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Not really, probably because there aren't enough names in the world.

The exceptions are two of my MIJ Rick copies - the Kasuga is the Rickenbugger, while another is a bitsa which I put together from parts scavenged from various dead basses, and is (predictably) The Frankenbugger.



One, or a very few, name(s) crept in when keeping the basses nameless meant I needed too many words.
Kermit then was one of the green Bongos.

However, it didn't last, and Kermit once again simply became:
"that green Bongo over there no the other one yes that one".


I've never been one for naming inanimate objects and I haven't named any of my electric basses, but for some reason the double basses needed to be named, so they're Barbara, Jayne and Boris.

Posted (edited)

The only one with a name is "Sarah". It's a USA precision, blonde, made in 1982 and very, very sexy. Named after my good lady who is also all of those things. Apart from being a p-bass.

Cheesy I know but she thinks it's romantic

Edited by Skinnyman

I have one called the Frankenjazz, but that's the name its maker gave it in the sale thread. The others have not been given names, nor will they be.

Posted (edited)

Whenever I get a bass, I take the original tagged name of the bass (P-bass, Jazz, Bongo, Stingray etc...) and go with a bit of ol' fashioned alliteration. The first letter will correspond with a really traditional ladies name. I named my Bongo [i]'Betsy'[/i]. A P-bass would be called something like [i]'Penelope'[/i], I'm sure y'all get the picture.

Edited by ChunkyMunky

I refer to my Sandberg as Sandy, and my Martin&Co acoustic as Martin or the Martin. My buddy refers to his Gibson LP as Les. Not really sure if they are names, or just lazy versions of what the guitars are. Maybe both.

I have a bunch of other guitar shaped instruments, and none of them have names.

Rickenbugger has been my favourite so far! He sounds like a Pratchett character.


I commissioned my Shuker P Bass when my mum surprisingly left me an unexpected bit of cash, so it is called "You Rosie" the phrase her mum used if my mum was in trouble. I don't ever find myself using the name, but then I don't find I need to refer to it at all - it's just there!


Glad its not just me! :D I stared naming things after farscape - In the season 4 companion (i think) Ben Browder said he got the idea from NASA that:

[url="http://www.farscapeworld.com/interviews/interviews.php?id=askben"]"All important inanimate objects should be named after beautiful women."[/url]

I've been calling all my bikes 'the beast' since i was about 10 [url="http://www.comicvine.com/eddie-topps/4005-83245/"]because[/url].... I probably should have grown out of it by now, but nah...


Not normally as they already have names (and when the names are as fine as Ripper, Victory and Thunderbird, why change them?), but my Gibson RD Artist is often referred to (only in house) as "the Bass Fairy bass" - my wife bought me it but said it came from "the Bass Fairy" and it kinda stuck :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='operative451' timestamp='1451988210' post='2945183']
Glad its not just me! :D I stared naming things after farscape - In the season 4 companion (i think) Ben Browder said he got the idea from NASA that:

[url="http://www.farscapeworld.com/interviews/interviews.php?id=askben"]"All important inanimate objects should be named after beautiful women."[/url]

I've been calling all my bikes 'the beast' since i was about 10 [url="http://www.comicvine.com/eddie-topps/4005-83245/"]because[/url].... I probably should have grown out of it by now, but nah...

As I was typing my first reply, I started to feel a little uneasy, maybe even sort of "ashamed" or that I was confessing to something
But I'm glad you started this thread, because you are obviously not the only one, and of course, neither am I :)

Several DB players seem to have replied, and said, like me, they name DB's not bass guitars
and it has me wondering whether all DB players name their basses?

Edited by Marc S

The Yamaha TRB5PII is called "The TRB", the Yamaha TRB5P is called "The 5P", the Yamaha BB1000S is called (you guessed it!) "The BB", the Maison P-copy is called "The 4 String", the Maison 5 Bass Collection-copy is called "The Maison" and the ukelele bass is called "The Ukelele".

Amps, cabs and pedals folow the same logic. I'm not very creative when it comes to names...


I call the signature models I have by the artists name - unsurprisingly.

Also my '78 P was given the moniker DeeDee by a former bandmate coz of it's colour / neck combo:-



[quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1451996101' post='2945275']
...my '78 P was given the moniker DeeDee by a former bandmate coz of it's colour / neck combo...

I have a 76 in exactly the same livery... I really must post a few pictures of it one of these days... ;)


[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1451989040' post='2945189']
Not normally as they already have names (and when the names are as fine as Ripper, Victory and Thunderbird, why change them?), but my Gibson RD Artist is often referred to (only in house) as "the Bass Fairy bass" - my wife bought me it but said it came from "the Bass Fairy" and it kinda stuck :)

Yup, All my basses came with cool names;

German Made Hofner Club
P Bass
Tele Bass
Les Paul

Would change a thing.



Well, if guitarists name their axes fancy names such as Lucille, why shouldn't we do the same with our basses? I started giving names to my bass guitars, but after the fourth purchase things got silly (I now have 10, plus 2 uprights). So now I simply describe them (the fretless Corvette 5, the Bass Collection, the Fortress 5, etc.).
My first upright is still called Andy (don't ask).
I have always thought of my basses as male - probably because the name is masculine in Italian; they say 'il basso', not 'la chitarra bassa'. (Italian has no neuter gender.)


Posted (edited)

[quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1452067149' post='2945957']
I have always thought of my basses as male - probably because the name is masculine in Italian; they say 'il basso', not 'la chitarra bassa'. (Italian has no neuter gender.)


Interesting...I wonder what the split is like across the different European languages. I'm fairly sure a bass is feminine in both French and German.

Edit: The plot thickens. "Bass" is masculine in German, though "guitar" is feminine, so a bass guitar is feminine by association.

Edited by EliasMooseblaster

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