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Help Cutting an angle on a guitar.


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I need to cut an angle like the one in the picture, how can I do that so its as well cut as that. Last time I did it I did it by hand and it was very even.


Edited by JJW
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[quote name='JJW' timestamp='1441486591' post='2859253']
Oh no! I should read over before posting! I'll try to edit that.[/quote]

Sorry - just kidding. Which particular angle are you talking about, one in particular or all of them? For a body like that you'd need either a lot of practised and acquired skills and tools, or access to and knowledge of machinery that can do it.
If you're handy with power and hand tools (I generally am) I'd cut it roughly to shape with a jig-saw or band-saw, then over a great deal of time sand it down by hand to the shape you want. I wouldn't be expecting to get it perfect first time, so a great deal of swearing and Polyfilla would be used at various points.

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[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1441488603' post='2859269']
I think the op means the chamfer/bevel cut all the way around* the top edge

*so so desparate to use the word "curcumsized" which literally means "cut around", but I fear it would lead to confusion :D

Found this on YT, I haven't researched this guy but I'd assume he's been doing this for years. After all the use of power tools throughout I was surprised to see the chamfer was hand done using a wood-working rasp then glass-paper.
FF to 24:00 to see that part alone, though the whole thing is an education...........


Edited by Big_Stu
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[quote name='JJW' timestamp='1441489966' post='2859283']
Yes, I am talking about the chamfer around the edge, does anyone know how to to that? Would you be able to do curves using a jigsaw or bandsaw or is there a better tool?

A better tool would be a CNC milling machine. But this is not helpful. I'll get my coat.

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With great care you could probably start it off by routing with a chamfer bit with a bottom bearing to follow the contour of the bass. However it's a pretty deep chamfer so you'll need to do a lot by hand using a round surform/rasp/file and then finish with a lot of hand sanding

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