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Must have been the early 70s, Hawkwind and The Pink Fairies were sharing a gig or stage and billed in (probably) a NME advert as PinkWind. Don't google it.


[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1431000081' post='2766712']
I thought Scouting For Girls was a play on Baden-Powell's 'Scouting For Boys' book title? It is a dreadfully naff name, admittedly.
I swear as much as the next docker, but I detest band names with profanity in them (that Anal C bunch being a a prime example). Trying faaar too hard to be controversial. "Look at us, we're being rude! *snigger*". Oh, grow up.

Haha. Our band name is Sula Sula which is Latin for Red Footed Booby...


[quote name='KevB' timestamp='1431009456' post='2766865']
How about 'Scraping foetus off the wheel'? yes, they existed (band name changed I think but all had 'foetus' in them somewhere).

They were all just one chap, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._G._Thirlwell"]Mr. JG Thirlwell[/url]. Bloody used to love his stuff me.


[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1431000081' post='2766712']
I detest band names with profanity in them (that Anal C bunch being a a prime example). Trying faaar too hard to be controversial. "Look at us, we're being rude! *snigger*". Oh, grow up.

That was kind of the point of A.C.


[quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1431028496' post='2767159']
They were all just one chap, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._G._Thirlwell"]Mr. JG Thirlwell[/url]. Bloody used to love his stuff me.
Their/his 12" single of Ramrod is an absolute classic.


[quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1431012799' post='2766916']
The Killers was nicked from the New Order Crystal video

Never knew that! Hate the Killers, love that song.

There used to be a local band around Cornwall called Marvin and the Gays. I quite liked that though :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1431000081' post='2766712']
I detest band names with profanity in them (that Anal C bunch being a a prime example).

They did come up with the best song title of all time: You Look Adopted.

Edited by discreet
Posted (edited)

I always thought that the name U2 was pretty lame. Also there was an indie rock band called 'A'. Quite a cool logo, but impossible to Google. (Actually forget that, just tried its easy - a testament to Google's ever-advancing algorithms)

I always liked the name Throbbing Gristle.
Also 'Impractical Cockpit'

Edited by Roland Rock

[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1431063999' post='2767384']
Also there was an indie rock band called 'A'. [/quote]

They called themselves 'A' so they would be first on the racks at HMV. True story.


There's a band currently doing the rounds who never rehearse, don't have songs or a set and improvise for every performance. You've got to admire their balls... they are called Commercial Suicide. You'd have to go a long way to find a band name more appropriate than that!

Posted (edited)

Many years ago, I was in a band that was very nearly called Dada Bagus (pronounced da-da-ba-GOOSE) -- which roughly translates from Indonesian as 'nice tits'.
Before I get chastised for being an offensive old man, I should point out that remarkably the name was suggested and fiercely championed by our [u]female[/u] vocalist.

Edited by UglyDog

[quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1431085037' post='2767619']
...the name was suggested and fiercely championed by our [u]female[/u] vocalist.

Did she have da-da-ba-goose? :huh:


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1431085693' post='2767633']

Did she have da-da-ba-goose? :huh:

...or were they frequent visitors to her garden?

Posted (edited)

There was a band called Vaginal Croutons who did a splendid cover of The Littlest Hobo theme tune. I have a live version with the best bass solo ever.

Edit: Found it on YouTube!


Edited by KingBollock

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