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Any tips or tricks to harden up my fingers quickly?


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Hi folks,

I'm really getting into playing slap bass and I'm doing a lot of exercises with a metronome. My trouble is that my fingers on my right hand are getting pretty raw from popping the strings, which is making it hard to practice for as long as I would like each day. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that might help deal with this?

Best wishes


Edited by Naetharu
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There's a scene backstage on the RHCP Psychedelic Sex Funk video where you see Flea using superglue to fill up a hole he's worn in the side of his thumb by slapping, before wrapping it in electrical tape.
Not so much a recommendation by the way as an example of how it can be a problem for experienced slappers too!

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There isn't a short cut. The changes are in the growth of protein fibres under the skin, collagen,elastin and keratin. Essentially this is in response to damaging the existing matrix of fibres which the slapping and popping is doing. The best way to ameliorate the extreme effects are: to stop when it gets sore, keep your hands dry. Surgical spirit isn't a bad way of drying your hands more quickly as it evaporates more rapidly than water but it won't help you grow new callouses. Practice little and often, you want micro tears that heal quickly not great tears that take weeks or months to heal.

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Personally I would say just keep practicing on the regular.

Theres all sorts of old wives tales about methods of doing it but I think its all nonsense and are probably coming from new players who don't now what they are talking about.

or if you are REALLY desperate...


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Having moved to bass from guitar I hadn't realised how wimpy my callouses were. This was on my fretting hand, though. I have used superglue to give a bit more "pretend" dead skin before but not sure if that will help with the picking hand - I use a pick most of the time.

Ultimately you just need to play and let your body grow those extra layers of protection.

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