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Not on here. But I often get offered basses, mainly for stupid prices. And they often add very rare when in reality a quick look online will tell them it's not. And that there bass is worth less than half the asking price.
I keep wanting to tell them the truth about there bass, in a polite way. But I hold my tongue and don't answer.
Are people just trying it on or just lazy to look things up.
Either way it really bugs me.


I was looking at a Fender Modern Player Jaguar on eBay today. £350 bin, didn't sound much to me for a Fender until I Googled them and found you can buy them for less brand new. I just laughed.

I wouldn't let it get you down, it isn't really your job to police the secondhand marketplace. And if it so happens you want one of whatever they are offering but it isn't rare, one will come along at the right price soon enough. They always do.


[quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1441736590' post='2861377']
I was looking at a Fender Modern Player Jaguar on eBay today. £350 bin, didn't sound much to me for a Fender until I Googled them and found you can buy them for less brand new. I just laughed.

I wouldn't let it get you down, it isn't really your job to police the secondhand marketplace. And if it so happens you want one of whatever they are offering but it isn't rare, one will come along at the right price soon enough. They always do.

Very true.


For me, it's the embarrassing prices pawn shops put on stuff that always good for a giggle. I know that, generally, long gone are the days of being able to stumble on a vintage bass for just a couple of hundred but some places really are taking the micky. There is a long established pawn brokers just round the corner from my work which always has a selection of musical stuff in the window. I wandered past the other day and notice a nice looking American Standard P-bass in amongst all the pointy guitars. Clearly not new, but in decent condition. Price: £1050! Crivens, you can get a brand new one from GAK for just £10 more...


I've got something listed for sale, and I listed it for almost £100 too much. A BCer PM'd me to tell me it was too expensive, in a very polite way, and I was very grateful for the advice. Based on that experience I'd always tell people in as polite a way as possible


[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1441791352' post='2861732']
I've got something listed for sale, and I listed it for almost £100 too much. A BCer PM'd me to tell me it was too expensive, in a very polite way, and I was very grateful for the advice. Based on that experience I'd always tell people in as polite a way as possible

Nice, and PM is the way: much better than adding a HOW MUCH? comment in the for-sale thread!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Simon.' timestamp='1441790561' post='2861720']
For me, it's the embarrassing prices pawn shops put on stuff that always good for a giggle.

Usually I'd agree...except I saw an SWR Triad and Workingman's 15 combo for 135 and 190 quid respectively in Cash Converters t'other day. Thought that was reasonable enough!

Edited by Bigwan

It happens on here too, it seems people generally don't understand the meaning of depreciation.

I just let them get on with it; it doesn't harm me if someone's holding on wanting too much for something - I just say I can't afford it & we both move on our merry way.


The purchase of my Wal Pro bass was an 18 month price education process... It went on sale at one and a half grand. I eventually bought it for £550!

"This bass was picked up second hand in a local guitar shop in 2001 after a haggling session which lasted over a year and a half! When I first saw it in the shop it was priced the same as a brand new "Custom" bass. I made a sensible offer which was rejected. Over the next 18 months I watched as the layer of dust on the bass grew thicker, popping in once a month to have a play on it and repeat my offer.

Well, after I had popped in about once every months to offer a sensible price for well over a year the owner eventually relented (after I popped in with a just published magazine article on the model for him to look at which quoted a sensible, at the time, £500 market price. Sadly he wasn't there at the time so is never got to see the look on his face). A phone call back from the shop that afternoon and the handing over of £550 later... and it was finally mine!



I would only ever tell ('educate') someone if their goods were dramatically under-priced. If it was over-priced, I would just walk away.

I tried a secondhand red Epiphone ES335 out in Ipswich once and it was lovely but it was listed for literally only a £10 less than I could get it for from Thomann. I told them but the manager said he wouldn't move on the price so I walked away and paid the extra tenner for a new one.



When I get offered a bass in a trade for way less than I'm asking I just say no thanks. When I see an ad elsewhere that's above New price or just wildly unrealistic I sometimes send a polite message. More often than not they just didn't bother researching it.

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