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[quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1427061030' post='2725366']
Well, that's me off the hook. I don't have any testosterone and I'm not wearing any underwear.
[quote name='Maude' timestamp='1427061151' post='2725369']
I concur, I'm sat here naked and I feel as chilled as a mofo.

BTW the Rick gang didn't want to fight so I'm back here, turn out the rumours are just rumours.

I had not realised that 'sans underwear' was required. How had I gone so long without realising this :(

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1427054644' post='2725217']
You come you go end of.

No wiser words have been said on basschat....

No one is so important that their leaving will have even the slightest effect the on the site as a whole. Whilst individuals may be missed by those who knew them BC will continue.

Should I tire of BC I will simply slip away... I will not be making a statement or a dramatic exit, I am under no impression it will affect anyone else, or that anyone cares.

Not that I'm going anywhere, I like BC just as it is.

Edited by CamdenRob

I stayed away for a full year because of certain members.

They appear to have gone now so I'm totally chuffed.

I have never understood why some people want to turn every thread into an argument.

For me personally, things are much improved.


[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1427050924' post='2725126']
Consider this: there are 433 people online at the moment.

Put 433 people with different personalities and opinions into a pub, and I guarantee there'll be a few 'did you spill my pint?' moments. It'll still be a canny night out, though.

We're those 433 people actively online or had they just left the equivalent of their coats on the back of a chair?

I use 4 devices to access BC and rarely bother to close multiple browser windows down - does this mean I'm almost always online?

I've been meaning to ask this for a while but always forget. I apologised to someone for being slow in replying to a question recently because I hadn't been here for a couple of days and he insisted that he'd seen me amongst the active users :(

In fact - is it possible to tell if I was online at 7:00 tonight and, therefore, one of the 433?

If a large chunk of the 433 weren't really online and had nipped off down to a real pub then it might not be such a fun night out :)


Interesting thread.

I must admit to having consciously not used BC for about a year, up until about 6 months ago. It just got full of people looking to score points and, rather than share a different opinion in a constructive way, there were a number who would argue aggresively and seek to 'win'. The final straw was someone accusing me of being a 'Saint' for calling out an eBay seller for posting misleading descriptions and pics. Who needs that sh*te? Consequently I did as we are all free to do, and voted with my mouse.

I dropped back in a few months ago, and the water seemed less choppy, with some interesting new posters, including some with fascinating insights from other markets - I'll + 1 with Skank here and tip my hat to Blue, who happily shares a wisdom born of years of playing and indeed, living.

I'd be interested as to whether there is any age demographic to the aggressive posting (for want of a better phrase), as it feels as if much of it is driven by the kind of 'juice' you grow out of, but maybe I'm being unfair.

It's certainly feeling like we are going through the more unpleasant part of the cycle, and if it gets to a point where I can't be arsed anymore, I'll just foxtrot Oscar, and look back in, in a few weeks.

I thought the pub analogy was a good one : perhaps the issue is that BC has gone from being a friendly local, with some good banter, to a soulless 'super pub', like one of those appalling Wetherspoons hell holes - and we are all missing the' quality discourse over a good pint' vibe - with not too many jostling at the bar.

Posted (edited)

There was a thread that I started recently where a few of the contributors seemed to take great pleasure in ridiculing what I'd posted, or rather what they [b][i]thought[/i][/b] I'd posted, which wasn't actually the same thing at all.


Edited by ambient

I used to post a lot more than i do now. I browse at least once a day usually, but i don't see much that i think is worth commenting on. Wouldn't surprise me if there were many others in the same boat.


Posted (edited)

I've been a member on here for (I think over 4 years) but don't post anywhere near as much as a lot of people on here but I can definitely see how the place has changed over the last short while. A lot of people are taking offence and jumping at the opportunity to continue a disagreement with another member. People continuing to argue and nobody deciding to be the bigger man/woman and let the topic rest has been the biggest issue as far as I could observe.

"Don't attend every fight you're invited to."

Edit to add : I will also say that there are still some incredibly nice chaps/chapesses on here which still make this an enjoyable community for me to feel a part of. Otherwise I would have buggered off too.

Edited by Cameronj279

I really like Basschat and it is a shame to lose old members even though ive not been here that long.

I do think people need to relax if a thread etc is annoy etc ignore it. There are threads right now that i know if i started posting in i would either annoy/anger myself or annoy/anger others. So i avoid that.
Also i think people are getting to offended easy, i can laugh things off or if i was insulted i would remember its only a forum.

I do think there should be more effort by members to keep up the good quality of basschat. I have probably made some stupid or very amateur posts but they have been non offensive i hope and i would never make a post that i know would cause conflict.

Oh i have an idea!. Maybe you could have a sub forum for paid members only???.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1427068294' post='2725517']
I had some time out.

When I came back I excluded Off Topic.

I should have done that years ago.

Agreed, rarely step in there...


[quote name='Duarte' timestamp='1427093673' post='2725582']
Anyone else only come here when they aint got a lady in their life? :)

Or when they've been married five years ;-)


There's almost no day I miss logging on here.
It's changed, inevitably. It went frim a few hundred to in excess of 10,000 members - hardly a static situation.

But as someone who was here when BW was new, and then became this forum, I'd have to say it is still one of the nicer internet forums on any subject.


I'd defend Basschat in terms of net etiquette. Nearly everyone is polite and helpful, tolerant of newbies and constructive. If anyone does overstep the mark there is usually a storm of 'calm down' posts and support for the wronged party. Bassists seem a pretty decent bunch. I've even enjoyed the political debates in Off Topic, the odd iffy comment but a lot of very well informed peopleand certainly one step up from the average pub conversation. The most heated debates seem to be over technical issues but no worse than you get in academic debates anywhere.

There does seem to be a fall off in forums generally. Lemonrock has lost its forum after days at a time when no-one really posted and Ultimate Guitar is a very quiet place nowadays. I guess with people using their phones more ephemeral chatting is taking place but Basschat still seems strong to me and if you have a genuine problem there is usually help to be found here.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1427068294' post='2725517']
I had some time out.

When I came back I excluded Off Topic.

I should have done that years ago.
Loads of fantastic input on this topic....for me also the above is particularly good advice

Posted (edited)

The problem with the written word is that you don't always get the emotion or subtext that the writer intended and can easily superimpose your own emotional state into what has been written.

I was accused of being 'patronising' the other day. How on earth can you write in a patronising way?

Certainly a lot of discussions I had in OT have seemed like deliberate trolling with one or two posters seemingly keeping 'debate' going just for fun by playing devils advocate. It's easy to get drawn into these topics.

A lot of those type of topics always reverted to the posters twisting the subject on to their own pet subjects. Which became a bit boring.

Also, with some posters seemingly being here all the time, what is just lively discussion between people who hold opposing views, can be seen by others, who maybe aren't here so often, as quite aggressive arguments between the same old posters.

If I've ever been involved in a proper 'argument', I think maybe two or three times since I've been here, we sorted it by PM when we realised things were getting confused. And usually it was just confusion.

People leaving? Maybe some people felt that their friendly discussions were being seen by others as unfriendly arguments? There was a lot of heavy modding going on a few months back. Some of it I couldn't see why.

Or maybe I've just got a very extremely think skin :D

PS. OT posts don't count in the post totals.

Edited by TimR

You can write in a patronising way by adopting a holier than thou attitude and loosely referring to others as idiots, who have no clue about safety. Clear enough?


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1427101027' post='2725648']
How on earth can you write in a patronising way?


Well if you don't know something as obvious as that, then there's no point in me trying to explain it to you.

;) :lol:

Posted (edited)

Reading the names in this thread of posters gone and temporarily forgotten by me just makes me really f***ing sad. Another for the list: TheFunk, who appears to have been redacted entirely.

Now we're just left with idiots like me and TimR. I'm surprised we made it this long.

Edited by Toasted

I'm not sure who's missing, although I've noticed a crop-off by some posters

Just checked and I've been here for 8 years!! I'm not posting so much these days as I only come online at work, and I'm working less (which is ace!)

Anyway, this sort of thread happens every now and again. I often think the "problem" is more likely to be in the eye of the beholder.

I love Off Topic by the way, and love getting into a good debate. Sometimes it does get heated, but that's easily handled with a friendly PM or the like.


I think all forums (and communities in general, even IRL ones) go through phases, as with everything else in life; the more popular something becomes, the more it changes. I don't look in OT very often so it seems I've missed all the fun!

There does seem to be a disproportionately high number of people on here that are out for an argument, especially those ones that clearly have an agenda even if it's not relevant to the thread but would it make me flounce? No, it's pretty easy to spot the idiots & just ignore them then the forum is great again.

There's a lot of great information shared on here along with some jaw dropping p0rn pics - I wouldn't want to miss out on it because of the minority.

I've never had a problem with the moderation on here though I guess I've missed the threads/posters that are being referred to. The moderators on The Guardian on the other hand...

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