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Seems nearly impossible to come up with an original song name

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It's easy to come up with original song names, but only if they are long and/or unusual/humourous. E.g. I don't think anyone has ever written a song called "You Leave those Galapagos Tortoises Alone", "My Baby Puts Saffron in her Custard", or "Stegasaurus Reggae Stomp".


[quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1450685574' post='2934767']
It's easy to come up with original song names, but only if they are long and/or unusual/humourous. E.g. I don't think anyone has ever written a song called "You Leave those Galapagos Tortoises Alone", "My Baby Puts Saffron in her Custard", or "Stegasaurus Reggae Stomp".

They sound like unreleased Zappa tunes, or maybe Beefheart.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450686159' post='2934773']
They sound like unreleased Zappa tunes, or maybe Beefheart.

I'm influenced by both. I've just bought the Roxy Blu-ray but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Bands/Composers like Zappa, Beefheart, and the Terrortones have it relatively easy with as their niche not only allows unusual song titles, it's expected. If I had been deliberately making Zappa or Beefheart style titles, I would have gone even weirder though :)

It's a challenge to come up with more straightforward titles which have a good chance of being original. All of these have had a very quick check on google. I've rejected some song titles where there was something similar. E.g. "The River Flows on Forever" - there is a "The River that Flows Forever." I've tried to not cheat by swapping words - E.g. I could have gotten away with "The Amazon Flows Forever", but don't feel that would be right.

Heart like a Hornet
You Told Me Nothing
Four String Symphony
Sail Away from You
Morning Lake Light
Lady Play that Bass
Cold Wind Coming
One More Train to Ride ---------- (there's a book called this, about hobos)
(You Never Gave Me) Mercy
Faster than a Falcon
Alone on the Summit ---------- (Stephen Venables wrote 'Alone at the Summit' - I want to read it now)
It's Hiding in my Heart
Your Sister Loves me More ----------- (Too many of these might only work in C&W)
She Dances in the Flames ------- getting too long
Your Love is in your Motion
He Loves You More
Fifteen Miles from You
Keeps Me Missing You ---- too many 'you's.
(Too Much Light) At Night
You Never Made Things Right

This may be getting self-indulgent. I'll stop.

Edited by Annoying Twit

[quote name='ras52' timestamp='1450685624' post='2934768']
Easy solution: don't google it. Also, there's no copyright in titles.
this, most of my songs titles just come from a line in the song, or a random line from a film i may have watched recently.
I don't google band names or song names as it will drive you nuts


All you need to do is to take your original song title or band name and convert it into business guff.

To get you started, here's the Financial Times (no, really, have a look): https://ig.ft.com/sites/guffipedia/

So if you want to start a band called The Cars, and you can see that there might be some issues, you could instead call yourselves [i]The Sustainable Mobility Solutions[/i] (Toyota, 2010).

For song titles you could just go for obscurity and make them mean what you want to mean:
[i]Move The Planet A Little Closer To The Future [/i](Cisco Systems, 2012)
[i]Robustify Learnability [/i](US Federal Reserve, 2006)
[i]Go-Forward Scenario [/i](AOL, 2014)

But it's worth bearing in mind that a newly-written song can also be viewed as a [i]Multi-Dimensional Communication Scaffold [/i](Circus Street, 2014).


[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1450685209' post='2934760']
I'm awful, I can't write lyrics or song titles... I have nothing to say or complain about.

This describes me as well. I stay firmly away from anything involving words in the band.


Well my latest composition is called 'fish and cod Roe' and I cant find any other songs of that title , so it can be done ;)

If you feel the need to listen to it there is a link in this months composition thread in the recording forums. However , you could wait a day or two then vote for it when the thread pops up :lol:


I'm assuming that the titles come out roughly the same because the subject matter is similar Try writing about your love of, say, second order differential equations and I'm sure the title would be unique.. Although Coldplay might have got there first with x and y, and to be honest Linear Homogeniety could be Zep's "The song remains the same". I'll get me coat.


I don't write songs, only music. I also don't use real titles any more, but when I did, I used to use titles that the music reminded me of. One piece the melody seemed to be saying 'Such a lonely place', so that was the title.
Sometimes I'd name them after what my influence for the track was. I did a piece last year, the idea came to me while sheltering from a storm, I called it 'A moment of peace, after the rain'.
Others have been quotes from books that I've been reading, words that I've seen while travelling around.


I don't know about that. Here are some of my song titles

Man hippo
Put it in the tossbank
Bacon butty
Do the Fish
Steve Christie is a media man and so is Linda lesbian
Bombers on benefits
Degeneration of the penis
Fish special


Alternatively, you could adapt my suggestion for a band-name generator from a few months back, and just use Basschat topic titles as song titles:
[*]Why did you start?
[*]I must be getting old
[*]Scooped tone
[*]Credit where credit is due
[*]Shivers down your spine
[*]You'll never perform



[quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1450716112' post='2935155']
I don't know about that. Here are some of my song titles

Man hippo
Put it in the tossbank
Bacon butty
Do the Fish
Steve Christie is a media man and so is Linda lesbian
Bombers on benefits
Degeneration of the penis
Fish special

One of those has already been done ...



[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1450716265' post='2935162']
One of those has already been done ...


Guess it's time to retire!


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1450716265' post='2935162']
One of those has already been done ...


The actual term is [b]bestiality[/b]. It is frequently mispronounced, and consequently mis-spelled.


[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1450727580' post='2935321']
The actual term is [b]bestiality[/b]. It is frequently mispronounced, and consequently mis-spelled.
Actually, when we wrote Beastiality (not the one above) we knew this but thought if we were singing "bestiality" people might not know what we were on about. We realised most people said beastiality!

So +1 to us smart arse bastards!

Plus it's funnier and fit better!


[quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1450716112' post='2935155']
Degeneration of the penis

We had one called 'Spiders Ruined My Dong'.
Also, 'Dracula Helps Us To Pee' and
'Bungalow Business'.

That band folded for some reason.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450729446' post='2935346']
We had one called 'Spiders Ruined My Dong'.
Also, 'Dracula Helps Us To Pee' and
'Bungalow Business'.

That band folded for some reason.
[/quote]That's a shame! It sounds like the perfect, high end, conceptual arty stuff I'm into!


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1450716265' post='2935162']
One of those has already been done ...


bringing home the bacon :D

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