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Guest bassman7755

[quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1435219177' post='2806530']
I rarely use the TSB or CB Arias as they are too heavy for me to play live a I have a problem with my shoulder, so I only play at home with them but still feel the need for a backup.

Well I think you can see your self that is a bit irrational, it surely only makes sense to have a backup for the stuff you use live. Maybe try to think more "get by if something disastrous happens" and less "be able to carry on as nothing had happened" when it comes to you backup strategy.


When gigging, I always take a backup bass these days
Though I have quite a few basses, none of them are instantly swappable with each other
This is because although I have 2 J's and 2 P's - the pickups in each are quite different

My obsession has gone a bit far though
as if playing at a big-ish, paying gig
I take a spare Amp head.... just in case

Is that obsessive? Never had an amp break down during a gig.....

PS. Only got one fretless bass, only one 5 string, and only one acoustic bass too
but I've got a DB and an EUB - maybe I'm obsessive after all lol

EDIT: Who am I kidding? Of course I am


Thanks for the comments... I think that justification to my wife is probably a major part!!!
I do appreciate that something might not quite be right with my situation, mainly an insecurity or a deep mistrust of technology in general.


I don't have backup instruments in that way (though I do have 4 Precisions) - I would see two basses, even if they're the same make / model / colour / year as two different instruments.

I do however have extra guitar cables, speakon leads, power cables etc. - don't have backup strings at the mo (need to sort that out!). That way I've also got stuff other band members may need too... :)


[quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1435233652' post='2806762']

My obsession has gone a bit far though
as if playing at a big-ish, paying gig
I take a spare Amp head.... just in case

Is that obsessive? Never had an amp break down during a gig.....


My dad always used to take a spare power amp to his gigs. It's not a huge thing and can be used on any instrument in an emergency.

Nowadays a DI into the PA will get most of us through a gig.


[quote name='smaz' timestamp='1435236074' post='2806808']
I don't have backup instruments in that way......

I do however have extra guitar cables, speakon leads, power cables etc. - don't have backup strings at the mo (need to sort that out!).....

Yes, I always carry a spare mains cable, jack lead and speakon lead too
I also take a spare set of strings to a gig - often, if I don't have a new set
I'll take the last set from a string change - that way, the strings may be a bit on the dead side
but it'll be pre-stretched.......

In my earlier reply, I meant to add that when I first played, I didn't carry a backup of anything!
Living by the seat of my pants, or what?
I once played a gig, and the lead guitarist snapped a string, first song!
Picked up his backup guitar, then another string snapped :o

BTW. Re your comment on justifying your bass collection
Some friendly BC'er once said
"You don't have to justify anything..... least of all to yourself"
A mantra I now live by lol


[quote name='smaz' timestamp='1435236074' post='2806808']

I do however have extra guitar cables, speakon leads, power cables etc. - don't have backup strings at the mo (need to sort that out!). That way I've also got stuff other band members may need too... :)

That's what I used to do. But in the end I learned it's really madness.


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1435236651' post='2806822']
My dad always used to take a spare power amp to his gigs. It's not a huge thing and can be used on any instrument in an emergency.

Nowadays a DI into the PA will get most of us through a gig.

Me again! lol

My spare head was once used by our bands keyboardist
Who never seems to carry a spare of anything
For some reason, he couldn't play through the PA (house PA, I think?)
So although I didn't need my spare - the band benefited from my obsession ;)


as TimR and Marc S say, I do carry a DI and don't do backup amps for some reason. I have two amps, one set for DB and one for EB but prefer the DI backup for both. Although I rarely have needed the backup of anything myself, I like to be the one who saves the day by having a spare cable, mic, connector, strap, strap locks, pens etc. I mean who takes spare guitar strings and pedal patch leads to a gig where they play bass and no effects? Me! What a plonker... :D


Usually one bass and definitely one bass amp, though by chance my tone shaping pedal is aslo a DI box so in dire emergency I could go through the PA. There's some stuff i'm never going to have backups for (PK5's, sound module) and once you accept that it's easier to start prioritising what else you can get away with in emergency situations.


[quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1435237732' post='2806846']
as TimR and Marc S say, I do carry a DI and don't do backup amps for some reason. I have two amps, one set for DB and one for EB but prefer the DI backup for both. Although I rarely have needed the backup of anything myself, I like to be the one who saves the day by having a spare cable, mic, connector, strap, strap locks, pens etc. I mean who takes spare guitar strings and pedal patch leads to a gig where they play bass and no effects? Me! What a plonker... :D

It got to a point when a drummer had a go at me for not have the correct spare lead for someone else.

That's when I twigged...

Look after your own gear and it won't go wrong. Look after someone else's and you'll get the blame when their kit goes wrong.


just take spare strings but then they are just the old sets (yeah i have about 3 sets) that are in my bass bag pocket, we do have a large box of cables and leads that we take to every gig so we're covered on that but i think i've only taken a spare bass twice to gigs and never needed it.
spares of basses you dont use is a bit much, id have to alternate them regularly so they both wear in the same as well.


I`ve two basses, two amps, two cabs, one pre-amp/DI pedal. To gigs I take two basses, one amp, one cab & the pre-amp/DI - this if we`re having to use our own gear. If provided rigs I still take the amp head and pre-amp/DI. I always get my sound from the pre-amp/DI, and if the provided amp turns out to be a bit iffy - as it has been on occaison - I can then use my amp/their cab. So I always carry speaker leads to cover all scenarios as well.


I'm the only person in my band who thinks to take any spares to gigs, or even any tools, fuses, duct tape etc. And sod's law, its always the other members who need it, cos my stuff all works.

There's enough to be stressed about at gigs, so i make sure I've got the basics covered. But realistically i can't take two amps, multiple basses etc along. I play guitar in one version of my band, and although i take a spare guitar to gigs its never been out of the case.

Better to be safe tho, if you can be arsed to carry it all round.


After breaking a string once I always take a back up bass - often my little Hohner B2A cricket bat if space is restricted. I keep a back up amp in the car - in one of my bands one of the guitarist had his amp fail one gig at soundcheck, the other guitarist had a spare in the car. I have a Behringer BDI21 just in case), spare instrument leads, spare kettle lead, spare strings... never feel quite comfortable unless I have all this lot.


I carry spare strings but only gig with one bass. It's a passive Precision though, so what can go wrong? I take a Leatherman and there's always gaff tape about, I reckon I could fix anything that was wrong with it bar snapping the neck and it's in a hardcase.

My rack has two preamps in it, although I use one through the FX loop of the other, I could easily make do with one or the other. I don't bother with spare power amp or cab obviously. If a gig is that important, there'd be enough PA.

I had had issues though. I've blown a power amp before (with no proper PA support either) and have snapped a string only to realise I had no spare A. These times are not good, but they're not the end of the world and certainly not worth losing sleep over.


I take 2 basses, one as a backup but they are never the same, but then I often change which bass I am gigging with depending on the mood or the place. I only have the one amp, but worst comes to the worst I can DI into the PA. If the PA blows, well, noone is going to hear us anyway!


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1435236762' post='2806826']
That's what I used to do. But in the end I learned it's really madness.

Well, only one spare of each! My problem is I take a cable out of my gig bag of pedals/amp head/cables, and put it in my guitar case to take to practice. I then take a different case to a gig, and voila - I'm a cable short. With the one spare rule, I save myself from forgetfulness!

I have broken a string at a gig before - fortunately the last song in the set & I lived literally next door to the pub I was playing at, so I just went & grabbed another bass for the next set.


To paraphrase Smaz:
My problem is I take a cable out of my gig bag of pedals/amp head/cables, and put it in my guitar case to take to practice. I then take a different case to a gig, and voila - I'm a cable short.

this is exactly my reasoning! I am saving myself from my own forgetfulness. I also took out a cable to practice guitar with over the weekend. Forgot to put it back and needed extra cable at rehearsal last night. No fear, the backup backup was still in place and ready for action. Proof of point.

However, I think that most stems from my inability to sell on instruments that I don't use for whatever reason, and as I like to have a backup, each redundant instrument is actually 2 redundant instruments. A clear out is needed. :blink:


Had a gig yrs ago where one of our PA 2x10 cabs went on fritz and i used my custom bass 2x10 cab as a replacement and DI'd to PA. From that day i always DI'd until last few yrs.
These days i like a spare bass for gigs.

I keep a small GK MB200 in bag for emergencies.
Usual spare set strings, leads etc.

Now how about a spare van just in case the first breaks down.
Spare wife just in case the first one complains about - well anything really :lol: (she operates my lighting desk)

I have played without any back up kit and i've also played thru guitar amps.



None of my basses sound the same so in that sense I don't have backups. Usually as a band we travel light and hence no real opportunity to carry spares of bulky items. Neither me, drummer, guitarist or brass section carry spare instruments. The two keyboard players use 2 keyboards each on stage so are pretty much safe. Touch wood I've not had a bass break down on me just leads, tuners, DI-boxes, backline provided heads and cabs. I change batteries regularly maybe every quarter and more often if I've done a lot of playing before a gig. I have spare strings, cables and a mini toolkit so I can make truss rod adjustments etc if needed.

I wonder if classical orchestra musicians carry backup instruments?


I only had one Tuba.

Although classical musicians are a bit more relaxed about other musicians borrowing gear. The orchestra pit isn't quite like a pub gig. :D


So, looks like I'm the only one who has drum sticks, box of assorted plectrums, a hi-hat top clamp, a Vox Satchurator pedal, a spare SM58 and 9-42 guitar strings in the car, apart from all my bass gear. Every one of these items has been forgotten at some point by the others in the band. :huh:

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