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Hi, fellow Groove-meisters

Although I mostly play a Precision at the moment, I was thinking recently how nice it would be to have a Jazz again. Then I decided that I would like to track down the Squier Jazz that was stolen from me...on 9th November, 1991.

Sound crazy? Possibly not, it seems...

That night, over twenty-four years ago, my band had just played a charity gig (Marie Curie Cancer Care), and was enjoying a well-earned curry, when a street-gang broke into my Austin Metro, parked on Oak Lane, Bradford. The thieves (who were seen, and locals called the cops) also got away with a Marshall
amp, Peterson cab and my wife's video camera. (Yep, leaving gear in a car, in the dark, was stupid. Never again.)

What really hurt, of course, was losing my treasured instrument (bought from Spectre Sound, Bingley in 1987), which was a very fine, Japanese-made Squier, Serial Number E 636298.
I'd upgraded its hardware with a gold Badass II bridge, EMG active pickups, and 3 chrome tone/volume knobs. At the time, it had a white body and scratchplate;
neck rosewood with dot inlays.

So with my new-found purpose in life, I've emailed details about this bass to a lot of music shops, and several guitar magazines (one of which, to its enormous credit, intends to feature it shortly).

Here's the deal. Anyone reuniting me with my baby gets a £100 reward, and I'll pay £500 to the current (blameless) owner. So £600 if that's one-and-the-same- person. (Needless to say, the wife thinks I'm nuts. But hey.)

Here's the twist. A few nights ago, on my deranged pilgrimage, I was combing through the 'Basses for Sale' section of Basschat, and saw a ghost.

Or that's what it felt like. This was very real, however. 'GSbass' had posted the bass for sale, in November, 2014. The headstock close-up shot showed the SN very clearly. Everything else was as-was, but for the now-black scratchplate, and a patch of damage to the finish on its bottom edge.

I replied to the posting, asking if he still had it...(unlikely)... and I've had no response. If you bought it from GSbass, please consider my offer...Thanks.

email: [email protected] tel. 023 8077 2660

Posted (edited)

It seems a bit obvious and you've probably done it already but have you contacted the member "Dom in Somerset" as well?

Reading through the For Sale thread it seems that Dom is his brother - maybe he can help.

Just a suggestion......best of luck.

Edited by Jazzneck
Posted (edited)

Good story and good luck. Have you tried tracking it through the feedback threads if possible?

Edited by ead


In all honesty I've been a tad dismissive of 'social media' in the past (MyFace/Tw*tbook/whatever), and didn't hold out much hope of anything coming of this.

However...after some e-dialogue with Joel McIvor [he of Bass Guitar magazine] and Silvia Bluejay [of Basschat], and re-posting onto General Discussion...I was contacted by a guy in W.Yorkshire, who said he had the bass and was willing to sell. I asked him for some new pictures, and it was The One!


Miracles can happen after all, (and 'ey kid, maybe this forum stuff ain't a waste of (cyber)space.) I've arranged to do the deal on my next return visit to Bradford in a few weeks.
Seems the bass had never strayed far from where it was originally half-inched.

Assuming things get concluded ok, my sincere thanks to Joel, Silvia, Basschat and all you cool Groovers who've lent a sympathetic ear...[sob]...



It's great when something like this works out, really pleased you've found it and are getting it back.

Must feel great to know you'll be seeing it again after so long :D


[quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1454006187' post='2965368']
Agh good stuff, now can SOMEONE please find my avatar bass.....??!?!!


..and mine too while they're at it. My first bass that I refined

Seriously though. So amazing to hear about ColinH's bass. Really hope it holds true to your memories of it.

Good luck.


[quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1454006187' post='2965368']
Agh good stuff, now can SOMEONE please find my avatar bass.....??!?!!


Have you looked down the back of the settee..? ... and behind the fridge..? ... at the back of the cupboard under the stairs, and in your black jean's rear pocket..? :mellow:


That should be made into a movie!!! :)

Well, it may not have a lot of appeal to the larger audience but I'd watch it ;)

Great result!


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1454010248' post='2965444']

Have you looked down the back of the settee..? ... and behind the fridge..? ... at the back of the cupboard under the stairs, and in your black jean's rear pocket..? :mellow:

Looked everywhere, even asked the wife, swears she hasn't sold..ahem...seen it.


[quote name='ColinH' timestamp='1454003795' post='2965314']

In all honesty I've been a tad dismissive of 'social media' in the past (MyFace/Tw*tbook/whatever), and didn't hold out much hope of anything coming of this.


Miracles can happen after all, (



Social media is great.

I had my car stolen on 23rd January 2015.
As a result of a fierce Facebook campaign a member of the public saw it parked up in a cul-de-sac 7miles from where I lived and called it into the police. It was recovered on 29th january 2015.

Social media is great at this kind of thing!

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