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please look at the ebony board on 'new' streamer bass, damaged?


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[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1438061946' post='2831218']
how's that new? If it's been sat in a shop for the last 25 years then you would expect some ageing of the wood.

i didn't say in was new i said it was 'new' ... yeah of course I expect some damage my issue is I was sold it meant to be in great condition. They said they had cleaned it but hand't the neck was filthy with gunk and hiding all these issues

Gonna take it a luthier or to and find out the true state of it, maybe its not as bad as I think, maybe its worse!! I just feel ripped off £1500 is a lot of money for what looks like pretty damaged board, I don;t think its worth what I paid for it, Do you want it?

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[quote name='Manton Customs' timestamp='1438042516' post='2831202']
While that's a good idea to confirm if it was made with fretlines or not, you can rest assured that it is 100% definitely Ebony, I work with it every week :). As I mentioned earlier, it would not be an expensive job to have a local luthier restore the board.

Thats good to know cheers, can you give me a ballpark figure so I won't be ripped off!!

Where are you based, if close i'll bring it to you!!

Cheers again

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[quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1438072957' post='2831298']
Thats good to know cheers, can you give me a ballpark figure so I won't be ripped off!!

Where are you based, if close i'll bring it to you!!

Cheers again

Shropshire!! Not too close! Can you recommend anyone down near or in Dorset? Cheers

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[quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1438072856' post='2831297']
They said they had cleaned it but hand't the neck was filthy with [b]gunk[/b] and hiding all these issues

also known as 'finger cheese' ;)

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just to clarify one little thing - there was a time I was very into Warwicks and knew their custom shop options pricelist by heart. While indeed they only do unlined fretless as standard, lined fretless fingerboard used to be only £100 extra (not sure how much it would be now).

Personally, I wouldn't be much concerned about all this, I do play fretless and had quite a few of them, also defretted a couple myself and can say this is quite normal. However, I also wouldn't like to find this condition on a bass sold as "excellent condition", as it is in a need for some work (re-planing, polishing, filling some gaps), even if not urgent or critical.

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[quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1438073009' post='2831299']
Shropshire!! Not too close! Can you recommend anyone down near or in Dorset? Cheers

Ha, no not close at all! I wasn't after the work myself, just trying to help out a bit :). Try Ben at Crimson guitars (http://crimsonguitars.com/), he's in Dorset and I believe he does repairs. It'd probably be somewhere around £100 from someone (like Ben) who knows what they are doing. Perhaps you could get the shop where you bought it from to reimburse?..Or try to!

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[quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1438077723' post='2831364']
yuk!! Tell me about your[size=4] Maruszczyk [/size][size=3]​would that make a decent active fretless??[/size]

yeah, first time I heard that description I was disgusted... for it was about a bass I had just bought, therefore it was not *my* finger cheese :P

let's move on to nicer matters ;)

Maruszczyk? As far as I know, they would make *anything* you want to. For less than you expect, too.
The Jake I have is only minimally customised: I only specified the neck dimensions/profile and that it should be glossy lacquered... everything else is stock Jake model, well, one of the various Jake models. It is without exaggeration one of the nicest basses I've ever played. Of course, a lot of it is the neck, because I specified the neck profile I like and I got just that.

I have another in the making, this one I specified a lot more things about it, including pickup type and position to the millimeter, hardware details... I'm actually adding a little logo of my band too. They will do customised inlays too, anything. Just ask. Some people specify how much the bass has to weight and they come up with ways to achieve that... Essentially, you name it, they'll make it. The more "crazy" you get in the specs, the more it adds to the cost... but a lot of the options do not add much, some don't add anything.

So, in short, yes, I believe they can make you a great fretless active bass. Spend some time thinking about every detail of your ideal bass, and I mean *every* detail so that you can tell them exactly what you want, and approach them for a quote. Adrian is pretty good at replying quickly, and to the point, don't expect extensive emails from him... but he'll read yours and will reply to everything making sure the order is just right.

Edited by mcnach
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[quote name='Manton Customs' timestamp='1438078628' post='2831372']
Ha, no not close at all! I wasn't after the work myself, just trying to help out a bit :). Try Ben at Crimson guitars ([url="http://crimsonguitars.com/"]http://crimsonguitars.com/[/url]), he's in Dorset and I believe he does repairs. It'd probably be somewhere around £100 from someone (like Ben) who knows what they are doing. Perhaps you could get the shop where you bought it from to reimburse?..Or try to!

seconded, about the relatively low cost of fixing the Warwick.

I have a bass I defretted myself and then took it to a local luthier to fill the fret slots with a sycamore veneer and plane the fingerboard and set it all up nicely. £100 sounds about right if it doesn't involve lacquering etc.
I understand it's in a disappointing condition right now, but if you like it, like the sound, etc... it would not take too much to turn it into a beautiful and good to play instrument.

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Sorry that you're disappointed, I can understand how you must feel.
But looking at the positive side of things, you have an absolutely gorgeous handcrafted bass there which is a real piece of history (even if only for it's age).
OK, your fretless is a quarter of a century old and it's fingerboard needs some TLC - no biggie. Spend the extra little bit more to have it sorted properly and it will play like new and all this will soon be forgotten. You'll have a fretless for life there and the price you paid for such an instrument will end up seeming quite reasonable I reckon.
Good luck and hang in there! :)

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I can understand how you feel Z. I had a MM SR5 F'less a few years back that had had a nut replacement and due to the brittleness of Pau Ferro, a lump had come out between nut and first. Not pretty but once it had been filled it never gave me a problem. If the aesthetics are of concern, then on a great bass like the Streamer it would be worth getting it sorted. You could go the whole hog and had an epoxy job like a Pedulla!

Edited by martthebass
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[quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1438079983' post='2831398']
But looking at the positive side of things, you have an absolutely gorgeous handcrafted bass there which is a real piece of history (even if only for it's age).

It's not a 'real piece of history', it's just a 25 year old bass.

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Thank peeps for all the advice! Now I've calmed down a bit after seeing the fretboard I just need to take ot to a decent luthier, id like to keep it, can't afford anything like it new,and body neck and electronics are all fine so hopefully I can get this back to its slippery best....

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