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What would YOU like to see at the Herts Bash?


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So we'd like to try and get more along to the Herts Bass Bash (thread in the events forum).
What kind of events/discussions/demonstrations etc are people interested in seeing at this (or any) bass bash?
What floats your boat at bass events?

Secondly, for my information, if you are attending, or thinking about it, this year, what (if any) pedals and effects specific gear/talks/demonstrations are you interested in hearing/playing with.

Bashs are out on by members for members, so it's important to get a dialogue going to see what people are interesting in seeing :)

Many thanks

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Discussions/talks about different aspects of music and performing not just gear. For eg, Nick Smith's talk last year was great.

Also, could there be the possibility of a bit of a jam with more than one bass player at once? It would be great if we could have sufficient amps etc so a few of us could have a go together. If there's a drummer around.

Edit: Just had to edit this to change to 'more than one bass player' from 'more than one bad player' Freudian slip? Lol :D

Edited by seashell
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I'm trying to arrange a Drummer for the day and I'm sure there will be sufficient amps available - I'll be taking my Mesa Walkabout and a Vanderkley cab along with a micro mixer which allows up to 4 instruments into an amp - as always these will be available to use.

For those who need some insight into effects, Si is very knowledgeable so take the opportunity to pick his brain..

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