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'Fess up time. I shouldn't enjoy this.


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Last July, I had smoked plaggy faggies for a year. I'd saved the difference in spend between real fags and plaggy faggies.
I said unto Her Who Makes Toast By Breathing On Bread, "wanna treat?".
Couple weeks later she asked for tickets for Lord of the Dance, Dangerous Games. So I booked the VIP/Ambassador/Champers package. BIG brownie points!
The fess up bit is I think this is the 6th time I've been. This latest version, Lord of the Dance, Dangerous Games, well, as ever, all the performers in the show are just phenomenally talented.
For me though, the guys stole the show. With a superb video wall behind them, ranging from unicorns, through to Star War-ish, through to perhaps Dante's entrance to Hell?.
Guys with stage clothes that looked like a cross between The Borg/Robocop/Terminator, with red LED eyes, green LED body armour, just superb.
I lived in Scotland for 17 years and love Celtic scales and melodies (I would love to do Runrig's "Skye" with a covers band).
When you put those together with a grinding rock beat, a fantastic PA that has the kick drum bouncing the floor, the bass punching your chest and the highs and mids coming with perfect clarity, it really is something else. The few quieter passages are delivered within an almost surreal atmosphere.
The first couple of times we went, in the early days, there was a live band spread out between the pit and the stage. Sadly that is no more the case, although it does not detract from the show, it's just a musician's gripe.
All they have live now is the two lady violinists, who are understandably superb

Any musician who does not "get" the correlation between music and dance, needs to go see this show live.
It is truly amazing.

And this from a Maiden fan :blush: :lol:

Edited by karlfer
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Interesting post. As someone who came to music through dancing, I totally get it. I'm sure my dancing experience helped with my learning bass, especially the rhythm side of it.

Somehow, I wasn't aware of this latest Lord of the Dance show. I'll definitely look out for it now! :-)

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I remember watcing the Eurovision contest when the Riverdance thing was first seen. It was absolutely breathtaking and a total gamechanger for Irsih dance, culture and music. I remember that haunting vocal opening the piece and it building from there to that massive finale with a million dancers, it really was spectacular in the real sense of the word. I have seen videos of the shows that have grown out of the phenomenon and they are never less than brilliant. Shame if they are dropping live music, though. It cheapens the product.

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