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[quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1428845019' post='2745133']
Best not then. If you use a toad caught before midnight, you are certain to end up sprawled cross the drummer's kit. Again.

As long as I'm not sprawled across the drummer. Again. :mellow:


Saw Pete Way spew over a security fella once. To be fair I think he'd drank 3 Special Brews in 20 minutes.
Never missed a beat :)

Singer years back was on a diet of Cheesy Wotsits and Wild Turkey.It wasn't a pretty sight.


I was rushing to get to a wedding gig and had to walk the dog (no euphemism) quickly before going. I was supposed to be a guest at the wedding and then play in the band later that night. On the way home, the dog spotted a cat and pulled me straight into an iron bar on the 'gate' (keeping bikers out?) across the path. Knocked me out cold. I woke up on the path with a bemused looking dog standing next to me. I staggered home, took some painkillers, went to bed for about an hour and then drove to the gig. I don't think I played any worse than normal.


Damn! I'm reading these little pearls and thinking to myself "man, I have been one lucky duck playing through the years!" Then I realized that I'm typing this out with my left middle finger having broken my right wrist in a soccer match the day before. lol


It hasn't happened to me yet. Closest I have come to an incident was being sick as a dog and saying; [i]"I'm glad it's not Friday or Saturday."[/i]



The one near miss bodily function incident I've had was very early in my "career" was to not take a "comfort break" before going on stage. I sprinted off at the end of the spot and just made it! In the years since I have developed a considerable bladder capacity :)


About 2 xmas's ago we had 2 gigs back to back, the annual Xmas bash, followed by a friends birthday party, I fell with terrible flu about 3 days beforehand, and being 4 days before xmas, no deps to be had, 1st gig I soldiered through, but the following night...well I have absolutely no recollection of it whatsoever. I remember loading the car, and waking up the following day feeling like an army had marched over me...nothing in between at all, the rest of band said I looked a bit off and wasn't saying much, but apparently I played ok. I'm still not sure if that means I can play on autopilot, or that no one listens to me anyway!


Once the singer in a band I was in paused between verses to take a drink. I noticed that his glass was considerably fuller when he put it down to continue with the song.

A true pro.


[quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1428843831' post='2745105']
"Dixie" Dave Collins from Weedeater is known for puking during gigs without missing a note.


Wasn't that Johnny Rotten's trick?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

In the late 80's I played in a resident band at a local nightclub, backing mostly name acts doing the cabaret circuit. My then wife had just got our first microwave,and used it to do a delicious coq au vin for dinner before I set off to my gig.
Our band went on to do the first set around 9pm before then introducing the 'star' act around 10. About halfway through the first part of our set, I suddenly realised I needed to throw up and dumping my guitar ran offstage mid song into the adjacent dressing room where I projectile vomited into the shower cubicle, narrowly missing the evening's act, then comedian Shane Richie!
Got back onstage, and did the same thing again 2 songs later. Mr Richie was very decent about the whole thing, and didn't even mention it in his act either. I somehow made it through the rest of the gig, got home to find my wife had been just as bad.
When I woke next morning, I had vomited so badly that I'd burst lots of blood vessels in my eyes and face and ended up looking like an extra from a horror movie for days. Needless to say coq au vin still not one of my first choices even now.

Edited by casapete

I've never had to play 'ill' (yet) but have had to play several gigs with a herniated disc - the most recent being my last gig when after loading the car in the afternoon I thought I'd clean my Triumph motorbike...all's good then instead of riding it into the garage I thought I'd push it...lent over, proceeded to move it and felt the back go straight away!

! I usually get through on a diet of Tramadol and ibuprofen. The other guys in the band are really good about it and make sure I don't have to unload/carry anything!


Many years ago in my first youngsters band , playing the infamous rifleman ( now a Lebanese restaurant ) my still current guitarist and best mate
Came over with stage fright and decided to have a couple of pints of dutch courage pre gig - I understand there was some serious Puking 40 mins before the set.

Posted (edited)

I managed until this year, February, before I've ever cancelled a gig. Always thought I'd make it whatever.

I started to feel a bit queasy at work, and a little dizzy. Managed to (somehow) get through the day. Luckily I start early, so I got home about 2pm. Even my colleagues, usually thoroughly unsympathetic, commented on how pale I was.

As soon as I got home, it started. I've never been so sick in my life. 20 times on the Friday - I was 'under the weather' so say the least!

Problem was, we had a gig booked that night. At first, I did the old 'it'll wear off by tea-time'....but soon realised it wouldn't. Had to admit defeat during the afternoon, and tell the band I was out for the gig. It was an hour's drive away, I couldn't have done one ten minutes distance!

Upshot was I spent 3 days sprawled across the sofa. No more sickness after the 20 times on the Friday, but just a total lack of energy.

I've no idea what it was, or what caused it (some kind of winter vomiting virus?), but it was the first time I've ever been prevented from fulfilling a gig. Bad days! :sorry:

Edited by spongebob

Played a wedding gig a few years ago and had to hang a plastic bag off a guitar stand just in case I threw up.

I didn't actually need it in the end.

Threw up before the gig...spent the entire intermission throwing up...threw up after the gig.


I managed to take about half a cm off the tip of my thumb last year with a bench saw, playing a gig that evening was pretty painful.

I have Imodium in my kit box just in case, geting the runs is the one thing that can really stop you.


[quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1429892556' post='2756123']
As soon as I got home, it started. I've never been so sick in my life. 20 times on the Friday - I was 'under the weather' so say the least!

Problem was, we had a gig booked that night. At first, I did the old 'it'll wear off by tea-time'....but soon realised it wouldn't. Had to admit defeat during the afternoon, and tell the band I was out for the gig. It was an hour's drive away, I couldn't have done one ten minutes distance!

Upshot was I spent 3 days sprawled across the sofa. No more sickness after the 20 times on the Friday, but just a total lack of energy.

I've no idea what it was, or what caused it (some kind of winter vomiting virus?), but it was the first time I've ever been prevented from fulfilling a gig. Bad days! :sorry:
[/quote] - sounds similar to my recent experience. Anyhow had some feedback from the brides dad, he asked our singer via email if I had a serious drug problem 😆


[quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1428843831' post='2745105']
"Dixie" Dave Collins from Weedeater is known for puking during gigs without missing a note.


As is Evil Jared from Bloodhound Gang. It actually became his gimmick.

I've never thrown up on stage but once did as I was about to walk up the steps to the stage. The other two guys in the band went on and looped the intro to the first song for a couple of minutes until I came on.
Turned out I had gastritis and this became a regular occurrence for the next six months or so.


I had a really bad cold at a gig and noticed a large line of snot connecting my nose to the mike during the second number. I was spared any bad comments due to our drummer having a epileptic fit during the next song and falling backwards off the stage. The audience thought it was part of the show.


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1428841529' post='2745048']
I fainted at a gig once! I had a kidney infection and felt terrible and I was midway through a complex oboe passage and just keeled over!
Space chick.... You play the oboe ?!?!?
I play oboe and bass!
I find it really allows you to play pretty much all types of music.

To stay in thread, have gigged an entire Xmas period thinking I was just wimping out to man flu only to find out it was a serious bout of sinusitis. Sweating, grumping around everyone and doublling lemsip maxs with red bulls. Trying to play when you have the trots is a bit Russian roulette. Needless to say I didn't stand directly in front of the amp that night.
First gig back after dislocating my left collar bone 3 weeks previous. Probably the hardest gig. Had the bass side saddle on the right shoulder towards the end.

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