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I'm new on here so hope this is the right place to post this...

Anyone own a MIJ 62 Re-Issue Jazz bass?

Thinking about getting one and just wondered how they compare to the MIA basses? Does anyone knows if they're made of Alder?

Thanks for your help.

All best,


You could start here:



Is this the model known as the American Vintage ’62 Reissue? - [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0190209806"]http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0190209806[/url]

In that case, it is an alder body.


no its the japanese made non-export '62 RI

it depends. there will be 2 versions.
a cheaper one with basswood/jap pups and a more expensive one with alder/US pups. (The more expensive one will have US at the end of the model number.)


[quote name='RobP' post='282164' date='Sep 11 2008, 09:17 PM']Hi,

I'm new on here so hope this is the right place to post this...

Anyone own a MIJ 62 Re-Issue Jazz bass?

Thinking about getting one and just wondered how they compare to the MIA basses? Does anyone knows if they're made of Alder?

Thanks for your help.

All best,

All down to taste in how they compare.


[quote name='LukeFRC' post='282270' date='Sep 12 2008, 12:19 AM']no its the japanese made non-export '62 RI[/quote]

ah fair doos. Excuse my ignorance, but I thought a lot of the RI basses were CIJ?


My Japanese '62 reissue Precision was made in 1990 (I think) MIJ so it probably isn't the same as the current models. It is definitely alder. Its as good as any precision I've played but there are differences in the finish (thicker than nitro) and hardware - the tuners are unbranded 70s style rather than reverse klusons.


Thanks so much to you all for the information and links - really useful and much appreciated :)

Going to do some research and find out what model the bass is etc...


Haven't been able to find out the model number but it was made in 1989/90, do you think that means it's alder?

Am looking round the internet to see if I can find anything, thought one of you might know though...

Thanks again,



Hi again!

Thought I'd post what I've found out see what y'all think...

Feedback from Fender - if it came out of Japan 99.9% sure this model is basswood (apparently alder bodies not generally exported for '62 Re-Issue). The guy thought that the further you go back more likely to be basswood. (Must admit he was helpful but not particularly convincing.)

Found out from another source that the only way to tell the two different models apart (alder/US pups and basswood/japanese pups) is by the saddles. More expensive alder/US pups version has a thread all along the saddle - the other ones don't.

Any thoughts?



Just in case anyone saw the last post... I found an alder '62 Re-Issue that doesn't have a thread running along the saddles... Seems to blow that theory out of the water...

Very sorry if it was misleading.


[quote name='RobP' post='282791' date='Sep 12 2008, 05:24 PM']Hi again!

Thought I'd post what I've found out see what y'all think...

Feedback from Fender - if it came out of Japan 99.9% sure this model is basswood (apparently alder bodies not generally exported for '62 Re-Issue).
Any thoughts?


Exactly. Try to find a non-export model. That will have the alder body/US pups or whatever else you are looking for.

I got my 57 RI P bass (the US version) off far east guitars (type it into google) he imports second hand Jap fenders. I emailed him saying what I was looking for and he kept his eyes open for one.
The other company mentioned further up the thread has a nice website showing you what they have available.

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