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Withdrawn-Merica Neck Thru


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Here is something a little unusual.

A Merica neck thru bass dating back about 15 years or so. I have had a search and found none for sale.

Originally, this was an active bass, but more of a battery boost system, than an actual circuit. It failed years back, and I always used it in passive mode anyway. As a result there are two open pot/switch holes on the body. It might bother some. It does not bother me.

I removed the original unbranded (and heavy) soapbar pickups, and fitted some Entwistle JBX pickups. Obviously, they occupy a rout somewhat larger than the Entwistles, but they work nicely. I still have the original pickups. And the truss rod cover.

I cannot say for sure what woods make up this instrument. It has taken a few knocks, as one might expect for a bass of this vintage

How does it play? Very nicely. I have it set up with a medium action, but it can get appreciably lower. The neck is not what one might describe as Ibanez super-slim, but I find it very comfortable. It is a good player.

I can take some more photos if anyone wishes.

The reason for the sale is simply that I want a more traditional-looking bass. Something more traditional jazz-like. So, yes I would accept a suitable trade.

[url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/new-bass-merica-basses.301091/"]Talkbass thread[/url]


Edited by cachao
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I will bump this today, just to add that an original hard case is included, and that the bass in strung with Elites.

Not that bothered if it sells or not, as it is such a nice player. No dead spots anywhere. As I said previously, it is a rarity, but I would prefer a traditional Jazz style bass.

E string @ 12: 3/32
string @ 24: 5/32

G string @ 12: 2/32
G string @ 24: 4/32

This is actually higher than when I had it set up by a local luthier with flats.

[attachment=190847:Mer 9new.jpg]


Edited by cachao
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