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OK, so it's that time of the year when all of my family start asking for ideas for gifts for me. Now this has gone on every Xmas for years so I'm sure you can imagine I have pretty much every gadget, gizmo and trinket in any way even remotely related to playing bass.

I'm sure there are more people in the same boat so thought maybe we could share ideas so we ALL end up with things we actually want :-) I'd be particularly interested in music books (theory, technique etc) that you've found useful or interesting as these are generally nicely in budget for gifting! But I'd be interested to read any ideas...

I'll kick things off.

Recently picked up a copy of Phil Mann's Chord Tone Concepts book. It's an in depth look at the humble triad and goes through all the possible permutations... Just in chapter one i realised I haven't been getting as much mileage as I could from my arpeggios and I have lots of work to do! It's also nice to support a great bassist and educator as this is a self released book. It can only be ordered direct from Phil through his Facebook page. He was a pleasure to deal with and the book even turned up signed with a nice little encouraging message.

Ok, your turn. Please help to make my christmas a bass filled one :-)

Posted (edited)

I just got me one of the tc electronic clip on headstock tuners for a bargain £24 on Amazon...... It's great, unlike the snark sh1te it's very Bright and smother in operation..... 24 dabs delivered, get it on yer list if you've been a good boy !

Edited by Wonky2

There are quite a few Donner f/x pedals that are $30 (~£20) delivered FOC by one of Santa's eleves from [url="http://www.donnerdeal.com/brand/donner.html?p=2"]here[/url]. I'm tempted by the Boost Killer and the Jet Convolution Flanger.

I've made my list and checked it twice!


Well, I don't know what Santa has got in his bulging festive sac for me this Yuletide season, but Its probably 2 or 3 set of strings for being a good little chap this year. Also, if I leave him my wife under the mistletoe for a while, he might chuck in a years subscription of Bassist magazine...


[quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1448442354' post='2915373']
Well, I don't know what Santa has got in his bulging festive sac for me this Yuletide season, but Its probably 2 or 3 set of strings for being a good little chap this year. Also, if I leave him my wife under the mistletoe for a while, he might chuck in a years subscription of Bassist magazine...
She's really [b]that [/b]good huh ? A whole 40 quids worth - I hope she doesnt read Basschat for your sake :P


Not too sure if it's safe to worship the prophet Jesus. :unsure: This year we may just celebrate with the Japanese who call Santa 'Annual Gift Man'. Also, Christmas in Japan isn't for families - it's for couples and is regarded as a romantic holiday. Phwooar, eh? Eh? Merry Christmas.


[quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1448449069' post='2915455']
what about those japanese men with robot/cyber girlfriends?

My one regret is that I won't live long enough to see the development of the perfect sex robot. :)


[quote name='kristinaelias' timestamp='1448449384' post='2915457']
+1 for TC Electronic clip tuner!

+1 Best small gadget invention since the USB stick (but on some necks locks onto a fourth or fifth)


[quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1448450716' post='2915476']
Hi Geek.... If 'er in doors does read Basschat, you are reading my final post as pretty soon I will be brown bread.....
Yes indeed :)


Discreet..... If you do see the perfect sex-bot before you croak, make sure you check thoroughly before you switch it on. I presume there will be his n' her models, and I wouldn't like you being ravaged by a bloke-bot...


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1448449990' post='2915465']
My one regret is that I won't live long enough to see the development of the perfect sex robot. :)

You've clearly not met my ex then :ph34r:


If you want to learn to read music,I can recommend Stuart Claytons Reading Music books . I have a few books, but i find it the best one I have tried, and stuck with.


There is no perfect bass = there will be no perfect sex robot. EMG will always create an upgrade and we'll endlessly discuss its merits. There'll be tried and tested mass market sex robots and small niche builders who'll build sex robots to your exact spec for a price.


[quote name='CokeyW' timestamp='1448483629' post='2915860']
There is no perfect bass = there will be no perfect sex robot. EMG will always create an upgrade and we'll endlessly discuss its merits. There'll be tried and tested mass market sex robots and small niche builders who'll build sex robots to your exact spec for a price.

I'm already worrying what the first bitsa is going to look like!

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