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Posted (edited)
  On 16/01/2018 at 20:26, TheGreek said:

Terry Chapman seems to have slipped off the list. I've inserted him where I think he should be.


In a rough North -----> South order:

Alan Cringean 07754 502 366   http://www.acguitars.co.uk   Moffat
Joe & Dave 07896759715, 07918646359 Austin Guitar Shop [email protected] Blyth
Dave Wilson 07951 710626 http://www.dwilsonguitars.com   Haltwhistle
Chris and Laurence 01228 590591   http;//www.overwater.co.uk   Carlisle
Nigel Stockbridge 01748 824700 http://www.nigelsguitarworkshop.co.uk  Richmond, N Yorks
Steve Suggitt 01723 859176 http://www.chapelguitars.com   West Ayton, Nr Scarborough
Jim Fleeting 01765 607761 07792 457 741 http://www.guitarrepairman.co.uk   Ripon, N Yorks
Phil Hartley 01204 592373 http://www.guitarsetup.co.uk/   Bolton
Steve Robinson 07776 434987   http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk  Manchester
Keith Bennion 0151 647 3268 http://www.kgb-music.co.uk   Birkenhead
Jack Ellis 07706 828122 http://jacksinstrumentservices.com  Salford
Ged Green 0161 4289098 http://www.gedgreen.co.uk  Manchester
Jon Shuker (Shuker Bass) 0114 2582555, 07901 896021 http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk   Sheffield
Dan 01159 784403   http://www.themusicinn.co.uk   Nottingham
Colin Staples 01159 417955   http://www.davemann.co.uk   Nottingham
Nigel Roberts 01530 454945 http://www.leicestershire-luthier.co.uk   Thringstone, Nr Loughborough
Howard Smith 01162 706862   http://www.howardsmith.co.uk/   Leicester
Ian Hancock - 01733 565099 Peterborough
Jon Haire - 01733 348661 Peterborough
Duncan Wales - 01354 652231 http://www.organicguitars.co.uk   Peterborough
Rob Williams - 01686 689120 http://www.robwilliamsguitars.co.uk   Newtown Powys
John Diggins 0121 7735711 http://www.jaydeeguitars.co.uk  Birmingham
Andy Guyton 01986 896689 http://www.guytonguitars.com/  Bungay Suffolk
Paul 01604 460848 http://www.arrowheadguitars.co.uk  Northampton
Pete Allen 01926 499012 http://www.guitartechnicalservices.co.uk   Warwick 
Colin Fulton 07913 797193 Glemham, Suffolk
Kim Seabourne 07974294681 http://www.bassurgery.com   Worcester
Andy Viccars http://www.andyviccarscustom.co.uk   Milton Keynes
Terry Chapman  01438 216342 / Mobile : 07901 895 639   http://www.tjcguitars.com/ - Stevenage, Herts
Robbie McDade 07915 075077 http://www.rimcustombasses.co.uk  Luton
Dave Dearnly 02920 462953 Cardiff
Mark Percy 07956 611811 / 07804 289794   http://www.markpercy.co.uk  London N19
Dave Wild 0208 3407766 http://www.wildguitars.com/guitars.htm   London N6
The Bass Gallery 0207 2675258 http://www.thebassgallery.com   London NW1
Chris McIntyre 07764747450 http://mcintyreguitars.com  Unit 228, Blenheim Court, Blenheim Grove, London SE15 
Bill Puplett 0208 9541965 [email protected]  London Harrow
Paul Herman 0208 9731441 http://www.guitarexperience.co.uk  London Hampton Wick
Andrew Scrimshaw 07941 434650 http://mbwebs.co.uk/scrim/  London
Martin Phelps 0208 6809747 http://www.martinphelpsmusic.com/ Croydon
Feline Guitars 0208 6809131 http://www.felineguitars.com   Croydon
Simon Law 07786 563214 Swindon
Eltham Jones 07971 240296 http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/index.htm   Bristol
Oli Foxen 07884 371559 http://ampstack.wordpress.com  Bristol
Jonny Kincade 01179 243279 http://www.kinkadeguitars.co.uk   Bristol
Frank Aust 01179 603589 Bristol
Tom Waghorn & Dave MacLean (Waghorn Guitars) 01179 272111 http://waghornguitars.com/   Bristol BS1 4AJ
The Guitar Klinic 01761 419199 http://www.guitarclinic.co.uk  Midsomer Norton
Mike Walsh 01376 500820 http://www.zootbass.co.uk Witham
Barry Palmer 01279 432900 http://www.giggear.co.uk  Harlow
Bob Johnson 01702 558890 http://www.legraguitars.co.uk Leigh-on-Sea
Mike Seal 07906 354339 Northfleet
Tom Anfield 0845 2268175 http://www.ukguitars.com/  Ripley
Joe White 01252 520911 http://www.jwhite-guitarworkshops.co.uk  Farnborough
Ben Fleetcroft 01483 427444 http://fleetcroftguitars.com/ Godalming
Martin Sims 07768 401186 http://www.simscustom.com  Ashford, Kent

Ben Crowe 01963 364101, 07799 003701 http://www.crimsonguitars.com   Henstridge
Nick Benjamin 01273 480907 http://www.benjaminguitars.co.uk  Lewes
Bernie Goodfellow 01273 220055 http://www.gbguitars.co.uk  Brighton
Graham Wheeler 01903 893029 Washington, West Sussex.

New Ireland Section
Chris Larkin +353 66 713 9330 http://www.chrislarkinguitars.com   Co.Kerry 

Germany section
Rüdiger Ziesemann +49 2151/736496 http://www.bassline-bass.de  Krefeld 

Australian Section
Brian West (+618) 8231 8588 http://www.fretco.com.au  Adelaide 
Tim Wright (+618) 8398 5551 http://www.wrightguitars.com.au  MT BARKER (Acoustic & Electric guitars)


Terry in his position in the country and "Guitar Workshop" removed. Thanks Mick & @Norris

Edited by Grangur

Just had the jack socket replaced, truss rod nut freed off and adjusted and the hole in the headstock opened out slightly for better access to it plus a set up /check over by Graham Wheeler on my G&L L2000.

Great bloke, friendly and helpful. great service - less than a week with the weekend in the middle so only a few days really. Everything he did looks great and it plays really well. 

He's listed as Worthing, but he's actually in Washington, West Sussex which is on the A24 half way between Horsham and Worthing.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
  • 2 months later...

Any of these luthiers specialise in repairing or retrofitting active electronic circuits? Many luthiers are great at the guitar build and set-up side of things, but often sub-contract out the electronics,

I have issues with a dead 2 band Glockenklang Active circuit in my Elwood. I have been sent a Delano Sonar 2  to replace it, but far too complex for me?






Shane Haigh (The String Surgeon), Wakefield.  Very knowledgeable and experienced.  Just performed some great remedial work on the neck of one of my Mustangs.  Very reasonable rates and very quick too.  I've added the details into the first post.

  • 1 month later...

New guy started up in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.  Leighton Jennings - Leighton's guitars: https://www.leightonsguitarshop.com/

He builds/repairs/mods guitars/basses and amps so can do anything pretty much from a quick set up to a custom build.  I've had him do a couple of things for me and he has been friendly, efficient, cheap and- most importantly -good!  He says he can do free local pickup and drop off, too.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 17/01/2018 at 09:58, Grangur said:

In a rough North -----> South order:

Alan Cringean 07754 502 366   http://www.acguitars.co.uk   Moffat
Joe & Dave 07896759715, 07918646359 Austin Guitar Shop [email protected] Blyth
Dave Wilson 07951 710626 http://www.dwilsonguitars.com   Haltwhistle
Chris and Laurence 01228 590591   http;//www.overwater.co.uk   Carlisle
Nigel Stockbridge 01748 824700 http://www.nigelsguitarworkshop.co.uk  Richmond, N Yorks
Steve Suggitt 01723 859176 http://www.chapelguitars.com   West Ayton, Nr Scarborough
Jim Fleeting 01765 607761 07792 457 741 http://www.guitarrepairman.co.uk   Ripon, N Yorks
Phil Hartley 01204 592373 http://www.guitarsetup.co.uk/   Bolton
Steve Robinson 07776 434987   http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk  Manchester
Keith Bennion 0151 647 3268 http://www.kgb-music.co.uk   Birkenhead
Jack Ellis 07706 828122 http://jacksinstrumentservices.com  Salford
Ged Green 0161 4289098 http://www.gedgreen.co.uk  Manchester
Jon Shuker (Shuker Bass) 0114 2582555, 07901 896021 http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk   Sheffield
Dan 01159 784403   http://www.themusicinn.co.uk   Nottingham
Colin Staples 01159 417955   http://www.davemann.co.uk   Nottingham
Nigel Roberts 01530 454945 http://www.leicestershire-luthier.co.uk   Thringstone, Nr Loughborough
Howard Smith 01162 706862   http://www.howardsmith.co.uk/   Leicester
Ian Hancock - 01733 565099 Peterborough
Jon Haire - 01733 348661 Peterborough
Duncan Wales - 01354 652231 http://www.organicguitars.co.uk   Peterborough
Rob Williams - 01686 689120 http://www.robwilliamsguitars.co.uk   Newtown Powys
John Diggins 0121 7735711 http://www.jaydeeguitars.co.uk  Birmingham
Andy Guyton 01986 896689 http://www.guytonguitars.com/  Bungay Suffolk
Paul 01604 460848 http://www.arrowheadguitars.co.uk  Northampton
Pete Allen 01926 499012 http://www.guitartechnicalservices.co.uk   Warwick 
Colin Fulton 07913 797193 Glemham, Suffolk
Kim Seabourne 07974294681 http://www.bassurgery.com   Worcester
Andy Viccars http://www.andyviccarscustom.co.uk   Milton Keynes
Terry Chapman  01438 216342 / Mobile : 07901 895 639   http://www.tjcguitars.com/ - Stevenage, Herts
Robbie McDade 07915 075077 http://www.rimcustombasses.co.uk  Luton
Dave Dearnly 02920 462953 Cardiff
Mark Percy 07956 611811 / 07804 289794   http://www.markpercy.co.uk  London N19
Dave Wild 0208 3407766 http://www.wildguitars.com/guitars.htm   London N6
The Bass Gallery 0207 2675258 http://www.thebassgallery.com   London NW1
Chris McIntyre 07764747450 http://mcintyreguitars.com  Unit 228, Blenheim Court, Blenheim Grove, London SE15 
Bill Puplett 0208 9541965 [email protected]  London Harrow
Paul Herman 0208 9731441 http://www.guitarexperience.co.uk  London Hampton Wick
Andrew Scrimshaw 07941 434650 http://mbwebs.co.uk/scrim/  London
Martin Phelps 0208 6809747 http://www.martinphelpsmusic.com/ Croydon
Feline Guitars 0208 6809131 http://www.felineguitars.com   Croydon
Simon Law 07786 563214 Swindon
Eltham Jones 07971 240296 http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/index.htm   Bristol
Oli Foxen 07884 371559 http://ampstack.wordpress.com  Bristol
Jonny Kincade 01179 243279 http://www.kinkadeguitars.co.uk   Bristol
Frank Aust 01179 603589 Bristol
Tom Waghorn & Dave MacLean (Waghorn Guitars) 01179 272111 http://waghornguitars.com/   Bristol BS1 4AJ
The Guitar Klinic 01761 419199 http://www.guitarclinic.co.uk  Midsomer Norton
Mike Walsh 01376 500820 http://www.zootbass.co.uk Witham
Barry Palmer 01279 432900 http://www.giggear.co.uk  Harlow
Bob Johnson 01702 558890 http://www.legraguitars.co.uk Leigh-on-Sea
Mike Seal 07906 354339 Northfleet
Tom Anfield 0845 2268175 http://www.ukguitars.com/  Ripley
Joe White 01252 520911 http://www.jwhite-guitarworkshops.co.uk  Farnborough
Ben Fleetcroft 01483 427444 http://fleetcroftguitars.com/ Godalming
Martin Sims 07768 401186 http://www.simscustom.com  Ashford, Kent

Ben Crowe 01963 364101, 07799 003701 http://www.crimsonguitars.com   Henstridge
Nick Benjamin 01273 480907 http://www.benjaminguitars.co.uk  Lewes
Bernie Goodfellow 01273 220055 http://www.gbguitars.co.uk  Brighton
Graham Wheeler 01903 893029 Washington, West Sussex.

New Ireland Section
Chris Larkin +353 66 713 9330 http://www.chrislarkinguitars.com   Co.Kerry 

Germany section
Rüdiger Ziesemann +49 2151/736496 http://www.bassline-bass.de  Krefeld 

Australian Section
Brian West (+618) 8231 8588 http://www.fretco.com.au  Adelaide 
Tim Wright (+618) 8398 5551 http://www.wrightguitars.com.au  MT BARKER (Acoustic & Electric guitars)


Terry in his position in the country and "Guitar Workshop" removed. Thanks Mick & @Norris


Noticed Crimson Guitars is listed as 'Henstridge', It's actually in Piddlehinton, a good 30 minutes away.

Crimson Guitars Ltd
The Old Dairy
Carters Barn Farm
Dorset, UK

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Just had some work (which has been the subject of threads on BC) done by a quality luthier, Jerome Davies


Good work done, turned round in a sensible time, very reasonable charges for the level of the work; plus he's a good bloke.  Most of his work is on Double Bass but he builds and repairs bass guitars too.

He's in Cranbrook, Kent - a little bit off the beaten track but well worth seeking out.

  • 1 month later...

Guys, I would like to make a mention for JB Guitars in Writtle, Essex, www.jbguitars.co.uk

He works a slightly unusual setup in that he does not allow visitors, and prefers to collect/drop off instruments around the Essex area. I personally think this is a big ask, allowing someone you don't know and have never met to come to your house and take away your pride and joy with nothing more than trust that you will ever see it again. John's take on this is that he works from home, and would rather lose work than allow all and sundry to know where he is keeping and working on ££££'s worth of instruments. He also added that he decided on this policy because people cant help but fiddle (Bassists Fingers Syndrome?!) and in the past this had led to damage to customers guitars when they visited his workshop. Put simply, the security of your instrument is more important to John than taking on work and I have to admire this approach. Anyway I took the plunge and explained to John that I wasn't happy with the fret levelling on my brand new Steinberger XT2 and that I felt the action should do better than 2.75~3mm on the E at the 17th. I was getting fret buzz all over the place and on an initial assessment at my house, John said that although he had seen far worse, his pocket level checking tool didnt lie and he made sure that I could see the problems too. He also identified a 'bump' in the neck which wasnt helping matters. On this basis, I requested a fret dress.

He took it away and worked some magic. A full pro setup was done, and I will add that he doesnt use flat decking bars as I have seen some luthiers do and hope for the best. Every neck radius is checked and he uses the appropriate convex decking bar to suit. Given the variations on neck radii, he has spent a considerable amount on precision decking bars alone. After levelling, chamfering of edges, high grit sanding and finally polishing as well as a clean and dress of the fretboard, correct setting of the string height radius and relief, the job is done. He stresses that new strings are always fitted as despite mine being 'new', he had no idea what quality they were or how long they had been sitting around. If new ones are fitted, it gives him a firm baseline to work to and again I can see his point. He just isnt happy at all to give a guitar back without brand new strings.

Although not 'cheap' at £150 for the work + £25 for strings, I can see where the money goes. The job takes a whole day which works out at around £25 an hour and I dont think thats a lot at all for skilled labour.

I now have the bass back with me and I have to say its utterly fantastic. I have actually run it down to 1.75mm on the E at the 17th but brought it back up to 2mm to allow for heavier playing when needed. The neck is super smooth and the finishing looks a million dollars compared to before.

I cannot reccomend JB enough, and would have no doubt in giving him other basses to work on. He's a thoroughly nice guy to boot, and will treat your instrument as a work of art. I am not sure I have come across anyone as fastidious when it comes to care or setup.


  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...


ive put this up with public sharing at the moment - @Hamster if you ping me your email i can add you as an editor

  • several of the links in the list are dead links
  • a few of the links are flash sites and will ocasionally redirect to non-adobe flash downloads (these have been omitted for security reasons)
  • several of the links are still live business but have no location and have not been included on the map at present 
  • some have no address details but have included themselves on google maps already so the location details have been added directly from their own googlemap listing
  • 3 months later...
Guest Marcoelwray

Same as the other topic, Happy to help anyone in trouble !


Elwray Basses

  • 2 months later...


I'm looking for a guitar builder to build me my ultimate P-bass, hopefully not a million miles away from Nottingham. I know that there are plenty of repairers and shops that do setups etc., but I would like the body at least made from scratch (it'll need routing for a MM 'bucker). I don't mind a quality aftermarket neck being used. Anyone have any suggestions?



  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Steve Curtis at the Guitar Repair Centre inside PMT in Salford is good, did some work for me earlier this year and he’s Gibson and Taylor accredited. 

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Had some more work done by Terry Chapman (aka @nosbig).

Usual high standard at a reasonable price.



Edited by TheGreek
  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to recommend Jeff Beers of Zero One guitars in West Wales. He did an amazing job of sorting out issues on my Gibson SG and was brutally honest about a bass I took to him - he showed me all the problems with it and suggested I sell it for parts, doing himself out of some work in the process. The SG came back like a new instrument, I can't recommend him enough. Lovely guy, very talented and incredible eye for detail.


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