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Deleting for sale adverts


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Please don't do it!!

It is really useful to be able to search previous for sale threads when checking the value of equipment. If people delete their threads once the item is sold, it robs us of the opportunity to do so. <_<

Also, I can see no reason to delete a thread once the item is sold. Why would you? :huh:

Deleting the photos is different, as it frees up space in your picture allocation...

Rant over. :)

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[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][quote name='Conan' timestamp='1447332702' post='2906757'][/font][/color]
Please don't do it!!...
Here is the 'standard' request that I send to any that I come across doing this, or failing to put 'Sold' or 'Withdrawn' in the title at sale's end ...

[size=4][color=#800080][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Please read this ...[/font][/color]

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/122273-important-when-youve-sold-or-withdrawn-your-item-from-sale/page__p__1120761#entry1120761"][color=#0f72da][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][u]IMPORTANT - When you've sold or withdrawn your item from sale...[/u][/font][/color][/url]

[color=#800080][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Two points to consider, please...[/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Some folks use different wordings, such as ‘Traded’, or ‘Gone’ etc. One can still put 'Traded' or whatever, no bother, but please always use either 'Sold' or 'Withdrawn' [/font][i][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]as well, added to the title. [/font][/i][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]There could be many reasons for withdrawing an item, such as 'Gone to Ebay', or 'Sold locally'; even 'Evaporated in a puff of smoke'..! One may add these comments; whatever fits best the bill is fine, without 'over-thinking' the exercise.[/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Secondly, some folks delete the title, replacing it completely with ‘Sold’ or whatever, or even deleting the topic contents. We would rather have the topic left intact. The important bit for us Mods is the not deleting the topic or title information, but simply adding 'Sold' or 'Withdrawn' in the title.[/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]No big deal, but many use the ads, even closed ones, as reference, and it helps keep the information available when the titles and contents stay in place. There was a Mods discussion in which it was decided to remind folks of this. A simple 'Sold' or 'Withdrawn' added to the title suffices for us to close the ads; searching is then rendered much more useful for all.[/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]That's all; no big deal, no panic, no reproach..! No need, either, to correct your latest edit which provoked this PM; the ad’s already been closed. Thanks in advance, though, for your understanding and cooperation; meanwhile...[/font]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Have a nice day[/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Douglas[/font][/color][/size]

There has been a great reduction of cases over the last few months, let's hope that this trend continues.

[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1447332702' post='2906757']...
Deleting the photos is different, as it frees up space in your picture allocation...
Using the BBCode link supplied by an external photo account such as PhotoBucket, Imgur or ImageShack is a good idea; the photos are better presented and it uses no BC server space. I use Imgur (it's free...); here's what it looks like (the correct link for Basschat is in green...) ...

Others are similar (assuming use of a PC; I know nothing of other devices...). Hope this helps...

Edited by Dad3353
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Thanks for the reminder Dad :)

However, it seems to be that more of our "guest" sellers (often based in mainland Europe and with very low or none-existent post counts) are failing to read (or respect) these guidelines...

Just an observation - not a criticism.

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[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1447334271' post='2906778']
Thanks for the reminder Dad :)

However, it seems to be that more of our "guest" sellers (often based in mainland Europe and with very low or none-existent post counts) are failing to read (or respect) these guidelines...


... and I've a list of a couple of recalcitrants..! <_< Nevertheless, the vast majority are very comprehensive, and comply willingly. After all, it's in the interests of all sellers to have the Marketplace as visited and useful as possible. For my part, I'm merely a Mod here, and as a BC member have very little direct incentive; I just do this to help out. As sellers, however, it has a direct benefit; why would one wish to shoot oneself in the foot..? :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Norris' timestamp='1447336900' post='2906819']
If they haven't bothered to post a profile picture and/or post count is zero, I close the ad immediately. There is a certain amount of trust extended to regular BC members but none at all to these fly-by-nights :)

Also, we forum mods do chase those sellers who delete their ads; I have occasionally re-instated the info in the topic title after locking the thread, when the OP hadn't deleted the contents of the actual ad. On all other occasions, we PM them. Persistent offenders should be aware that their behaviour rapidly loses them the trust of fellow Basschatters in the Marketplace.

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[quote name='Norris' timestamp='1447336900' post='2906819']
If they haven't bothered to post a profile picture and/or post count is zero, I close the ad immediately. There is a certain amount of trust extended to regular BC members but none at all to these fly-by-nights :)

On this very point, speaking as a "fly-by-night" BCer "based in mainland Europe"I have tried on numerous occasions to put a photo in my profile and, after the little wheel turning for about a minute, receive the notification "failed to set a new photo". It strikes me as unfair to be treated with mistrust because of a technical problem.

Out of innocence/ignorance I have, unwittingly and having seen this practice in the forum before, made the mistake of erasing the title of a post. Dad quickly and without any finger-wagging informed me of my mistake and there won't be a repeat of that error on my part.

Edited by SICbass
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You're not a fly-by-nighter SIC - you've got over a hundred posts to your name, so you're a BCer like us. The ones Norris was alluding to are the 0-posters who only come to the Marketplace and not to the community. That's not forbidden, or even frowned upon, but it certainly doesn't inspire as much confidence as dealing with a known BCer, when it comes to parting with a substantial amount of cash.

Regarding uploading a profile photo, I don't remember having trouble for mine, but bear in mind that the system can be particular about formats, file sizes and image shapes. Trial and error - as well as a lot of patience - should eventually do the trick.

Edited by bluejay
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SIC - as BlueJay says, my comments were not aimed at you. I'll welcome anyone who contributes to the forum (i.e. chats a bit). My point was that there seem to be a lot of people who don't introduce themselves, don't take part in any discussions and seem to be here only to sell stuff.

Being an active member is a bit like getting your stars on ebay and it's not always easy to buy from someone with no reputation.

Cheers, Norris :)

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