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Hi folks

As i near the completion of my broken bass repair, my wandering mind has turned to pickups....

I initially set a faitly low budget but after reading many threads, reviews and opinions i came to the conclusion the most players seem to go on what looks like an expensive journey trying pick up after pick up to get a tone true to the bass and limit feed back issues, to name but a few issues....

So, i thought id up my budget.

I have warmed to every review ive read on the upton rev solo pickup but cant seem to find a uk supplier ? Can anyone help ?

Second option is, i have seen a barely used/ as new schertler set b set for sale.... This is an expensive set up but i have made a chance offer to the seller and he is considering it (considerably lower than his asking price) .......
If he agrees, it would be chance to go straight in with a peice of reputable kit at a low cost.....so i think its the bargain opportunity appealing to me here as much as anything ???

Any views on the two ? And any help with a uk supplier for the upton pup ?


I used the Schertler Stat B for a couple of years, but could never really get on with it. The arco sound & response was nice & balanced, but the pizz sound for me was just not good enough, and I also experienced terrible feedback problems.

Since switching to a Wilson K4 / Radial PZ-Pre pre-amp / Acoustic Image Ten2 setup, I couldn't be happier.

If it was me, personally, I would keep looking.


[quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1453972925' post='2964725']
Anyone used the Upton pup?
I have an Upton Rev Solo 2 - I like it a lot, it's pretty natural-sounding compared to my previous BassMax. It's incredibly sensitive to how you position it in the bridge slot though - literally a millimetre to the side and the sound completely changes. I bought it second hand from another basschatter so I can't help with how to get one in the UK, sorry :(


I had a Rev Solo as well. Loved the tone, but it was fiddley to get/keep in position. I ordered mine directly from Upton. You can have screws added to your bridge wing slots to help hold the pickup better. Maybe start with a Bassmax or Hurley or something that's easy to install and go from there.


Bridgewood Neitzert used to sell Rev Solo. Bought one a few year ago from them.Worth a shot. The Rev is a great pickup when fitted right. The Stat needs phantom power I think, a pain in the butt.
Go for a Rev Solo, i have used yhem since they came out, 10 years ago? still going strong


Yes, i think my minds made up on the rev....
Cheers guys

Has anyone considered a bead of super glue to one (just 1 side) of the bridge wing to secure it ? If carefully glued at one point it would allow for differing expansion rates of the two woods (bridge and pup) can see the it would interfere with pups ability to "breathe" it just fix on one leading edge ?

Anyhoo, do any of you users of the rev use a pre amp ? Im using a lil mark 3 with balanced input ? ( impeadance is something i have yet to undrrstand !)


[quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1453991978' post='2965083']
Yes, i think my minds made up on the rev....
Cheers guys

Has anyone considered a bead of super glue to one (just 1 side) of the bridge wing to secure it ? If carefully glued at one point it would allow for differing expansion rates of the two woods (bridge and pup) can see the it would interfere with pups ability to "breathe" it just fix on one leading edge ?

Anyhoo, do any of you users of the rev use a pre amp ? Im using a lil mark 3 with balanced input ? ( impeadance is something i have yet to undrrstand !)

I don't think it's a good idea to glue it in place but I wrapped it in masking tape until it fits snugly, then once I found the "sweet spot" I marked the position on the masking tape if you see what I mean.

I've tried a Platimun Pro preamp but to be honest I get better results going straight into my GK MB150 combo - it takes a lot of EQ fiddling but I have it set up pretty well to avoid that nasty boomy, middle-y sound that you get with piezos.


that's where the appeal of the Schertler set b came in as I figured id have better control feedback and boom etc, plus a pre amp designed to go specifically with the pup....
its an expensive set up but I have chance to pay £200 for one which reckoned to be a good price, I certainly couldn't stretch to the £320dd plus retail price of new one....

another train of thought is that spending £200 on the 2nd hand shcetler puts me in the right ball park to buy a new fishman full circle.... although that could end up requiring an additional preamp to appease the relationship between the pup and my amp......

this urb pup lark is a mine field , especially for someone who obsesses over decision like me !


yep understand on the gluing, but I don't mean face to face glueing of the surfaces, just a tiny bead on one of the 90 degree angles where the two woods meet ?


I've used the stat-b for years now. It's an incredibly good pickup - but needs to be properly fitted or the sound is badly affected. Also, I've never had any issues with feedback at all.
One of the bass mags ran a feature some years back where they scientifically tested pickups for the amount of fundamental vs overtone reproduction and the stat-b came out joint top if I recall, alongside the Barbara transducer bridge. Wilson K4 was close behind.
I can't recommend the stat-b highly enough. What preamp comes with the one you're looking at?


[quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1454073871' post='2966125']
Nothing wrong with a bit of torn up fag packet to use as a shim.. its all about getting the right pressure on the pickup.

Andy, what pup you using?

Ive got back to the schertler stat b seller and hope to hear back soon.....

Strings next..... Im thinking evah pirrazi wiech should do it...... Where would be best on price ?

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