impression too. He pissed me off a few times with badly timed posts that were in bad taste, usually in threads of a "sensitive" nature... But hey - not everyone takes life seriously! :happy:

I'm guessing this is the most frequent problem amongst posters.

Someone posted "Relax, people" above. I'm not sure who it's aimed at. As far as I feel this thread is just an easy conversation. In fact most of my posts are like that. I do wonder what is going though people's minds when they post strange comments.

It's very difficult not to upset people who are looking for something to be upset about.

As far as Wayne goes, he gave up work to stay at home to look after his young child. I can't imagine his posts where all done after a good nights sleep in an easy focussed frame of mind. That all I'll say on the matter.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1427191302' post='2726835']
Why am I thinking ' Kangaroo Courts....' I have no other reason for this, other than this current thread is making me think there are unmarked police cars patrolling Basschat, ready to pull over folks who have overstepped whatever marks should not be overstepped, and very quicky dispense the justice or punishment the offender deserves...in there opinion..... or is there a vote of some sort....Is this the way it works ? I genuinely don't know, but would like to. Can I be pounced on for thinking like this. I was wonderfully oblivious to it all until this thread appeared, and now I am wondering, probably like many others, about how much control is being exerted behind the scenes,( if any.) Its the ole can of worms big style eh....

You can be combative and robust in the debate without being a dick about it.

I have moderated fora before - it's a thankless task because you can't please everyone. But it's basically the application of rules through a lens of common sense rather than the 1984-esque scenario depicted above. Moderating is not usually the moderator's day job so there's unlikely to be enough time to be as ruthlessly efficient as you describe ;)

Edited by neepheid

[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1427191796' post='2726852']
... so there's unlikely to be enough time to be as ruthlessly efficient as you describe ;)

But there's always time for a fanatical devotion to the Pope!



[quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1427191302' post='2726835']
Why am I thinking ' Kangaroo Courts....' I have no other reason for this, other than this current thread is making me think there are unmarked police cars patrolling Basschat, ready to pull over folks who have overstepped whatever marks should not be overstepped, and very quicky dispense the justice or punishment the offender deserves...in there opinion..... or is there a vote of some sort....Is this the way it works ? I genuinely don't know, but would like to. Can I be pounced on for thinking like this. I was wonderfully oblivious to it all until this thread appeared, and now I am wondering, probably like many others, about how much control is being exerted behind the scenes,( if any.) Its the ole can of worms big style eh....

Warning can be gained for a few different reasons, most of which pretty much equate to being negative to the community, the full list of rules is visible in most mods sigs

Most common offences : fee evasion, excessive swearing, offensive or inappropriate images/topics and bullying

If we have any doubt about a warning being issued we discuss it as a team, if there is no doubt then the warning is issued and THEN we discuss it as a team. In some cases this is so cut and dry the conversations are very short. In other cases it can be very long and drawn out. It's a case by case basis :)

I hope that clears things up


It was me who posted "relax people".

As far as I can see - and not only on this thread - there are a lot of people on this forum getting worked up about stuff that generally isn't all that important at the end of the day.

Everyone has opinions, not always ones that will agree with everyone else, but some people seem too quick to jump on the offended bus at the first opportunity.

Really is one of the reasons why I generally don't post on here as often as I would otherwise as I can't be ar$ed with the potential fall out from someone taking umbrage to my posts.


[quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1427192142' post='2726859'] ...taking umbrage to my posts.

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