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This evening I sat down to work out and record a new complex bass part for Avenged sevenfold's A little piece of heaven. It's 8 minutes long... full of trumpets, clarinets, brass sections.. etc.. so I thought it would be a challenge to encompass all of these parts into one bassline.
A challenge.. but I set about it... recording all of the parts in Audacity.
3 hours after I first sat down.. I was about 95% finished.

then... the program crashed....

Not a problem normally... but what didn't I do?



.... I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


i personally would go and find a very dark room and sit in the corner and rock backwards and forwards...


i've heard that song and love it and for you to ecompass all those parts into one line is very very good...

well done sarah...


Oh wait... I found the sound files in audacity....


458 files.... including the original track.... originally 8 minutes long... which is now in hundreds of 6 second clips....

I think I need a drink...


my housemate had his hard drive fail on him 2 days before his dissertation was due in...watching him have a nervous breakdown was probably one of the most horrible things I've ever seen. Moral of the story - Back the f***er up :)


[quote name='Sarah5string' post='275012' date='Sep 1 2008, 10:17 PM']Oh wait... I found the sound files in audacity....[/quote]
Ah, Audacity: have a look [url="http://www.audacityteam.org/manual/index.php?title=FAQ#Audacity_crashed.21_Can_I_recover_any_unsaved_data.3F"]here[/url], Audacity has a crash recovery program that might help in these cases.


I have a 205,000 word manuscript I am working on. The back-up is backed-up with copies on 3 different computers and a falsh drive. I lost 8,000 words of an MA dissertation once; fortunately I had origianlly hand written it but it still took hours of typing to recover it.

You'll never make THAT mistake twice!


Are you 'Flushing' all of your unused audio files..... Even if you delete them from the window, they are not necessarily deleted off your hard disk... best get rid and make sure you back up often

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