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A/B box with home hi-fi


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This is sort of f/x related - honest!
I currently have a (budget) surround sound system and a small micro hi-fi jobbie on the same unit which has a pair of front speakers for the surround and a pair of speakers for the hi-fi. What I want to do is get down to one set of speakers and thought that the expensive way is to get a new AV receiver and a pair of speakers, which would also allow me to route the telly through it or, get one pair of speakers, connect them up to the A/B switch with a 1/4" jack plug, then connect A to the amp of the surround and B to the amp of the hi-fi

My question is, is there any reason why I shouldn't do it? Is the signal level going to be that much different that what is produced by a bass or a buffered effect and am I going to risk blowing anything up? My theory is that it's just a switch - no more than that and all it does is route signal in direction A or B.

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