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Barefaced workshop visit


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I was lucky enough this Thursday to go and visit the Barefaced bass workshop in Brighton. It's smaller than I imagined it would be but far more exciting! Alex couldn't have been nicer showing me all the machines and cabs being built (some that I'm not allowed to talk about) and explaining how things work and some ideas he has for new cabs. I even got to play on a few different ones, namely their 2x10 and the new 1x10 as well as the super twin (2x12). There really is a huge tonal difference between them all, very vintage thumpy thing going on with the 2x10 and more clarity in the 2x12. The new 1x10 is a fantastic little cab, tons of volume, tone and outright "balls"!
Regrettably I forgot to take any pictures...

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I work a five minute walk away from Alex's Barefaced Central, it's hard not to pop in more than I do already, always lovely to have a chat with Alex and Bobby and hear about the latest ideas!

So happy with the Big Twin I recently bought, truly the first cab I've had that is absolutely even between a low B and a low E, spectacular tone

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  • 2 weeks later...

I visited this week, which was a real pleasure. Again no photos, so this could could be pure fiction. However, I did have a nice chat with Alex and he got to thrash my 64 Precision. He has a very heavy RH technique does Alex. Goodness me. I'm the opposite - light gauge strings, low action. Alex likes moderate action and "proper" strings that make you work.

Anyways I got to try the:[list]
[*]Super Midget
[*]Super Compact
[*]Big Baby 2
I had brought along my tone hammer 500 so there was no lack of power. I liked all three cabs. If I was regularly gigging I would have gone for the BB2, which I thought had the best all round tone. I wasn't getting a lot of subs but there was plenty of clarity and punch across the entire frequency range.

The Super Midget was in contrast equally clear and punchy without the rounded bass of the BB2. You have to see the SM to really believe it's diminutive size. I didn't go mad with the vol controls but there was oodles of capacity for making a nuisance of yourself. I'm not a dirty/pedal/grind merchant and so I was immediately drawn to all the Barefaced cabs for their transparency.

Finally, the Compact not surprisingly sat between the other two with again more rounded and fuller bass than the SM and similar to the BB2 with just a fraction less clarity that the BB2.

So overall for weight, size, power and sound I had to go with the Super Midget - the overall package was amazing. I have to say these were not hi-fi conditions as there was a lot of noise going on in Factory 4 so you can take my musings with a pinch of salt.

Best regards to Alex and the crew

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I was back there again on Wednesday to pick up the Super Twin I ordered 2 weeks ago. Carried it back to my house just under a mile away (which was a bit ambitious - 'lightweight' is a relative term). Won't have a chance to run it at gig volume for another week, but even just ticking over at neighbour-respecting levels it sounds great. Big thanks to Alex, Bobby and team.

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[quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1446767770' post='2902289']
I was back there again on Wednesday to pick up the Super Twin I ordered 2 weeks ago. Carried it back to my house just under a mile away (which was a bit ambitious - 'lightweight' is a relative term). Won't have a chance to run it at gig volume for another week, but even just ticking over at neighbour-respecting levels it sounds great. Big thanks to Alex, Bobby and team.

Wait til the speakers break in fully - they sound even better!! :i-m_so_happy:

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