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(Markbass 2 x10 Combo) v (Gallien Krueger 2 X 12 mark 2 combo). Which one to buy???

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I guess there could be more suggestions if we knew what type of music you play, what 'sound' you are after, what Bass you have etc etc. If you want a dirty overdriven sound then the Markbass probably is not for you. Me I love my Markbass gear and the sound suits me fine. Others will suggest their GK gear which is equally valid.

I had a LMII and LMIII with a Traveller 210 cab and it was great, light, small and punched well above its weight. I now have a MB CMD121p which is even smaller. It's actually a better deal to buy a combo in that if you buy a LMIII it's around £400 new and a 210 cab is £370 for a Traveller or £430 for a standard cab so around about £800 in total. The equivalent combo is £700.


Sorry should have mentioned i play all types from Rock to country in different bands. I have a Xotic PJ Chuck Rainey, a Musicman Sterling 4 string, a Sandberg TM5 and a Sandberg Ken Taylor 20th 5 string.


I haven't tried the GK that you're looking at, but I did try the GK 700ii 2x10 combo & had the MB 2x10 combo for 6 years.
It's the MarkBass for me. I played all styles of music from Rock to Americana to Electronica & The MB did the job perfectly.
Not sure what the newer MBs are like, but the B&C drivers in the older ones are superb. Extremely loud for a 2x10.

My advice to you would be to try both with your own bass & choose with your ears.

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