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Saw 3 bands last night.....


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So i went to the Borderline in Tottenham Court Rd last night to see the Crazy World of Arthur Brown.....

On the bill were two support bands: The Motorcycle Display Team and The Slytones.

All of the bands were absolutely fantastic and Arthur Brown is amazing and brings so much energy to his performances.

I watched as you'd imagine all of the bassists play and all it did was convince me of my own lack of ability 😕

So whilst i came away from the gig having seen some superb live music from all of the bands i also came away really doubting my abilities as a musician 😦

Have other BC'ers had similar experiences?

Or am i just over ruminating? 😉

Edited by Number6
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It's not a competition!

Anyway, you can either think of the thousands of people on this planet who are better on bass than you, or you can think of the billions who are worse than you.

Isn't it irritating when people say "its all a matter of perspective"? :rolleyes:

Anyway, we only went to see one band last night, but that was Quo Caine featuring our very own Hamster. Believe it or not there are some fairly challenging Quo bass lines (4500 Times, Big Fat Mama), and they were carried off with aplomb.

Me, I'd have used a bass rather than aplomb, but what do I know?

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[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1443961110' post='2878962']
I'm the best Bertbass type bass player in the world and no one can come close to playing just like me! I'm sure that you are the best Number6 type bass player in the world.

And you hold your bas the right way round, and you have on a lovely shirt!

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I know (and see) loads of bass players who are better than me in local bands, and when I watch them from the audience, it does make me feel a bit rubbish. But you know what? When I get up there with my band, I feel like I'm the best bassist in the best band on the planet.... Dunno why, never suffered with stage fright or anything. They may be "better" or they may play stuff I could never play, but when I'm playing, I always feel great. I may have a dual personality or something, but when I strap on my bass, my confidence levels go through the roof....

Don't let it worry you, you're probably a lot better than you think you are!

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[quote name='Number6' timestamp='1443954817' post='2878882']
Have other BC'ers had similar experiences?

Or am i just over ruminating? ��

Happens to me all the time ! I watch someone else playing bass and wonder why I've missed all the good stuff that they're playing.

I think it's natural to some extent and at the very least, more healthy than thinking you're better than everyone else. But as has been said above, the best thing you can do is play bass as well as you can in the way that pleases you...that's having your own style.

That's being a free man ;)

EDIT: I think I have a solution - we get together and watch each other play.....we /both/ can't be right !

Edited by ahpook
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The only musician you should be making comparisons with or trying to be better than is yourself - no one can realistically master every possible technical aspect and style on their instrument, so it is inevitable that you will always be able to see things in other musicians playing that leaves you thinking "wow they can do [xyz] way better than me" regardless of how good you are.Treat it as a source of inspiration and motivation to hit the woodshed.

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You've got what tools you've got.
There will always be someone who just has 'IT' and you can't account for that.
All you can do is be the best you can be..and be happy with that.

I think it is natural to measure yourself... and I like that sort of drive as it keeps you going.

Be comfortable about what you bring to the party...but the good thing..IMO...
is that Gtrs as bandleaders mostly don't know what they want...and mostly they
just want someone who stays out of their way... so play to that...and you'll get gigs :lol: :lol:

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I saw Yolanda Charles' solo demo at the Manson show in Exeter yesterday. Her complete command of the instrument, together with her faultless ability to sing over a seriously funky syncopated 16th note bassline (and even more impressively, to *talk* over that same bassline), made me feel like an amoeba.

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I'm always on the rob when it comes to other players..
I watch intently trying to spot 'that cool thing' they do, and observe how they do it. I will then try to replicate it in my practice time. Once I have it under my fingers, I'll try it in a band situation ( as long as it's appropriate!) and if it adds to the vibe, it stays. If it doesn't, it gets saved for personal playing time.

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I had this feeling once - at a guess it would probably have been about 17 years ago - when I first saw dood play at the Brickmakers in Norwich. Of course I've improved a lot myself since then... Unfortunately though, the last time I saw him play a couple of years ago he was still much better than me!

In truth though we're all at different stages in our journey as musicians. I'll dare say that at some point in your career there will have been a bass player stood out in the crowd feeling inadequate next to your own playing ;)

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I find watching players who are better than me, which is mostly any other player, a great motivation to practice. If I was better than everyone then every bass player I saw would be a little disappointing and I'd never get that satisfying feeling you get when you see your playing improve.

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[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1443961110' post='2878962']
I'm the best Bertbass type bass player in the world and no one can come close to playing just like me! I'm sure that you are the best Number6 type bass player in the world.

Yep, and I'm the best Gelfin bass player.

And remember as someone said on here. "Every time you play a right note you are as good as anyone in the world".

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I rarely watch a bass player or an acoustic guitarist without coming away and trying some of his/her licks, fills or riffs, when I get home no matter whether I would see myself as more or less accomplished than them. Sometimes it's amazing how simple some great sounding lines are when you get them back home

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[quote name='CHW' timestamp='1444050226' post='2879771']
Sometimes it's amazing how simple some great sounding lines are when you get them back home

Agreed. Mind you, sometimes it's amazing how rubbish they sound when I play them. :mellow:

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