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Ok folks bear in mind this applies to PUB and CLUB gigs only. Not great big stages and stadiums!!!! so.....used a pair of great EBS112 neos for years and years and years. No problem. Great sound. Quite happy. Actually very happy. Saw an EBS 2x 10 neo going for the right money. Got curious. Brought it. Decided to gig it for a few months and wait just in case its a new thing = new thrill before I draw a conclusion. Conclusion is yep defo prefer the old 10s. When I came in some 30 odd years ago although the cabs were obviously bigger,heavier and not as good as they are now, they were still 10s.
Im sure the only thing I didnt like was the weight but when i was younger it was probably eaiser to convince my eyes before my ears........and so the move away from one issue , the size and weight, led me down some foggy path that went on for years and landed with the 112s before i ended up back here in 10s land.
Headroom wise its pretty much on par with a pair of the 12s so if any thing I now need (on most pub gigs) just the one cab instead of two.
Its staring me in the ears: The fact that the cab is in itself bigger it just has more of everything on offer without much effort from me and my eq. Its more versatile and every one in the band notices the difference and are as happy as i am with it. I know a lot of this is the bleedin obvious to some but I was wondering how many others out there have gone down the old pair of 112 route (cause its lighter, better this ,better that ect) only to arrive back at the original?

Not a test of whos the best here, or a whats better 10s or 12s just a casual any one else found their way back to the good old "cab loaded with 10s" ?


I haven`t, as my back won`t allow me. I`m currently using Barefaced Super 12Ts and am very happy with them, but almost every time I hear a bassist playing through a stack of 10s I just love it. That tight focused punch is just awesome. I know speaker size has nothing to do with tone, so I reckon it`s the sound of multiple speakers on the go that I like, and it just seems that cabs with 10s in them are voiced for that punchiness, or at least, every cab I`ve had with 10s in has been, in comparison to the cabs in the same range that have 15s.


I have the Mark bass 4x10, 1x15 and a 2x10 traveller cab, my favourite set up is definitely the 6x10 option other than, despite being a lightweight cab, the 4x10 is still heavy and unwieldy so I tend to end up going with the 2x10 and 1x15 set up


I swear by 10's. I have two 2X10 cabs and depending of the size of the venue I usually just take the one cab. I do have a 2X12 and 1X15 but i very rarely use them. I find the 10's more punchier. I use both TC and TE cabs.


Now if only Barefaced did a 410 and a 210 without any voicing - I`d be over them like a rash. 410 for rehearsals, both for gigs - well you have to look the part.

Posted (edited)

I went from 212 to 410x2. Don't regret it, although I do now have roughly 3x the speaker area (assuming the are flat which they aren't!)

Edited by colgraff

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