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I feel like I'm going crazy . . . not being able to play anything musical in a meaningful way -- no bass, no guitar, no piano, nothing! You see, I broke the right wrist a couple of weeks ago while refereeing as soccer (football) match. It seems that my avenues to musical expresssion have been cut-off and I am NOT happy about it. Music has been a major part of my life since I was a child.

What about you? Has anyone else been prevented from playing because of an accidental injury? If so, how in the world did you cope?? How long did you have to endure the inability to express yourself musically?



I can play with the Soft-cast on -- but clumsily. I can even play with the Soft-cast off -- but I will definitely pay for it in the morning (picture a Flintston's cartoon with a throbbing foot). That's what it feels like after I've been "unkind" to the wrist. Unfortunately, my focus when I play seems to be more "do no harm" than exploring new musical adventures.

I'm seriously bummed.


I'm in a similar kind of boat - been able to play less and less due to a dodgy back, and went in for an operation to sort it on Friday. Luckily I'm already able to get up and about again, but only allowed to sit or stand for short periods of time. Playing while standing is a definite no, and sitting is still uncomfortable enough that I'm not tempted to risk it, and it's doing my nut in. I've tried playing while lying down, but it's weird and not a skill I'm that desperate to master!

Have you thought about getting an ebow and trying out learning to play differently? Not sure if they're effective on bass but if you play guitar as well it could be an interesting distraction? Or getting a sequencer on your computer and writing some stuff?


When I'm away without my bass , I run through the things I've been learning recently, in my head, sometimes accompanied by the fretting hand movement.
Sounds odd but I've found it really helps things I'm learning to really sink in. Sometimes just looking at tabs or sheet music for scales or songs I haven't played before, it really makes a difference for me the next time I pick up my bass.


You have a Piano, a left hand.
Rachmaninov piano studies are your best friend.
Plenty of stuff by him for the left hand.
Mind you, when you have finished, your left hand
will be of no use as well...lol....

I hope you are back in action soon.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1430356517' post='2760656']
Is your left hand still functioning?

If you take a positive view and embrace an attitude along the lines of 'what cool stuff can I come up with using only my left hand' you might even find yourself enjoying the challenge.

And the best thing is that it will feel like someone else. Oh hang on, that isn't what you meant was it :D

Edited by Woodinblack
Posted (edited)

[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1430375510' post='2760689']
I just did other stuff I was interested in until I could play again.

Me too - I've had two bouts of ankle surgery that stopped me sitting up and playing (it doesn't sound like it would stop you playing, but when you can't put weight on your ankle and can't cross you legs and really should have it elevated.....it gets complicated !).

I got stuck into some books and watched loads of films I wanted to catch up on - in some ways, enjoyed the break.

Mind you, that was only for a month or so for each leg, so it wasn't forever. If it were longer I think I'd be breaking out the laptop and working on some music that way.

Hope you're feeling better soon dadofsix

Edited by ahpook

[quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1430362812' post='2760663']
When I'm away without my bass , I run through the things I've been learning recently, in my head, sometimes accompanied by the fretting hand movement.
Sounds odd but I've found it really helps things I'm learning to really sink in. Sometimes just looking at tabs or sheet music for scales or songs I haven't played before, it really makes a difference for me the next time I pick up my bass.

I was going to suggest this sort of thing
Just play along, unplugged, and do the actions with just the one hand
If you are able to, that is....

Maybe pick up a small drum, like a cheap Djembe, and tap along to music with one hand? - that's something, I suppose

Sorry to hear of your accident
Not being able to play would be a real downer for me
but it should heal in time - sad to hear about blue's friend, who will never be able to play again

Hope you're up & playing again asap
Cheers, and best wishes



[quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1430353586' post='2760648']
I feel like I'm going crazy . . . not being able to play anything musical in a meaningful way -- no bass, no guitar, no piano, nothing! You see, I broke the right wrist a couple of weeks ago while refereeing as soccer (football) match. It seems that my avenues to musical expresssion have been cut-off and I am NOT happy about it. Music has been a major part of my life since I was a child.

A while ago, I saw someone playing bass who I thought initially was just hammering on so he could adjust amp settings or something. Then I realised that his right arm was completely paralysed. He was still able to play the blues (well) with his left. Most impressive.


I ha IMO[size=4][quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1430380211' post='2760740'][/size]
I'd be programming music on a computer
I've got a Yamaha QY 70. Awesome bit of kit, and perfect for when you can not play.


[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1430380211' post='2760740']
I'd be programming music on a computer

Exactly this. Even your phone has decent enough apps to vent your musical urges. NanoStudio worth looking at.


Thanks for all your well wishes. This one below, however, got me to laugh. I needed that. Thanks.

[quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1430374485' post='2760679']
You have a Piano, a left hand.
Rachmaninov piano studies are your best friend.
Plenty of stuff by him for the left hand.
Mind you, when you have finished, your left hand
will be of no use as well...lol....

I hope you are back in action soon.

Posted (edited)

Not quite the same scenario as the OP ( I really sympathise mate, I would be going mad by now) but sometimes if I can't play bass I don't cope so well mentally. If I get that need to play and cannot, I get very irritable. I would liken it to an addict needing a hit - there is a physiological reaction. I get twitchy and on occasions I have felt almost angry. I work 12 hour shifts so this frustration is not uncommon, sadly. I cope by doing finger exercises, tapping 1-2-3-4 4--3-2-1- 1-3-2-4 4-2-3-1 over and over and over again, or stretching my fingers and doing various different workouts. I try to come up with riffs in my head. I google stuff about bassists, basses, amps.....I visit basschat, or I go on YouTube. I should probably be fired from my job.

I am that obsessed.

Years ago my mate, a guitarist, damaged tendons in his picking arm, so he put a hairband over the nut of his axe and L/H legato'd everything for 3 months. Made him a hell of a player.

Edited by Funky Dunky


If it ain't stopping this guy you've got no excuse.

And I'll post it first so no-one else is tempted 'I'd give my right arm to be able to play like that'.


I broke my left wrist last June when I took a header down a set of stairs whilst on holiday. Foreign hospital, operation, plates and pins - you get the picture.

Thing is - I took up the bass as part of rehabilitation and physio. So for me an injury was a route into playing.

I do sympathise with the OP about pains the next day though!


The wrist is getting better. I've learned how to accomodate the soft-cast on the arm making my playing a lot less clumsy. I played a show last Saturday and have another show scheduled for this Saturday. The big problem for me now is that I can't mute strings like I need to with the soft-cast on while playing. It sounds so very sloppy to me. The one thing that terrifies me is someone coming up to me after a show, while I'm still playing with the soft-cast, and telling me how great the bass sounds and wanting to know what I'm doing differently! lol


I get very little practice, often none for months, so I run through things in my head, read up, and write new bass lines in my head to music that I hear all around.

I've beaten several mental blocks like this


Got an iPhone or iPad? (Or similar Android?) get Garage Band app; you can compose songs using only one hand.

Press record, loop a drum beat, get some keys, organs, bass, guitar etc and satisfy your music urges that way :)

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