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What's a deal breaker for you?


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[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1429522570' post='2752148']
I've never had one break on me, am I doing it wrong? ;)

Yes, you've prevented your Gibsons from ever falling over!
Simply lean one against your rig when the drummer's setting up, [i]et violin![/i]

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429522736' post='2752154']
Yes, you've prevented your Gibsons from ever falling over!
Simply lean one against your rig when the drummer's setting up, [i]et violin![/i]

If someone buys a Gibson (or any other instrument for that matter) and treats it like that, they deserve every broken headstock they receive. No sympathy here. You could have a cheap dig at Gibson if you like because you think they're fragile, but then again you [i]could[/i] look at it the other way and say that Fenders are the instrument of choice for mouth breathers who can't be trusted to look after gear.

I am of course taking things to logical extremes for illustrative purposes, before anyone gets huffy.

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[quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1429513075' post='2751996']
Basses without a rounded forearm cut. I tried with my Ric, but it wasn't happening. It was a real shame because the neck was perfect.
Agree with this. Gigs soon become mighty uncomfortable with the bass body digging into your forearm. It's why I had to get rid of my MM Sub, which was otherwise a great bass.

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429482559' post='2751903']
The main problem I have with otherwise perfect basses is colour.

Me too. Call me shallow, but I really can't stand sunburst finishes. No matter how good the instrument might be in all other respects, if it's sunburst I simply won't pick it up.

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[quote name='barkin' timestamp='1429525951' post='2752186']
Me too. Call me shallow, but I really can't stand sunburst finishes. No matter how good the instrument might be in all other respects, if it's sunburst I simply won't pick it up.

I'm not a fan of black myself!

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I went into wunjos once to try all the jazzes to get the best one I could afford, and at under £1000, the best one for playability and sound was actually the Jaguar modern player. But I couldn't bring myself to get one as I hated the shape.

Strangely I don't mind it now.

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[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1429522570' post='2752148']

I've never had one break on me, am I doing it wrong? ;)

Gibson had a bit of a name for it when almost all of their guitars and basses were mahogany necked / no volute behind the truss rod adjust point / large headstocks (early T'birds being a classic example).

Back to the OP - bass has to smell right, and not keen on very light basses - I like to know I'm wearing it, and occasionally wrestle with it.....

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Deal breakers for me, as with many others, would be: fat neck, tight string spacing at the bridge, neck dive, excessive weight. Any of these would see me putting it straight back down again. Colour is a factor too, but to a lesser extent. Hardware is easily changed, so not a problem if the rest of the instrument is perfect.
[quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1429519061' post='2752081']
I would like to see a picture of you with a 3/4 sized/other short scale bass if any such photos exist :)
A photo exists somewhere of our 6'5" alto saxist playing the MD's curved soprano sax. Truly hilarious to behold :lol:

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My wife not liking the colour. I am not as worried about the colour myself, but it means I will get the 'Oh you taking the ugly one' for the next x years.
I had a baja telecaster in butterscotch, it spent the whole time with 'you aren't leaving the unfinished guitar down here are you?'

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Since the OP already said "played this beautiful bass" I'm assuming it looks modern with nice woods. The more "coffee table" it looks, the better. Can't stand the vintage look. One of my basses is a Fender but I still can't stand the way it looks.

First and foremost has to be the sound. It needs to have definition and be articulate. I'm not a fan of undefined,round, big, fuzzy tones. I know they're what's needed in certain situations but I like it when the notes are immediate and jump right out at you. If you play a fast, notey passage all the notes need to be clear. If there's some woody growl to the tone...all the better.

The bass would also need a good active preamp, preferably 3-band. Or, it would need to be priced at a point where I thought I could buy and install one and still have it be a good value.

String spacing would need to be 18mm or less. I prefer 16.5 or 17. Not a fan of "broadnecks". I've never really understood wide spacing preferences. Seems really inefficient to me. If I'm driving to or from work I don't take the long way.

I don't really care about neck dive or neck thickness. Neither has ever bothered me.

As you can probably tell, my preferences are just about the exact opposite of what's the "in" thing amongst most bass players right now! :)

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[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429521637' post='2752127']

I don't like shltty brown, sunburst or black either. In fact (and I'm sure I've never said this on here before), I only really like white basses. Or at least basses that are white, arctic white, olympic white, blonde, vintage white, antique white, cream, ivory, bone, seashell, flax, vanilla or linen. So quite a wide range to choose from, really...

+1 to that. All my basses are either white or natural ashy coloured. Except my violin bass. But a white violin bass would look just plain wrong.

The string spacing is an instant dismissal for me too if it doesn't feel right. I had a Thumb VI for many years that was always a struggle to play due to the spacing (and the tree-trunk of a neck!). Have decided that five strings is now my upper limit...

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[quote name='Norris' timestamp='1429733105' post='2754479']
Obviously reliced

...and this! Why oh why do they bother?! I remember reading an ad on eBay for a bass that the seller had lovingly reliced himself. He proudly stated that the pick guard had been nailed to the outside of his shed for the last three months. I mean, seriously...

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