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Four Fender-alikes ***CLOSED**

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Posted (edited)


I do like to buy bits and build basses. I mostly buy quality bits and the basses are mostly pretty decent quality (take a look through my rather extensive feedback thread and you'll see a few (number 20 here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/1921-beedsters-wall-of-shame/"]http://basschat.co.u...-wall-of-shame/[/url] is perhaps the best example).

Anyway, I've just bought a bass made by someone far better at it than me (used to reside in High Wycombe, now in Surrey), so I need to pay for it by getting rid of some of the below.

Note: I would prefer to sell these as intact instruments, especially the '78 Precision. However, none of these instruments are original and so I'm prepared to split or to mix and match parts, which I've done pretty extensively with all these instruments over the summer anyway.

[b]First up, a fretted Jazz with rather beguiling tan-lines revealing a subtle match between two tone body and neck board/blocks.[/b]
Body: 1976 Greco Jazz Bass which is SUBLIME both to look at and to hold. Bough from aero71 here for £135.
Neck: Allparts Jazz Bass neck (£425 here [url="http://www.allparts....g-block-inlays"]http://www.allparts....g-block-inlays[/url])
Tuners: Fender USA
PUPs: Seymour Duncan Custom Shop Weather Report (£210 here [url="http://www.thomann.d...pickup_set.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...pickup_set.htm[/url])
Circuit/preamp: East J-Retro preamp (flat) bough new April this year (£195 at [url="http://www.east-uk.c...-retro-01.html"]http://www.east-uk.c...-retro-01.html[/url])
Bridge: Gotoh 201b4 (can be supplied with a Badass II or III)
Price: £600. In parts alone this is worth over £1000, but it’s a nice bass and I’d prefer to sell it as it is. White or tort pickguard can be included also.






Finish and tan-lines show up better indoors


[b]Second, an unlined fretless Jazz[/b]
Body: Guitarbuild Ash Jazz. Bought on here for £80 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/253696-guitarbuild-ash-jazz-bass-body-sold/page__hl__jazz+bass+body__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url]. Since had a bit of a rub down and a few coats of Danish Oil
Neck: Allparts Jazz Bass fretless neck, ebony board (£387 here [url="http://www.allparts....lines-w-finish"]http://www.allparts....lines-w-finish[/url])
Tuners: Unknown
PUPs: None installed at present but will be able to provide set of Di Marzio Super Jazz)
Circuit/preamp: In pic it has J-Retro and SDs, but I can provide Kiogon circuit with push/pull series/parallel option also for the price below
Bridge: Badass II, now rarer than the dental organs of domestic poultry



Again, a bass that I like a lot and well worth £400 with Badass II, Di Marzio PUPs and Kiogon circuit installed

[b][s]Third, a Dusty Hill/ZZ Top monster[/s] **SOLD SOLD SOLD**[/b]
[s]Body: Warmoth natural ’54 Precision, swamp ash. Note sure of price (custom order) but specs can be found here [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/P-Bass/54Pbass.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.c...ss/54Pbass.aspx[/url].
Neck: Warmoth Telebass, maple board, reverse headstock. Not sure of price (custom order) but specs can be found here [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Neck/TeleBass.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.c...k/TeleBass.aspx[/url].
Tuners: Schaller BMF (£55 here [url="http://www.guitarpar...0RkalZIWnZKSGM"]http://www.guitarpar...0RkalZIWnZKSGM[/url])
PUPs: Seymour Duncan Antiquity Single Coil for Precision Bass
Circuit/preamp: Kiogon
Bridge: Fender Vintage 70’s RI
Price: £400. Less than 20% of what the Fender Custom Shop Dusty Hill would set you back, and I very much doubt you’d notice much difference in either build quality or tone[/s]







[b]Last, a ’78 Precision with considerable mods by John Shuker, originally bought from Bass Direct[/b]
Body: Original 1978 Fender with J-PUP rout
Neck: Original 1978 with gorgeous ebony board, again by Shuker. Back of the neck looks a bit scrappy but it feels beautifully played in
Tuners: Original 70’s Fender
PUPs: Nordstrand NPJ4 P/J set bought from Bass Direct for £175 here [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Nordstrand_Precision_pickups.html"]http://www.bassdirec...on_pickups.html[/url].
Circuit/preamp: Original modified for J-PUP
Bridge: Early 80’s Fender high mass
Price: £1000. This bass is sublime and takes what is an extremely low action for a wooded neck, in short the board has been beautifully done. The PUPs, which replaced some active EMGs that had been installed, are extremely well balanced for a P/J set and compliment this lovely old bass perfectly.
Note: The photo is the original from Bass Direct, I'll take some of my own tomorrow. I wasn't going to sell this hence I didn't take any, but I've had an honest rethink and think I should.


I’ll add further details in the thread on request, any questions please ask them in the thread to save me having to answer them time and again by PM!

I also have three Strats which are likewise bitsas that I will probably list over the weekend


Edited by Beedster

[quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1441991619' post='2863673']
Wow, wow, wow and wow :)

I shouldn't ask how heavy the 78 is, but I will....

Just rushing off to a gig mate but will weigh it in the morning. It's not superlight for sure, but it's certainly not a late 70's Fender behemoth :)



[quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1441991619' post='2863673']
Wow, wow, wow and wow :)

I shouldn't ask how heavy the 78 is, but I will....

A tad under 10lbs Gareth, so probably not in your line of sight so to speak. Having said that, replacing the high mass bridge with a BBOT would probably take about a pound off it!


[quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1441992548' post='2863684']
Oh you naughty, naughty man, just when I promised myself no more GAS...
[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1441992865' post='2863687']
Oh balls, that Dusty Hill is cracking! And so affordable! Must... resist... Hnnngggg!!!
[quote name='cocco' timestamp='1441996273' post='2863722']
Ahhhhhh the Jazz is so Timmy C it hurts!

Hit me with offers gents, having just picked up the Wal I'm both very skint and very happy, a psychological perfect storm for a bargain!


Will post pics of the Precision later today, but in the meantime here's one I took earlier in the summer at which time it was wearing a fretted neck. Enjoy :)


Posted (edited)

The top three basses I'd have like a shot if I were not snowed under with basses. I may still bag that top Jazz though, she's a beauty...If I can convince the wife.

Cracking job you've done on those builds. Big thumbs up.

Edited by Badass

Greco body and Allparts fretted neck sold pending the usual (J-Retro and SD Weather Report PUPs still available). Following a few requests I'll post prices of all individual components when I get a chance.


[quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1442310637' post='2865877']
Greco body and Allparts fretted neck sold pending the usual (J-Retro and SD Weather Report PUPs still available). Following a few requests I'll post prices of all individual components when I get a chance.

Actually thanks to the wonders of Paypal the Greco body and Allparts fretted neck are still available, or to put it another way, everything is still available :)

Posted (edited)

Some more photos of the '78 Precision as promised (I was waiting for the sun..........). I haven't made a great job of showing just how lovely an instrument this is, certainly not compared to the photo from Bass Direct above, but they give the general idea. The board by John Shuker is absolutely stunning, a beautiful piece of ebony. The other mods, also by Shuker, are of an equally high quality as you can see from the pics.

If you've ever thought of buying a Fender Tony Franklin Sig, look no further :)










Edited by Beedster

A few indoor mugshots of the rest :)







Posted (edited)

I was hoping to sell these bass intact as they're all ver nice instruments. However, I need some cash and have received a fair few enquiries about parts, so prices for individual parts listed by bass are below. Please not I'm only interested in cash sales and am not looking for trades or PX, thanks.

[b]Fretted Jazz[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Body: 1976 Greco Jazz Bass which is SUBLIME both to look at and to hold. Bough from aero71 here for £135.[b] Price £135[/b][/font][/color]
[s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Neck: Allparts Jazz Bass neck (£425 here [/font][/color][url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/products/replacement-neck-for-j-bass-solid-maple-w-finish-w-binding-block-inlays)"]http://www.allparts....g-block-inlays)[/url][/s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]Price £175 **SOLD**[/b][/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tuners: Fender USA[b] Price £50[/b][/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]PUPs: Seymour Duncan Custom Shop Weather Report (£210 here [/font][/color][url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/seymour_duncan_weather_report_jaco_pickup_set.htm)"]http://www.thomann.d...pickup_set.htm)[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [b]Price £140[/b][/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Circuit/preamp: East J-Retro preamp (flat) bough new April this year (£195 at [/font][/color][url="http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/bass/j-retro/j-retro-01.html)"]http://www.east-uk.c...-retro-01.html)[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [b]Price £130[/b][/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bridge: Gotoh 201b4. [/font][/color][b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Price £25[/font][/color][/b]

[b]Fretless Jazz[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Body: Guitarbuild Ash Jazz. Bought on here for £80 [/font][/color][url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/253696-guitarbuild-ash-jazz-bass-body-sold/page__hl__jazz+bass+body__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]. [/font][/color][b]Price £80[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Neck: Allparts Jazz Bass fretless neck, ebony board (£387 here [/font][/color][url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/products/replacement-neck-for-j-bass-fretless-no-lines-w-finish)"]http://www.allparts....lines-w-finish)[/url] [b]Price £175 including tuners[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]PUPs: Di Marzio Super Jazz [/font][/color][b]Price £55[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Circuit/preamp: Kiogon circuit with push/pull series/parallel option [/font][/color][b]Price £30[/b]
[u][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bridge: Badass II (also have a Badass III), now rarer than the dental organs of domestic poultry [/font][/color][/u][b]Price £75 for [s]Badass II[/s] **SOLD** or Badass III Price £75[/b]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][s]Dusty Hill Telebass[/s] **SOLD**[/font][/color][/b]
[s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Body: Warmoth natural ’54 Precision, swamp ash [/font][/color][url="http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/P-Bass/54Pbass.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.c...ss/54Pbass.aspx[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif].[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][b]Price £200[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Neck: Warmoth Telebass, maple board, reverse headstock [/font][/color][url="http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Neck/TeleBass.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.c...k/TeleBass.aspx[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]. [/font][/color][b]Price £200[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tuners: Schaller BMF (£55 here [/font][/color][url="http://www.guitarpartsworldwide.com/Schaller+Bass+Machineheads+BMF+Original+F+Series+PWtUTXhRRE14b0RkalZIWnZKSGM)"]http://www.guitarpar...0RkalZIWnZKSGM)[/url]. [b]Price £40[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]PUPs: Seymour Duncan Antiquity Single Coil for Precision Bass. [/font][/color][b]Price £60[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Circuit/preamp: Kiogon. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][b]Price £20[/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bridge: Fender Vintage 70’s RI. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][b]Price £25[/b][/s]

I don't want to part out the '78 Precision just yet but might be persuaded :)

Edited by Beedster

[quote name='paullakins' timestamp='1443016696' post='2871473']
Is the Fretted All Parts bass still available?

Hi Paul

I've an offer on the bass and several offers on the neck and/or the body, but as yet no, it isn't sold. I have to say that I really really like the bass as it is and am somewhat loathe to split it for parts, there's a definite sense that the neck and body were made for each other! The only slight deviation from that is that to get the hyper-low action it's got currently I've had to shim the pocket with a business card in true 70's style, but having said this, the Gotoh bridge appears to sit slightly higher than the original BBOT bridge anyway, so that would be a factor.

If I could keep just one of the above it would certainly be the fretted Jazz (i'd keep all four if I could justify it to be honest).




[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1443193914' post='2873028']
And what an enormous relief that is ...
Yup. I was sooooo tempted, it looks like such a nice bass. I would however have been swiftly despatched by the Mrs to the big bass-bash in the sky...

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