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Log in trouble ? Help ! -MODS YOU CAN DELETE DUE TO IDIOT ERROR :)

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Posted (edited)

[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1452790218' post='2953556']
It Be a Troubled Login..?

I didn't want to be a part of prolonging this thread, seeing as the OP seems to feel it's personal and that we are prolonging his sufferings by making fun of him personally, rather than what we're really doing, which is trying to find half-original ways of prolonging a thread without having anything important to say, but in ways that might be construed as... er... I'm gonna say it... no, I'm not.... yes, I am.. slightly half-original and vaguely reminding of vaguely funny (I tried to wiggle in the word "prolonging" here, but failed - maybe a Brit could help out here), but I couldn't persevere, and just HAD to say the following in response to Rich's contribution[b]:[/b]

" :lol: ".

So I'll do just that[b]:[/b]


Edited by BassTractor

[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452939680' post='2954850']
...I didn't want to be a part of prolonging this thread, seeing as the OP seems to feel it's personal and that we are prolonging his sufferings by making fun of him personally, rather than what we're really doing, which is trying to find half-original ways of prolonging a thread without having anything important to say...

It hadn't occurred to me that the OP might be taking it personally. If so, sincerest apologies to him. I just thought it was a bit of fun. What we need to do now is just let the thread disappear from page one and... DAMN AND BLAST!!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452940124' post='2954855']
It hadn't occurred to me that the OP might be taking it personally. If so, sincerest apologies to him. I just thought it was a bit of fun. What we need to do now is just let the thread disappear from page one and... $*%§¤µ@#!!

Excellent sentiments, and a fine apology, lifting the (sometimes...) somewhat 'lesser level than desired' tone of the occasional post on this forum. Could you please refrain, however, from using expletives, as this is a family-friendly forum. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation. This topic can now safely be considered 'laid to rest'. :mellow:





Oh b#gger..!

Edited by Dad3353

On a serious note surely the OP can edit the thread title to omit the capitals as I suspect that gives the title some life?


[quote name='mep' timestamp='1452962724' post='2955153']
On a serious note surely the OP can edit the thread title to omit the capitals as I suspect that gives the title some life?

Good idea, however I think it is too far gone, even for that. 😢


[quote name='mep' timestamp='1452962724' post='2955153']
...surely the OP can edit the thread title to omit the capitals as I suspect that gives the title some life?
[quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1452964260' post='2955173']
Good idea, however I think it is too far gone, even for that.

[b][size=6]IT SURE IS!![/size][/b]


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452964897' post='2955183']
[b][size=6]IT SURE IS!![/size][/b]

Quite, but at least the original foolishness of the OP has now been totally overshadowed and forgotten, given the witty and pointed posts since. No-one now remembers the idiocy that sparked all of this off. Just as well, I say. Best left to sink from BC's collective conscience; that would be sooooooo much of a relief to us all.


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1452966735' post='2955213']
Quite, but at least the original foolishness of the OP has now been totally overshadowed and forgotten, given the witty and pointed posts since. No-one now remembers the idiocy that sparked all of this off. Just as well, I say. Best left to sink from BC's collective conscience; that would be sooooooo much of a relief to us all.

Absolutely right and proper. To err is human. Just because the OP had a problem logging in - as he had his cookies switched off for some reason - and then rather egregiously blamed his two-year-old child for the error is neither here nor there, is it? Water under the bridge. :mellow:


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452968049' post='2955225']...Water under the bridge. :mellow:

Indeed. Let bygones be bygones, I say. Who shall cast the first stone, glass houses and motes an' all. No-one is innocent, or something... :happy:


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1452968298' post='2955232']
Indeed. Let bygones be bygones, I say. Who shall cast the first stone, glass houses and motes an' all.

Quite. We're all friends here, the OP is merely joining a long line of members who blame their children for their own mistakes.
Mind you, blaming a toddler is a bit much, isn't it? I usually wait until they're in pre-school, at least.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452968481' post='2955234']...
Mind you, blaming a toddler is a bit much, isn't it? I usually wait until they're in pre-school, at least.

Oh, I don't know about that; some of these whiffs are a bit easier to pin on a littl'un. :blush:

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1452968811' post='2955238']
Oh, I don't know about that; some of these whiffs are a bit easier to pin on a littl'un. :blush:

That's true, but it doesn't quite sit right with me, somehow. I think he might be a wrong 'un.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452969205' post='2955242']
That's true, but it doesn't quite sit right with me, somehow. I think he might be a wrong 'un.

That's the trouble with the youth of today. Now when I was a lad, one had a bit more respect for one's elders. None of this 'hiding their walking stick', or 'swapping their heart-strain pills for laxatives'. Nowadays, though, anything goes, it seems. Why, just the other day I was quietly minding my own business when ......

ZZZzzzzzzz ...

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1452966735' post='2955213']
Quite, but at least the original foolishness of the OP has now been totally overshadowed and forgotten, given the witty and pointed posts since. No-one now remembers the idiocy that sparked all of this off. Just as well, I say. Best left to sink from BC's collective conscience; that would be sooooooo much of a relief to us all.

Damn and Blast, it's been archived in the internet archive and will be there for all eternity, or until that bloke in the corduory jacket releases a Trident missile. [url="https://web.archive.org/web/20160116192154/http://basschat.co.uk/topic/275306-log-in-trouble-help-mods-you-can-delete-due-to-idiot-error/"]LINK [/url]He wouldn't, would he?


I stand by my original excuse, er .. I mean explaination... It was little wonky i swear !

This thread, dispite what some may think, has brought me much joy and i read each dig with a grin from ear to ear as hand slaps face and head starts to shake hahahah My own stupidity started it, but a comunal sense of sadistic fun pokery led us here.....


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452972123' post='2955270']...
I lolled out silently...

There's surely a paradox, or maybe even an oxymoron, hiding in there somewhere, but I can't quite place it. Does 'out loud' [i]have [/i]to be audible..? The Oxford suggests that it should be so; any exceptions..?

[i]Confused, of Worthing[/i]


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452985418' post='2955395']
Well, I did find a paramoron hiding in my sofa.
Does that help?

Not unless you have a corresponding oxydoxy, no.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452985569' post='2955396']
Not unless you have a corresponding oxydoxy, no.

Blast a dam! Can't find one.

So thazzit then? I'm ou'?


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452985418' post='2955395']
Well, I did find a paramoron hiding in my sofa.
Does that help?

Which one, Paramoron Aurivillius, Paramoron Diadematum or Paramoron Singulare..? In any case, get your woodwork checked, as this could be a serious infestation leading to structural damage. Have you any wooden instruments in the house..? These should be burned as a precaution.
Hope this helps. :mellow:


...and here was me thinking the Paramoron aurivillius became extinct on the 20th of July in 1928. :blink:

But yeah, a Paramoron singulare, as can be expected. Only one, evidently (I mean, it's in the name 'n' all, and science should know), and happily, Paramoron only dig through wood as larvae, so I'm not too afraid for the well-being of the wooden keys in my piano.

I'm relieved.
These Paramoron singulare adolescents are some feisty keyboard warriors when there are several of them!

Oh... wait! This ain't the Bad Jokes thread! :o :blush:

...or is it? :D


[quote name='mep' timestamp='1452962724' post='2955153']
On a serious note surely the OP can edit the thread title to omit the capitals as I suspect that gives the title some life?

Yeah, he could change the title to "The last person posting in this thread is a big girl's blouse" - that'd shut 'em up....errmmm...oh bugger, I didn't really think this through, did I? :scratch_one-s_head:

PS what[b] is[/b] a cookie anyway?


[quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1453026732' post='2955577']
PS what[b] is[/b] a cookie anyway?

I'm not falling for that question, yer big girl's bloues....oh wait. Oh bugger.

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