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Barefaced Behemoth? Suggest a big crazy cab for us to add to the range! (And tell us why we should...)

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[quote name='owen' timestamp='1431091885' post='2767744']My head hurts, but the EAW label must mean good things :)[/quote]

You get lower even order harmonic distortion as the motor/suspension asymmetry cancels each other out. It's something I've been thinking of doing in a larger sub too.


[quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1431094966' post='2767789']
You get lower even order harmonic distortion as the motor/suspension asymmetry cancels each other out. It's something I've been thinking of doing in a larger sub too.

As I said, my head hurts.

Posted (edited)

Here i go again...

I want... i mean, WE want a Barefaced Super10T!!!

Full range, flat response, great low-end reproduction, 4 ohms, front port, vertical 2x10" drivers plus a great tweeter! Top mounted reccessed handle, one speakon/jack combo plug, tilt-back system. All this in the 10Kg ballpark. Oh! And silver cloth only!!!
Now for the most chalenging feature... it should cost less than £500!

Are you up to the task Mr Claber? ;)

Edited for addition of front port.

Edited by Ghost_Bass

[quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1431080834' post='2767563']
Right now I'm leaning towards a 4x12" with our 12XN550 drivers and I think we're going to try it with half the drivers reverse mounted... And probably offer passive and active versions.

I'll buy an active version of that for a dollar!*

[size=2]* Yes, I know it will probably cost more than a dollar. It's just an expression.[/size]


[quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1431103494' post='2767865']
Here i go again...

I want... i mean, WE want a Barefaced Super10T!!!

Full range, flat response, great low-end reproduction, 4 ohms, front port, vertical 2x10" drivers plus a great tweeter!![/quote]

Apart from the impedance this already exists: It's called the Big Baby 2. :P

Seriously though, why would a 2x10" version of that be better?


[quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1431103932' post='2767871']
Apart from the impedance this already exists: It's called the Big Baby 2. :P

Seriously though, why would a 2x10" version of that be better?

4ohms! If you can get a single BB2 working at 4ohms (and the added extra headroom) i'll withdraw my post. Using two BB2's won't be accepted as answer, :)


oh! and by the way, i got my t-shirt on the mail. Thank you


[quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1431104383' post='2767881']4ohms! If you can get a single BB2 working at 4ohms (and the added extra headroom) i'll withdraw my post. Using two BB2's won't be accepted as answer, :)[/quote]

We can't, the voicecoil won't do what we want as a 4 ohm version. More headroom though? Bigger amp! Or an FR800 because that's already got 800W of real power built-in.


[quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1431104564' post='2767884']
We can't, the voicecoil won't do what we want as a 4 ohm version. More headroom though? Bigger amp! Or an FR800 because that's already got 800W of real power built-in.
[/quote] stop tempting me!


[quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1430682626' post='2763709']
How about a vertical oriented isobaric 8x 15, 4 speakers high but with the rear speakers wired in antiphase and facing rearward. Would that work?
I meant to add, the rear facing speakers are not in a sealed box, they're radiating rearwards. There must be a reason it wouldn't work, enlighten me!

Guest bassman7755
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1429625372' post='2753367']
Is it so much of a b*gger to use 16 ohm speakers, and get a nominal impedance of 5.3 ohms..? Surely that would hardly make a difference to most amps; if anything, it'd be rather on the 'safe' side (just slightly more than 4 ohms...). Valve amps won't be hurt by such a small 'less than optimum' either..? That would, at least, solve the 'proto/one-off' part of the problem, allowing a commercially viable 'experiment'..? It could start a new trend in verticality, too..? B)

The Epifani 3x10 was 5.3 ohm and it was a popular and well regarded cab (deservedly so I can say having owned one in the past). A similar config cab but with vertical stacked drivers in an interesting proposition since it would beam a lot less.

Edited by bassman7755

I've just ordered a supercompact cab , can't wait!

Anyway here's the big stuff I'd like to see!

A 2x15 tolexed cab- retro style
A 4x12 made slimmer but taller, staggered speakers.
A retro cab with 2x10s and a 1x15


Hi Alex....It seems a lot of the focus is on new speakers or cab design, volume, bottom end, top end, mixing and matching different speakers etc. The thing I would like to see resolved more than anything is a speaker that allows me to control where I hear it.. A lot of venues we as bass players are involved with are small, with space being pretty limited to say the least. This invariably leads to us standing so close to the cab, we can't hear it, as the sound cant manifest itself in the space we have been shoe horned into. So the old ' Ill turn it up a bit nightmare begins' which you will understand better than anyone. I would like to see a similar system to a cars air vent being applied to the grill of a cab, so you can in effect point some , or all of the sound at an angle up from the grill face of the front of the cab. In other words, whatever size the front of the cab is, the top half, or a portion of this should be adjustable so you can achieve a monitor type set up, but without having to tilt the cab back, which fires all the sound up in the air.. The closer you are to the cab, the more 'up' adjustment you would apply....There ya go.....it's in print,and if you make million, I want my free Barefaced cab...


That just reminded me, one thing you never see these days is acoustic lenses. You used to see them in big PAs back in the 70s. I guess it's for mids/treble not bass though..


[quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1432900738' post='2786035'] I would like to see a similar system to a cars air vent being applied to the grill of a cab, so you can in effect point some , or all of the sound at an angle up from the grill face of the front of the cab.[/quote]

A nice idea but unfortunately sound doesn't work like that! Here's something like you describe:

This does not fire the sound from the horn tweeters (hidden behind the louvre things) downwards, it's actually there to help horizontal dispersion.

Here's how it works: http://www.lansingheritage.org/html/jbl/reference/technical/lens.htm


[quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1433248421' post='2789328']
That just reminded me, one thing you never see these days is acoustic lenses. You used to see them in big PAs back in the 70s. I guess it's for mids/treble not bass though..

I believe acoustic lenses were superseded by line arrays which produce much the same result, better horizontal dispersion and greater EIRP in the vertical axis, but across a larger frequency range and with more control.


A horizontally aligned Big Twin II, so you can stack another two horizontally aligned Big Twin II cabinets on top.

Posted (edited)

I'd like a lightweight sealed 6x12 please. You already have the drivers, you already have the closed 6x design, just make it bigger. And while you are at it, add 2x 6" or so midrange speakers, no tweeters needed. Should get you down to 30 hertz and up to 12kHz or such?

Edited by HazBeen

What about a Trace Elliott BFC 1x15 4x10 type behemoth but lightweight with modern crossover technology whats its built in. I'd love one of those to frighten guitarists with :-)

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