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Soundcloud demos for recruiting new bandmembers - advice please :)


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Morning all,

A little advice if you’d be so kind. I’m in two minds as to how to go about this and wouldn’t mind some opinions.

I’m putting together a side project just for fun in which I will be playing guitar… I know I know, but it’s hardcore metal and I’d rather play guitar for this kind of stuff. I also want to write the main bulk of the material and this is much easier to control as a guitarist in this particular type of music (also, this is potentially an early mid-life crisis but that’s another matter altogether)

So I’ve written four or five tunes and I’m at the point where I need to seek out like minded brethren to contribute drums, bass and of course vocals. I’m going to record a couple of tunes and put them up on soundcloud for any potential victims to learn for auditions.

The songs I’m going to put up on soundcloud are the basis of the actual tunes I want the band to play (with a few tweaks once everyone has brought their own bits to the table) they aren’t just stylistic demonstrations.

So my quandary is, do I write and record bass parts and tap out some basic drums to give an idea of the sort of feel I'm looking for, or would it be best if I just put up the guitar parts over a click so people can come up with their own ideas? I don’t want to make it look like I’m dictating what people should play, but similarly I don’t want to scare people off who are uncomfortable with composing as I’d happily help out with the basslines.

Any opinions?

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[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1428654460' post='2743378']
Do both?

Good shout that, a full demo as an example and then just the guitar parts for people to use as a guide.

[quote name='Drax' timestamp='1428655912' post='2743396']
You want people who can contribute creatively, surely?

Oh yes definitely, thats why I was a bit worried about putting demos up with all the parts written.

I need to find the right people with similar ideas of what the music should be about though, I'm not going to start bringing in elements that are contradictory to the sort of music I want to play in this band. If it gets diluted to much from the initial focus because everyone wants different things that kind of defeats the point of setting the band up in the first place.

Edited by CamdenRob
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Since this is a kind of throwaway project for you..?? it is hard for me to see what is in it
for the other guys..?? You have to give them input or else they are hired hands and as
such, control and money comes into it. Since there isn't likely to be any money, I assume,
you have to give them something to get their teeth into.. IMO.
Unless you think they would love the honour of working with you...?? ;)

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[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1428656635' post='2743405']
Unless you think they would love the honour of working with you...?? ;)

:lol: No prestige in working with me i'm afraid, I certainly don't hold any weight in that department.

It's a project for a bit of fun to be honest, just to put some songs together and get out there gigging. Hardcore works differently to almost everything else in that there isn't a huge amount of melody or differentiation between instruments, you are all basically following the same groove, thats kind of the ethos of what its all about. When I played this sort of music in the past (many moons ago) the only way it worked was if someone drove the initial ideas then everyone else built around it. People tend to play this sort of music to jump around to live, it's not really something you get into for creative development of your playing...

Edited by CamdenRob
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The bass & drum parts of hardcore/metal are often pretty self explanatory anyway so I'd do a full recording (inc tapped n drums) for one or two tracks so they know the sound you're after then leave the others as guitar demos & see if they're capable interpreting what you want.

There's nothing wrong with being a dictator in a band if it's your project IMO.

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[quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1428703266' post='2744018']
What are your influences for this project? I could be interested doing bass and vocals. ^^

I'm so far out touch with the metal scene these days I've nothing modern to compare it to unfortunately... Its close in sound and feel to Haymaker era Throwdown and Carpe Diem era Will Haven, but with a original focus. Lots of broken grooves, with big chordy choruses. Essentially its just relentlessly heavy hardcore.

Its going to take me a couple of weeks to put some demos together but I'll drop you a link when its up and running, see what you think.

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[quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1428744326' post='2744183']

My biggest influence is Code Orange Kid if you can dig it.


That's cool. My stuff is leaning towards the heavier side of this with less of the punk style stuff but not far away really... Cool vocals.

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