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Looking to downsize from Ampeg rig but not sure what to buy

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[quote name='sPiKi' timestamp='1441925215' post='2863106']
So, I received my OB1 500 today and have just returned from a quick workout with our guitarist and drummer.

What a disappointment! Hated the tone. Mids way too prominent and to my ears, just all 'honk' which I couldn't eliminate. In spite of the marketing of an active EQ, we found the range from the clean section of the amp to be pretty limited. I played through with my P and J basses, with no effects at all.

It does the distorted thing great when the gain is cranked but I could never see me using that in our set. Enjoyed a quick run through Ace of Spades for old time's sake :)

The unit itself feels very sturdy and weighty and it isn't going to budge from your cab; thought the knobs though were a bit cheap feeling.

For comparison, we alternated heads to contrast with the V4 and I must say, in my opnion, that has a much more rounded, fuller tone which is not harsh unlike this one. I still have the problem of not enough power with my V4, so considering possibly PF800 + cabs, TH500 or wait for reviews on the Mesa Subway. Any thoughts or advice would be really welcome.

Refresh the memory..what cab are you planning to use...?

The OTB is regarded as a 1 trick pony, IMV...and it depends if you like that trick.
Some do...but it didn't work for you?

Aguilar can do a modern take on Ampeg, but if you are considering the PF800...I'd stick on the Ampeg trail.

I don't like the SVT3 but that might be another option.

Very popular around here, for some reason.... and S/H prices should be helpful.

If you were going to change out your cabs, I'd suggest a PF800 with TKS 2xS112's as that combo works great with a
PF500. Best of both worlds...light AND ceramic

I'd also suggest that CN Bergs and SL12's...which are NEO and light, work pretty well too.

But I say this as they are combos I've researched and know work...IMO.

The trick is trying these things to avoid another OBT situation.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1442322483' post='2866019']
Refresh the memory..what cab are you planning to use...?

The OTB is regarded as a 1 trick pony, IMV...and it depends if you like that trick.
Some do...but it didn't work for you?

Aguilar can do a modern take on Ampeg, but if you are considering the PF800...I'd stick on the Ampeg trail.

I don't like the SVT3 but that might be another option.

Very popular around here, for some reason.... and S/H prices should be helpful.

If you were going to change out your cabs, I'd suggest a PF800 with TKS 2xS112's as that combo works great with a
PF500. Best of both worlds...light AND ceramic

I'd also suggest that CN Bergs and SL12's...which are NEO and light, work pretty well too.

But I say this as they are combos I've researched and know work...IMO.

The trick is trying these things to avoid another OBT situation.

It was the OB1 not the OBT, JTUK. I tried it through my Ampeg 610 Classic cabinet.

Initially I thought I might have tried a PF500 or 800 but after doing some research, the frequency of problems with the 500, no matter how long ago, has put me off. I was also considering the SVT 7 Pro but even with the current revision of that amp (H? perhaps) there are still reported problems with cutting out. Not ideal when performing.

Think I'm going to wait and see what the feedback on the Mesa is when it arrives. The only other strong contender is the TH500. Not sure about which cab(s) to consider. Still trying to get my head around the large output from the small cabs that seem so popular today (is 115 or 112 or 212 really loud enough for gigging?). Again would really like to downsize and go modular, but have very limited opportunities to try stuff out locally and haven't an unlimited budget, probably £7-800 for cabs.

Edited by sPiKi
Posted (edited)

I have gigged with a Barefaced Compact G1 successfully for about 6 years. For smaller pubs I've used the Midget, and it's loud too but not as smooth and deep as the Compact. Both are easily gigable cabs though. Together they will handle any gig, including large festival stages... a wee bit of Barefaced & Mesa Walkabout action. In this case a pair of G1/2 Midgets.

Like this: [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=934119803318310&set=a.934115536652070.1073741916.100001608970035&type=1&theater"]https://www.facebook...&type=1[/url]

And this: https://www.facebook.com/BluesDirect/photos/a.892577164136916.1073741829.395327500528554/892577027470263/?type=1&theater

The new Barefaced G3 cabs are a step up again so I would have no worries about their gigging capabilities.

There are a few Barefaced users in N Ireland so you could possibly hear/try them. Whereabouts are you?


Edited by machinehead

[quote name='sPiKi' timestamp='1441925215' post='2863106']
So, I received my OB1 500 today and have just returned from a quick workout with our guitarist and drummer.

What a disappointment! Hated the tone. Mids way too prominent and to my ears, just all 'honk' which I couldn't eliminate. In spite of the marketing of an active EQ, we found the range from the clean section of the amp to be pretty limited. I played through with my P and J basses, with no effects at all.

It does the distorted thing great when the gain is cranked but I could never see me using that in our set. Enjoyed a quick run through Ace of Spades for old time's sake :)

The unit itself feels very sturdy and weighty and it isn't going to budge from your cab; thought the knobs though were a bit cheap feeling.

For comparison, we alternated heads to contrast with the V4 and I must say, in my opnion, that has a much more rounded, fuller tone which is not harsh unlike this one. I still have the problem of not enough power with my V4, so considering possibly PF800 + cabs, TH500 or wait for reviews on the Mesa Subway. Any thoughts or advice would be really welcome.

thing is if your looking for the same tone as the ampeg head you'll be disappointed, even tho they are active eq, if it similar to the otb they dnt do a lot, they do a little.

the if i rem correctly the v4 is all valve? and i hate to say it IMO nothing really sounds like valves pre amp dirt is nice but having the power tubes there add a extra something to the mix, for me a nice warm thick bottom end!

i dnt know if any of these have been suggested but my favorite two amps of all time! both played with either my own or loaner 610hlf are the aguilar db750 which is an absolute beast of an amp! yes its heavy but really does sound great i went from a svt pro 8 to the db and still got a really nice peg kinda sound, joint first would be my current amp, the ashdown ctm100! it will do clean with a bit of bite, an bit of grind or crazy overdrive filth! and is loud! dnt let the 100w scare you of but if it does! they do a 300w.



If wanting to keep the Ampeg sound, but just to get more volume then the Ampeg SVT3-PRO is worth a look. I`ve just picked up one of these and have been really impressed with it. I`ve had higher-gain pre-amp valves put in it - got Watford Valves`s recommendations for this, which are always good. Ok it doesnt do really tubey overdrive, but you can get a good SVT-type clank from it.

Plenty of headroom too. I really don`t understand where the rumours of it being too quiet for a live band come from. In my orignals punk band - which by genre isn`t exactly quiet - my master volume is on 9 o`clock. Ok I`ve the gain on full, and the graphic eq volume slider boosted, but even so, there is so much more headroom available.

The only observation I have about the 3PRO is that with stock valves it sounds warmer than SVTs/valve Ampeg heads. There`s a clip on youtube that illustrates this quite nicely, with the full valve amps having a bit of a spikier top-end. Changing the pre-amp valves has meant I can now get that.

Yes it`s still a bit weighty, but even in a rack case it`s under 30lbs.


[quote name='sPiKi' timestamp='1442355330' post='2866384']
It was the OB1 not the OBT, JTUK. I tried it through my Ampeg 610 Classic cabinet.

Initially I thought I might have tried a PF500 or 800 but after doing some research, the frequency of problems with the 500, no matter how long ago, has put me off. I was also considering the SVT 7 Pro but even with the current revision of that amp (H? perhaps) there are still reported problems with cutting out. Not ideal when performing.

Think I'm going to wait and see what the feedback on the Mesa is when it arrives. The only other strong contender is the TH500. Not sure about which cab(s) to consider. Still trying to get my head around the large output from the small cabs that seem so popular today (is 115 or 112 or 212 really loud enough for gigging?). Again would really like to downsize and go modular, but have very limited opportunities to try stuff out locally and haven't an unlimited budget, probably £7-800 for cabs.

I think you'll have to do what you need to do ampwise... but I can say that a 2x12 is pokey. I've used 212 as well and that handles a nice sized stage quite well.
I'm think 32ft x 16ft. typically.
I think a 610 would handle it better, for sure, and I'd have to do that size stage with a 750 amp with 212+210...so yes a 2x112 is a very useable set-up.

IMO, the amp is key. My DB750 is great at that...as it is its home turf, IMO.
I know a Thunderfunk 550-B does it as well..

Not sure about the TH500... I for one, wouldn't risk and if the TH class D would work, I'm be unsure abouit the other amps of that ilk as well.
This was one of the reasons I went for a Demeter 800 but haven't tested it there yet.

Also..that is why a TH800 might be a great idea as well.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for all the responses. As much as I like the Ampeg tone, I'm not absolutely commtted to it. I rarely used the gain for a bit of dirt, preferring a clean sound for most of our stuff. I quite fancy a change & hopefully will find the right set up which is smaller, flexible and more portable & gives me big, clean and punchy.

Edited by sPiKi

Big, clean and punchy in a lightweight setup to me = GB Streamliner or GK MB Fusion. Cab wise, there are a couple of Tech Soundsystems in the F/S section which are epic cabs.

Posted (edited)

I love the Tech stuff. Cabs are very high build quality and super light. Sound dispersal is very good so you can hear what you're playing when stood right next to it. They are also very sensitive so don't need masses of power, and are extremely loud. I love the look too but that's subjective. I reckon the 4x12 that's for sale would easily give any 8x10 a good run for it's money at a fraction of the weight. and the 4x10 wouldn't be far off either.

Edited by Japhet

Hard to find a decent review or clip on YT that demonstrates bass amps played in a rock style...nothing but noodling...why??!!


[quote name='sPiKi' timestamp='1442506048' post='2867441']
Hard to find a decent review or clip on YT that demonstrates bass amps played in a rock style...nothing but noodling...why??!!

Maybe you didn't notice but I offered you a chance to try my Barefaced gear. I was a little hurt that you ignored me, in fact, I cried a little. So painful. ;) :P

Anyway, there are lots of opportunities to hear good lightweight gear in a live situation in Belfast and environs. Let me know if you're interested. :)


Posted (edited)

I did miss that, Frank, my apologies. If I can find the time (FT job and gigging every week), I'll drop you a line and many thanks for the offer. A very decent community on here. Gratitude.

Edited by sPiKi
  • 3 months later...

This is my smallest two cab setup:
Streamliner 900 with two TKS S112, around 50 lbs all in all, and a real focused tone. Since the cabs are 250 W RMS and the amp much more, I never play too loud. It works for low B too, but not that full and deep.


I use to have a SVT & 8 x10 , I've tried most makes , But if you want something a lot lighter , & IMHO can knock that rig for six I'd go for barefaced & Ashdown ABM 1000 digital head . . The Ashdown neo cabs are great but still quite a but heavier than the Barefaced .

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