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A few years ago, whilst packing up after a gig, I folded up my A-frame style bass stand with a snap, and managed to catch the skin of my belly between the legs as they shut. It bloody well hurt, I can tell you, and left a nasty bruise.


It wasn't this particular jump, but one like at this gig - one of the biggest shows I've done, opening for a former X-Factor star at a racecourse. I jumped, must have not taken off at a straight angle and suddenly felt like one thw guitarist ls had kicked my ankle, looked down and he was too far away. Found my ankle was weak for the rest of the gig, and once the adrenaline had worn off was in a fair bit of pain.

After keeping my six month pregnant fiancé up half the night by tossing and turning as I couldn't find a comfortable angle to sleep at we take a trip to minor injuries the next day; turns out I've badly sprained it and have to take a day off work as I can't drive. Moral of the story? I'm not as young as I was; that was about three and a half years ago and it's still weak if I have to run far on it, it has got a lot better though.

[Img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/Ghost_Upon_The_Stage/IMG_255906409554237_zps3a6d6ea6.jpg" class="ipsImage" />

Posted (edited)

Packing away after a full-on messy rowdy gig last month, I pulled up the gaffer tape which had been sticking down a couple of PA and mic leads safely at the front of the stage and got tiny splinters of broken glass which had stuck to the tape in my hand from some smashed pint glasses. Managed to get them out fairly easily but really stung. Annoying.

Edited by bassbiscuits

The sockets on my active monitor are on the side, so to see which orifice I was plugging the mixer feed into, I tilted it up. Then it slipped out of my hand and landed straight on my big toe. I was wearing my customary footwear - moccasins. That happened around a year ago and the huge purple bit on my toenail has only just grown out.


Setting up for a gig, I caught the little finger of my fretting hand in the bracing struts of a PA stand, a proper sharp, crushing injury right on the fingernail. Blood and much pain. Shoved it in a glass of ice and took some painkillers straight away. Managed the gig, but the finger was sore for ages and the nail bed was messed up for years - it's only just gone back to normal, 10ish years on.


[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1428587603' post='2742742']
I break my nails every time I pluck the bass too hard. Sometimes it gets a bit sore :(
[/quote]How are your fingers though? :D

Ah, that'll be mine then


Our drummer once walked onto the stage, stepped onto the riser, lent onto the curtain covered wall behind the stage to steady himself and discovered that the curtain covered wall was actually just a curtain.

It took us a good couple of minutes to rescue him :D


[quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1428589619' post='2742772']
Our drummer once walked onto the stage, stepped onto the riser, lent onto the curtain covered wall behind the stage to steady himself and discovered that the curtain covered wall was actually just a curtain.

It took us a good couple of minutes to rescue him :D

Haha, that's actually happened to me on drums. They should be a barrier up or something! I often shift backwards on my stool while playing and if the back leg slips off stage 'cos I didn't realise there was no wall behind the curtain, it's painful!!


Another drumming incident. Much calmer these days, but 'back then', mid-gig, I saw what looked like rust spots on my snare and toms. After the gig the source became evident; I'd caught my knuckles with my own drumsticks and opened 'em up. Under a cold tap, but it stung for ages. I learnt since how to play better, but with better-placed enthusiasm and hand synchronisation. :mellow:


The same drummer actually once caught a knuckle on the rim of his snare half way through a set and when he came off the stick was 'glued' very well into his hand by the blood which had dried into a sticky wrap all the way round his hand.

Left the most amazing pattern over his snare head.

In fact that SAME drummer again also once hit the snare only for the head to break and his hand to get stuck in it which was utterly hillarious.

I miss playing with him so much.


[quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1428587493' post='2742740']
Setting up for a gig, I caught the little finger of my fretting hand in the bracing struts of a PA stand, a proper sharp, crushing injury right on the fingernail. Blood and much pain. Shoved it in a glass of ice and took some painkillers straight away. Managed the gig, but the finger was sore for ages and the nail bed was messed up for years - it's only just gone back to normal, 10ish years on.

Always carry a drill bit... [url="http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Drain-Your-Subungual-Hematoma-blood-pocke/"]http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Drain-Your-Subungual-Hematoma-blood-pocke/[/url]

And no, I don't.


[quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1428591680' post='2742800']

Always carry a drill bit... [url="http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Drain-Your-Subungual-Hematoma-blood-pocke/"]http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Drain-Your-Subungual-Hematoma-blood-pocke/[/url]

And no, I don't.
[/quote]I knew a guy who, when he was in the Army, was sent to the dentist for a mashed /bruised fingernail and this is pretty much what the dentist did, minus the bourbon and the - 'anti-spectic'.


After a gig a couple of years ago, my bass combo was on a trolley making its way to my car. Whoever was pushing it didn’t see an uneven bit of paving and the amp toppled over onto my foot. Damn painful for quite a few days and amazing nothing was broken, not even the amp!
Touch wood I’ve been injury free apart from that, other than a couple of weeks ago when I slightly pulled a finger muscle while playing – thankfully during the encore.


My worst was also drum related - when I played for a punk band in the nineties we used to swap round at the end of the night on the basis " the nights not over 'til the fat bloke sings" so drummer on vox, singer on guitar, guitarist on bass and me on drums. (I am an appaling drummer). One very inebriated night I went for a full-on smash of the snare drum but with a very loose grip on the stick. The resulting injuries were drumstick in the eye - not bad but couldn't see for a couple of days - and one broken index finger from the rim of the snare. due to my inebriation it didn't hurt until the morning.

THEN it hurt.


Played at a place with a raised stage, and an entrance behind for access. During one of the many ferrying trips I stepped off the stage quite quickly towards the open doorway, sprang up after the drop off the stage right under the door frame. It hurt like hell, and my eyes were swimming. Staggered around, but managed to avoid falling over - just. Felt my head, and could feel a line from the door frame in the top of my scalp, followed shortly after by a nice warm wet feeling. Went off to the (skanky) toilets and unwound masses of bog-roll and attempted to clean off the (by now) copious amounts of blood. After a while the bleeding calmed down, but left me with a nice red hue to the top of my hair. Finished setting up, and half way through the first set the guitar player said "You know your still bleeding, yeah?" I just nodded - as I was sweating it was trickling down my forehead. "Never mind," he said " there's a bloke at the front who looks like he'd lick it off if you'd let him" I could barely play for laughing at that point. Finished the gig, wiped myself down and drove home . My wife was not impressed.


Kitting out our new van on the morning before going off to play the biggest gig we had ever played I managed to smash my left thumb with a hammer...claret everywhere, spent the next few hours with it stuck in ice, amazingly managed to play the gig without any problem, my thumb nail fell off a couple of days later.....roll forward a good few years and three days before another big gig, I shut my right thumb in a car door with much the same results as the first time...in the run up to any big gigs nowadays i wear boxing gloves for the whole week preceeding the gig :mellow:


Packing up after a gig, hopped up onto the lowish stage but slipped and barked my shin - under my full weight. It was painful for days.

Another time I was opening a gig bag pocket and caught the velcro down the side of one fingernail. It made a painful cut which then became infected. D'oh!


Playing the intro to "Purple Haze" on a Hofner Club 40 when its neck parted company with its body.
Strings wrapped around my fingers and I still have the scars.
This was in 1967.
Resulted in a trip to A&E to get the wounds stitched up only to find the rhythm mans mum was sister-in-charge.
Her comment? "Serves you right for making so much noise!"


I played an outdoor gig on the drums (bit of a recurring theme here), Straight after finishing the set I stood up and knocked myself out cold on a protruding scaffolding pole that was part of the stage. Didn't know where I was when I came round - at which point my then girlfriend arrived to pick me up and started shouted at me for being drunk :lol: Ended the night at hospital with concussion.


Packing up one night after a gig, I was loading the stuff into the trailer as usual having had a few shandies, and managed to trap my finger as I put down my cast aluminium Traynor head squashing it against one of the PA cabs. The pressure split the tip of my middle finger of my right hand (main plucking finger!), requiring 3 stitches. I still have a scar 20 years later. Oh how I laughed :)

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