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A Comprehensive Chord Tone System For Mastering The Bass

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[quote name='Wan' timestamp='1443012493' post='2871429']

Does anybody know where I can get a copy of this book or download it,, It's by Jeff Berlin..

Phil Mann bought out a similar book.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'll save you the bother - no joke: Buy some manuscript paper and write these formula and you'll have the meat of both books:

M7, m7, o7, m/M7 arpeggios with each of the four tones approached from a half step below - i.e. each arpeggio now being a scale of 8 notes - play the approach notes on the weak beats, tones on the stong beats.

Now do the same but with two approach notes, diatonic step above each tone, then semitone below. So each arpeggio tone now has two approach notes.

Finally, do the same thing with three approach notes: tone and semi tone above, semi tone below then the arpeggio tone.

Finally do this in all keys. That's the books. There's about as much description of the application of this concept in the books as I've given here.

I'd recommend above both these books, Gary Willis' 'Fingerboad Harmony for Bass' which teaches the same concept but applied to chord changes from the start. You'll be practising a II V chord tone approach with passing notes with the CD within 15mins of opening it!



[quote name='visog' timestamp='1444632293' post='2884550']

I'd recommend above both these books, Gary Willis' 'Fingerboad Harmony for Bass' which teaches the same concept but applied to chord changes from the start. You'll be practising a II V chord tone approach with passing notes with the CD within 15mins of opening it!


I've been thinking of trying this book for a while, do you know if it's notation only?
My reading sucks :-/


It's all about fingerboard shapes and patterns, so it has lots of fingerboard diagrams.

It's amazing for getting your reading together, and you really learn the neck. Be warned though, it's hard work, and I know a lot of people who couldn't hack it.


[quote name='Hector' timestamp='1444649125' post='2884705']
It's all about fingerboard shapes and patterns, so it has lots of fingerboard diagrams.

It's amazing for getting your reading together, and you really learn the neck. Be warned though, it's hard work, and I know a lot of people who couldn't hack it.

Thanks Hector, I'll give it a go I think.
After all, there are no shortcuts to awesomeness :-)


[quote name='Hector' timestamp='1444662209' post='2884869']
Only thing between you and "fretboard rain man" status is time and effort :)

That's going on the wall in my rehearsal room / kitchen ;-p

Posted (edited)

Re. Hector's note. It is hard work and I can't say I've ever finished it really but it's let me come up with lines and an approach for any chord change, based on practical engagement by playing. And it's pattern based which works for me although I understand this is not for everyone.

The Berlin/Viola approach in comparison doesn't take into account the movement of a walking line or the extensions etc. It's a much more theoretical approach which gradually results in chromatic overload when you reach the tone/semi-tone above, semi-tone below, then chord tone point.

You'll get real lines out of Willis' method. And listening/playing over changes. Beware the typos in the book which may lead to confusion but he used to have a list of correction on his website.

Edited by visog

[quote name='visog' timestamp='1444670805' post='2884969']
Beware the typos in the book which may lead to confusion but he used to have a list of correction on his website.

Here they are: http://garywillis.com/pages/print/fbhcorrect.html


[quote name='Wan' timestamp='1443012493' post='2871429']

Does anybody know where I can get a copy of this book or download it,, It's by Jeff Berlin..

I found a link to the book in question in another thread, so I can't take credit for it ;)

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