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Ever had a stage gimmick?

Born 2B Mild

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Have you ever used an idiosyncrasy on stage, whether it be clothing or prop or otherwise? Phil Lynott had his mirrored scratchplate, The Ox invariably had something around his neck, Bootsy has his extreme shades and hats.

Back in the 70s, as a yoof, I took to regularly having a large can of imported Fosters Lager on the top of my stack at gigs (yeah, I know [i]now [/i]not to put drinks there). At that time, Fosters was not brewed in the UK and the amber nectar was pretty rare (and hence 'cool').

Any BC'ers done any less tame things?

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Drumming at gigs I made a point of always tying my pink fluffy hippo mascot on top of the kick drum - even if I was using someone elses kit. When I start gigging my new band where I play bass i'll be having my soft toy tortoise on top of my stack. Its just something i've always done with both instruments since the beginning...

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[quote name='bilbo230763' post='277579' date='Sep 5 2008, 09:14 AM']I have performed modern jazz at the Brecon Jazz Festival in both an orange suit and a lime green one. I have also done jazz-funk gigs in black tie and tails (no-one else was wearing them).

Mad, eh :)[/quote]

no...THAT is [sup]pimpimpimp[/sup][i][b]PIMP[/b][/i][sup]pimpimpimpimp[/sup]

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[quote name='MuseMatt' post='277601' date='Sep 5 2008, 09:37 AM']pics of that bellamyesque thing! :)[/quote]
I'll dig one out if I can find one, I may only have the prints.. (My lil sis made it for me as part of her portfolio of stage costumes...)

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Oh loads
Some outfits I remember ....

Black nail polish, orange tank top and frilly white shirt, purple loon pants in 1970 (thank gawd for a bass in the right place) No photos survive :)
Skinny white flares and Teeshirts or white jump suits ('74)

Hawiian shirts 1979 - to date :huh:

Oh and full dress suits and Trilby, Porkpie or Homburg hats, depending on the gig :huh:

In a band where I was playing sax ... I once grabbed a broom and swept the stage during a very long bass, drums and vocal only break, loads of dancing like a loon, sound effects, taking the p out of band members and audiences, horn section playing cards during tunes, juggling, swapping instruments with bad members during a song, playing the bass players' bass whilst he was still wearing it, getting attacked by the girlie vocalists doing pole dancing moves with their feather boas during my solos, duck walking my baritone sax behind the lead gutarist during his solo... the whole horn section going down and dancing with the audience, band members stripping during "keep your hat on". hiring a cop-o-gram semi-stripper for a girlie singer's last gig ... Throwing sombrero's into the audience, starting conga lines and taking the whole audience out of the building ...

Loads of fun :huh:

Edited by OldGit
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In my KISS tribute.... lycra, make-up, studded codpiece, batwings, a long wiggly tongue (of my own), firebreathing, blood spitting, crotch-thrusting, an 'Axe' bass and seven inch monster-headed stack heels!! lol! :huh: :huh: :)

In the Madness tribute.... suit and fez... or boiler suit and fez! :huh:

Edited by cetera
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The singer/guitardest from one of my old band worked for a lighting company who provided “domestic lighting solutions” for parties and functions etc… They had loads of these 15M long red light rope things that he half inched and used for a gig - just put them all over the stage; all over the amps and the kit and along the front of the stage. it was completely covered in the f***ing things. The stage looked ridiculous and we all looked bright red cos these lights were properly bright!

It was stuff like this –

I think we ended up looking like pricks though cos no one found it funny :wacko: ...we didn't use them again.

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[quote name='cetera' post='277687' date='Sep 5 2008, 11:14 AM']In my KISS tribute.... lycra, make-up, studded codpiece, batwings, a long wiggly tongue (of my own), firebreathing, blood spitting, crotch-thrusting, an 'Axe' bass and seven inch monster-headed stack heels!! lol! :huh: :huh: :)[/quote]
Careful now. You'll have Mrs Tinman coming over all unnecessary!

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